One Piece: Luffy's Big Brother.
Chapter 79 - 79: Up there...
"Let's wreck this altar apart shall we ?"
"Finally !" Raffe shouted with his blood boiling hot.
And Edam didn't have to order anything as they acted on their own.
"Let's finish this quickly..." Leo stretched his limbs and then from under his shell, his two pair of wings show up as he flapped and quickly shot to the sky.
Zaz let out a growl as his eyes much like Edam's eyes shone a bright golden light with the sclera going black and he slowly turned into a beautiful but threatening werewolf with what looked like broken chains on his feet and arms as he shot up in the forest like bolt of energy.
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh !
Even Raffe transformed into a mini Godzilla and rushed in the forest like a retarded swinging his hammer left and right like a crazy guy and chuckled with laughter coming from hell.
Rumble ! Rumble !
Meanwhile Kuina looked at all of them transforming into beast of destruction and chaos and couldn't help but ask herself.
'What the hell am I even doing in this team ?'
Edam who didn't left yet couldn't help but laughed at her face.
"Are you alright ?"
"Ah ? Ah yes... somewhat... It's just that I don't know what I'm doing in this team, I'm not even a minks or whatnot..."
"We are a special unit, who care if you're different than the other members ? We are meant to be different than the other units to begin with." Edam said with a smile on his face.
"And well I won't transform if you want to know..." He smiled.
"..." Kuina didn't say anything but just thought. 'You're the craziest even without transforming into...' She want to say a beast but something tickled her mind for an instant. 'Wait now that I think about it...'
"Can you even transform into a beast too ?" She asked curiously. Everyone knew that Edam wasn't the least bit human but it was still something she never thought about before, in fact no one really asked or wondered about it, mostly because Edam could beat any of them up whenever he felt like doing it.
His "human" power were so above them that no one really wondered if he had something up his sleeves like a beast transformation.
"...Hum..." Edam pondered if he should say it but then just said. "... yeah sort of..." He said and proceed to walk forward.
"We never saw you transform though... Why is that ? Is it a secret weapon for when you're push into a corner ?" Kuina said as she walked into the forest.
"..." Edam averted his eyes. "Not really no..."
"Then why ?" She looked at him curiously.
"For no real reason, I just don't felt like doing it, that's all..." Edam shrugged and said.
'I mean, the condition aren't even met and... I don't want to destroy a country...'
"Anyway let's rush a bit..." Edam and then began to jogged. Seeing this she of course understood that he didn't want to talked about it and did the same and ran too.
At the place where the altar should be, the sound of a battle was already echoing out.
Slash !
Shriek !
Swoosh !
Bam !
When Edam and Kuina arrived at the place, they saw a strange battle unfolded itself before them... no they didn't really know if one could call that a fight.
"Damn dog stay in place !" A guy with completely black outfit ressembling a priest said as he tried to chase behind Zaz and shooting at him with a weird musket. The weapon had the appearance of a fowl and kept firing eggs that would explode into hot frying eggs when in contact with something.
Pew, pew, pew !
While Zaz dodge the attacks, he couldn't help but think. "Heck he's really attacking with that thing..."
"[Rankyaku !]"
On Leo's side...
"Come down here f*cking pigeon, I will bless you with my staff !" Another black priest yelled as he waved his staff in the air and of course his staff wasn't normal, it could extent and shrink at one will but one weird thing is that the staff would sometimes go "limp" after reaching a distance of twenty meters or so.
"F*ck you ! You eunuch priest !" Leo couldn't tolerate an idiot of a priest calling him a pigeon and retorted back like a kid... and even charged at him to fight till the end.
"You ! F*cking Dinosaure stop destroying the place, damn heretics !" Another one attacked Raffe with a frying pan ! But too bad for him he seemed to seriously lacked firepower and couldn't pierce Raffe's defense at all.
There were also other people who were ganging up on Raffe, although those dudes didn't had special weapon like the other three but just normal weapons to shoot with.
"Hahahaha..." Mini Godzilla only laughed like a maniac at his mosquitos attacks swept every priest who were firing at him with his hammer.
"Ahhhh ! Lord save us !" Scream of despair reverberate everywhere as they call out their God to help them.
"Ahhhh...! I will sacrifice another sheep for you !"
'Damn you, I don't want your sheep...keep it.' Edam thought.
Meanwhile at the altar's core place. There was what looks like a huge cross with a blood red veil nailed on the said cross flowing in the air gently.
And at the cross's place, a single man dress as a priest too but with a hood covering his head was standing there not moving an inch from there observing with anger, his gaze was especially looking at the two priests with the two special weapons.
He grit his teeths in anger as he thought. "Nezumi you bastard, what about our damn deal !"
After a moment he finally noticed Edam and Kuina and he yelled.
"You, where is Nezumi, we had a deal !" He pointed at the two with his finger.
"Nezumi's service are unavailable, now surrender..." Edam said with a smile on his face.
"You ! You think you're something big huh ?"
'Not really no...' He thought but said with a sarcastic smile. "Yeah a tiny bit I guess..."
"But let me tell you, you're nothing in this vast world !" The guy said with a crazy look in his eyes and then he spoke with fanatism. "Our Lord could reduced you to cinders in an instant... One day he came to me and told me I was a chosen one, that I will change thr world !"
At this the priest spit out, and then pointed out at Edam with his finger.
"If you think that I'm anywhere near the level of those idiots there, you're clearly mistaking something."
"Bomb Bomb fruit: Explosive bullet !" a small bullet flew out of his finger toward Edam.
But even before it could go anywhere near Edam, Kuina had already unsheated her sword, and crossed a few meters forward to cut this explosive bullet in two, as it explode out behind her.
The priest shoot a dozen of bullets but they were all cleaved by Kuina.
"Hmph..." A small snort sounded out from her.
"You ! Explosive Rifle !" He put his two hands as if he had two gun and like a spycho he shoot !
"Hmph, [One sword style !]"
"[Hundred Flower Storming Sakura !]" Kuina draws out a pink, energy-like aura around her body that takes the form in that of several sakura petals. She then slashes at her enemy with her sword creating several pink, wave-like patterns that destroy every bullets shot at her.
Slash, slash ,slash, slash !
Boom, boom, boom, boom !
They fought like this for a couples of minutes without any of them taking the lead. Kuina would cut every bullet but the explosion and shockwaves as small as they could be, would meddle in her business.
Seeing this the priest managed to avoid some pink waves and moved backward and shouted.
"Disciples ! Distract her !" As he said that the disciple who were attacking Raffe completely changed their target to attack Kuina.
But of course those mobs couldn't possibly blocked someone as trained and powerful as Kuina at all but it did the job of distracting her for a few moments, it was all it took for the black priest to prepare his attack.
"Heretics, take this !" A bomb the size and shape of skull then came out of the top of his head as he shouted. "Death Bomb !" He grabbed the bomb and was about to throw it but...
In response she put back her sword in the sheat and closed her eyes for a split second as she breath out and uttured.
[One sword style !] With a quick and zigzag patterns move she crossed a certain distance in the blink of an eye.
[Haven Cutter !] She appeared behind the priest and put her sword back in her sheath, her hair swaying in the air.
The priest fell on the ground with a rather huge cut appearing on his ċhėst.
"Gaahhh...!" He scream in pain but his eyes still had a malevolent look in his eyes as he blurted out.
"Gyahaha, you will all die with me !"
"Wha-...?" Kuina didn't get his meaning immediatly, only after a few second did she then hurriedly looked at the Bomb the priest dropped down.
The Bomb was already glowing yellow looking as if it could exploded anytime.
She wanted to reach out for the bomb with her hands to throw it in the air.
"Too late ! Gyahaha...!" The priest looked in the sky as if waiting for his salvation
"And who decided that ?" A small chuckle sounded.
Without any of them realizing when, what, and how, someone suddenly appeared and obviously it was Edam, whose foot was already below the skull-like bomb.
"Up you go !"
And as if he was playing football he kicked the skull bomb to the sky, a hundred of meters away from the ground and...
BOOM ! A terrible explosion happened with a shockwave that blew away any clouds in the vicinity.
"What a terrifying fireworks." Edam said with a hand over his forefront as he watched the explosion.
He was rather happy to have keep an eye on this certain priest there or the consequence would have been disastrous to see.
Kuina breath out in relief with a hand on her ċhėst. 'Phew... I thought I was going to die..."
And every persons presents at the altar spot stopped at once as they watch the explosion too.
However the disciples eyes slowly came to rest on the defeated bishop.
"Master !"
By the time Zaz and Leo had already defeated their opponents.
...Edam who had finish to look at the fireworks took a glance at all the disciples and the two priests.
Faced with the defeat of their priest and leader, all the disciples made the simple and reasonable choice to flee for their life.
"Flee ! Flee !"
"God save me !"
"Quick we have to flee or else we're done for !"
But poor them, they didn't get to go far away as Edam looked in their directions with a cold gaze, and all of them for a reason or another suddenly felt their consciousness fading away as they fell to the ground like dying bugs.
Tah, tah, tah, tah, tah !...etc
"Hum... what was that ?" Leo asked as he tied up his opponent.
"Don't mind that, it's just one of his broken ability again, go tie them up..." Zaz said as he too tied up his opponent.
The priest that Kuina defeated woke up again as he spoke weakly but still with his evil voice.
"You think that if you capture me everything will end ? Then dream on I'm only a bishops of East-blue ! The influence of our God has reach the deepest part of the New World !"
"Uh huh..." Edam narrowed his eyes as he listened.
The guy's eyes then illuminated as he said. "Humph, I'm not the only one on this crappy island Gahahaha... cough, cough, cough, ugh..." He then fainted again.
"..." Edam looked at him for moment before he looked at Donny's side with a frown.
Meanwhile, on Donny & co's side, their mission was going as smoothly as possible.
Donny used his devil fruit power to erase his presence and sneaked behind his opponent.
"[Presence Zero !]" Like a ghost he appeared behind and struck at the neck of the guy who never realized him sneaking behind his back.
Shion used his small but mighty stature to strike at the last moment with a violent.
"[Great Horn ! Great Charge !]
Mickey used his speed that could equal or even surpass Zaz's own speed to dominate his opponent and attack with a special move of his.
[Sonic Spinning Shell !] After gaining a sufficent speed from his running, he throw himself at the ennemy while going back in his shell spinning at an insane speed to violently destroy his ennemy.
As for the two remaining ennemies, Inue and Nekoe worked together to deal with them with his spear and her arrows.
Overall they had defeated the five guards who were guarding the hostages with a certain ease despite that they were well trained.
They after that open the cave in which the hostages were in and who couldn't be any happier to see them.
"It's... It's the Marines ! We are saf-... safe ?" There was a certain dude with an absurd nose size who exclaimed happily for a moment but was rapidly drained off of his excitation when he saw his saviors. In fact he wasn't the only one, a lot were gonna rejoice but...
Sure enough, for normal folks like them seeing non-humans people wearing Marines uniforms was quite a big shock for them.
"Wha-... what ?" Some thought they were dreaming and rubbed their eyes.
"Oh-... Oh maybe they are what they were talking about in the Newspaper ?"
"Ah, yes I read it too, I thought it was a fake news or something but it doesn't seems to be the case..."
The hostages then began to praise them heartfully with immense gratitude in their heart, after all they nearly became the living sacrifice for a freaking God...
"Although none of you are human, you still saved all our lives thank you so much !" A man said with gratitude.
"It's true, thank you so much !" A woman had tears in her eyes as she cried.
"The Marines on this island are rotten, we really thought we were done for..." An elderly said.
All the hostages were then led outside as they praised the team even more.
Being smothered by so much praises from a hundred of citizens made them all felt kind of embarrassed.
"...Ah it's nothing to be praised for..." Nekoe said with a joyful smile on her face as her tail sway left and right.
"It's our job after all..." Inue scratched his head, his tail too sway left and right.
Shion only looked down in embarrassement.
Only Donny didn't reacted that much and just looked at them all.
"Excuse me everyone, Is the Ensign Bell-mère here ?"
At this, from far away a woman slowly lifted her hand to show that she was there.
"I'm-... I'm here..." The said Bell-mère was was a relatively slim woman with long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail, grey eyes, and a rather unique hairstyle similar to a mohawk known as a chelsea hawk. She wore a green checkered shirt with the word "MACE" on it, indigo trousers and brown sandals. She was currently being supported by two young girls.
She had a lot wounds on her body surely from being caught spying on them but even with those injuries she fȯrċɨbŀƴ draw out a smile.
"Bell-mère-san don't push yourself !" One of the young girl with an orange head who were supporting her said.
"Nami's right, don't move so recklessly !" The other girl who had blue hair agreed and scolded.
"I'm fine, I'm fine..." She said to her daughters and then looked at the men who were taken care off by the special unit but a frown made its way to her face as her eyes widened, she let go of her two daughters and quickly took hold of Donny shoulders and shook him a bit in panic.
"There is supposed to be three more persons ! Where are they ?!"
"What-...?!" Donny exclaimed. "Three more persons ?! But Edam didn't saw them..."
Realization seemed to come upon her as Bell-mère exclaimed. "One of them... One of them can pass through things, everything he touched can passed through with him, he surely took his accomplices with him and hid for some time !"
"KYAAAH !" As they spoke the cry of a young girl resounded out.
Before even turning around, Bell-mère's face and the young girl's beside her paled in an instant as they turned around instantly.
"NAMI !!!" They ran with all their force to get her but the numbers of people around were so much that they couldn't move without running on someone.
And worse, the guy was passing through the crowd as he ran with the young girl in his arms.
"Nyahaha, I will take her as compensation !"
Although some people did tried to catch him in vain...
Donny who realize the situation shouted. "Mickey ! Get the guy !"
Swoosh !
Mickey without waiting a second more shoot out like a cannon ball jumping from tree to tree and was about to get the guy but someone surged out of nowhere and kicked his hand away.
"The bishop want this girl ! This is our God's will !" A fanatic look in the eyes of this preacher.
Inue too who wanted reacted was blocked by someone and roar.
"Out of the way !"
"Not happening !"
Donny saw that and shouted. "Dammit, Shion go after him, you will easily avoid the crowd !"
"Yes !" And he ran like a small but fast mouse.
Nekoe who saw the commotion was already in position on a huge tree with her bow ready to unleashed her arrows, however the kidnapper was running through the crowd, she couldn't shot in it right ?
The guy seeing all those people after him change directions to go in the forest.
Seeing that only then she decided to act and fired some arrows out but they would all pierced near his body scratching it or would landed on a tree he passed through.
However the guy seemed to be quite annoyed at her tentatives and so to threaten her he brought the girl named Nami to his other side clearly intending to use her as a shield. Though he want to take the girl, he want to escape even more.
"Bastard !" The female cat yelled.
As Nekoe couldn't possibly risk the girl's safety to catch him she then stay her bow before jumping down the tree to run after the guy.
Shion had caught up with the kidnapper and charge at him with all his might with his two swirling horn.
"[Great Spinning Horn !]" Shion arrived behind the guy like a furious bull ready to put his target in deep shit.
Alas, Shion who was too hot boiling at the moment totally forgot that...
The guy he was pursuing could traverse anything...
As such, he who was about to put a misery on his ennemy's back completely ran through him to collided against a strong and hard tree...
Crash ! Boom !
"Sh*t, I messed it up...!" The tree was so sturdy that he felt dizzy instantly and fell to the ground.
"Nyahahaha idiot !" The dude laughed at Shion's stupidity as he left the forest and arrived at an open space.
The poor dwarf could have been today's Hero alas that wasn't the case...
Boom ! Fiiiiiuuuuuh !!!!!
From far away, the sound of a strident but heavy sound reverberated in the forest like a sonic boom as it close on them with an insane speed.
"What the heck-...?!" The kidnapper looked on with open eyes as a figure with a full white coat appeared in his sight in the blink of an eye before disappearing. Heck he even saw a pair of golden eyes...
"Argh... Eh ? Eh ? huh ?" The guy fell on the ground in fright but he quickly realize that nothing happen to him...
In fact he fell on the ground without any reasons seemingly...
"No... there was something, I'm certain !" Her began to looked around, and that was then that he saw that the girl he was carrying with him had completely disappeared from his arms.
"What ?!?!?" He took out a sword and looked around.
"Show yourself ! Coward ! Is that how Marines do things." He shouted like a crazy but found nothing.
When he was considering if he should flee and give up on the girl...
"I'm up there..."
The guy lifted his eyes and saw a certain black-haired youngster standing in the air as he hold with one arm an orange-haired young girl, looking down at him from up there.
Obviously it was Edam.
He slowly flew down as the dude asked.
"Who the hell are you ?!"
Edam only smiled at that.
Yohohoho ! Hello friends, tell me my mistakes.. Thanks.
"Let's wreck this altar apart shall we ?"
"Finally !" Raffe shouted with his blood boiling hot.
And Edam didn't have to order anything as they acted on their own.
"Let's finish this quickly..." Leo stretched his limbs and then from under his shell, his two pair of wings show up as he flapped and quickly shot to the sky.
Zaz let out a growl as his eyes much like Edam's eyes shone a bright golden light with the sclera going black and he slowly turned into a beautiful but threatening werewolf with what looked like broken chains on his feet and arms as he shot up in the forest like bolt of energy.
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh !
Even Raffe transformed into a mini Godzilla and rushed in the forest like a retarded swinging his hammer left and right like a crazy guy and chuckled with laughter coming from hell.
Rumble ! Rumble !
Meanwhile Kuina looked at all of them transforming into beast of destruction and chaos and couldn't help but ask herself.
'What the hell am I even doing in this team ?'
Edam who didn't left yet couldn't help but laughed at her face.
"Are you alright ?"
"Ah ? Ah yes... somewhat... It's just that I don't know what I'm doing in this team, I'm not even a minks or whatnot..."
"We are a special unit, who care if you're different than the other members ? We are meant to be different than the other units to begin with." Edam said with a smile on his face.
"And well I won't transform if you want to know..." He smiled.
"..." Kuina didn't say anything but just thought. 'You're the craziest even without transforming into...' She want to say a beast but something tickled her mind for an instant. 'Wait now that I think about it...'
"Can you even transform into a beast too ?" She asked curiously. Everyone knew that Edam wasn't the least bit human but it was still something she never thought about before, in fact no one really asked or wondered about it, mostly because Edam could beat any of them up whenever he felt like doing it.
His "human" power were so above them that no one really wondered if he had something up his sleeves like a beast transformation.
"...Hum..." Edam pondered if he should say it but then just said. "... yeah sort of..." He said and proceed to walk forward.
"We never saw you transform though... Why is that ? Is it a secret weapon for when you're push into a corner ?" Kuina said as she walked into the forest.
"..." Edam averted his eyes. "Not really no..."
"Then why ?" She looked at him curiously.
"For no real reason, I just don't felt like doing it, that's all..." Edam shrugged and said.
'I mean, the condition aren't even met and... I don't want to destroy a country...'
"Anyway let's rush a bit..." Edam and then began to jogged. Seeing this she of course understood that he didn't want to talked about it and did the same and ran too.
At the place where the altar should be, the sound of a battle was already echoing out.
Slash !
Shriek !
Swoosh !
Bam !
When Edam and Kuina arrived at the place, they saw a strange battle unfolded itself before them... no they didn't really know if one could call that a fight.
"Damn dog stay in place !" A guy with completely black outfit ressembling a priest said as he tried to chase behind Zaz and shooting at him with a weird musket. The weapon had the appearance of a fowl and kept firing eggs that would explode into hot frying eggs when in contact with something.
Pew, pew, pew !
While Zaz dodge the attacks, he couldn't help but think. "Heck he's really attacking with that thing..."
"[Rankyaku !]"
On Leo's side...
"Come down here f*cking pigeon, I will bless you with my staff !" Another black priest yelled as he waved his staff in the air and of course his staff wasn't normal, it could extent and shrink at one will but one weird thing is that the staff would sometimes go "limp" after reaching a distance of twenty meters or so.
"F*ck you ! You eunuch priest !" Leo couldn't tolerate an idiot of a priest calling him a pigeon and retorted back like a kid... and even charged at him to fight till the end.
"You ! F*cking Dinosaure stop destroying the place, damn heretics !" Another one attacked Raffe with a frying pan ! But too bad for him he seemed to seriously lacked firepower and couldn't pierce Raffe's defense at all.
There were also other people who were ganging up on Raffe, although those dudes didn't had special weapon like the other three but just normal weapons to shoot with.
"Hahahaha..." Mini Godzilla only laughed like a maniac at his mosquitos attacks swept every priest who were firing at him with his hammer.
"Ahhhh ! Lord save us !" Scream of despair reverberate everywhere as they call out their God to help them.
"Ahhhh...! I will sacrifice another sheep for you !"
'Damn you, I don't want your sheep...keep it.' Edam thought.
Meanwhile at the altar's core place. There was what looks like a huge cross with a blood red veil nailed on the said cross flowing in the air gently.
And at the cross's place, a single man dress as a priest too but with a hood covering his head was standing there not moving an inch from there observing with anger, his gaze was especially looking at the two priests with the two special weapons.
He grit his teeths in anger as he thought. "Nezumi you bastard, what about our damn deal !"
After a moment he finally noticed Edam and Kuina and he yelled.
"You, where is Nezumi, we had a deal !" He pointed at the two with his finger.
"Nezumi's service are unavailable, now surrender..." Edam said with a smile on his face.
"You ! You think you're something big huh ?"
'Not really no...' He thought but said with a sarcastic smile. "Yeah a tiny bit I guess..."
"But let me tell you, you're nothing in this vast world !" The guy said with a crazy look in his eyes and then he spoke with fanatism. "Our Lord could reduced you to cinders in an instant... One day he came to me and told me I was a chosen one, that I will change thr world !"
At this the priest spit out, and then pointed out at Edam with his finger.
"If you think that I'm anywhere near the level of those idiots there, you're clearly mistaking something."
"Bomb Bomb fruit: Explosive bullet !" a small bullet flew out of his finger toward Edam.
But even before it could go anywhere near Edam, Kuina had already unsheated her sword, and crossed a few meters forward to cut this explosive bullet in two, as it explode out behind her.
The priest shoot a dozen of bullets but they were all cleaved by Kuina.
"Hmph..." A small snort sounded out from her.
"You ! Explosive Rifle !" He put his two hands as if he had two gun and like a spycho he shoot !
"Hmph, [One sword style !]"
"[Hundred Flower Storming Sakura !]" Kuina draws out a pink, energy-like aura around her body that takes the form in that of several sakura petals. She then slashes at her enemy with her sword creating several pink, wave-like patterns that destroy every bullets shot at her.
Slash, slash ,slash, slash !
Boom, boom, boom, boom !
They fought like this for a couples of minutes without any of them taking the lead. Kuina would cut every bullet but the explosion and shockwaves as small as they could be, would meddle in her business.
Seeing this the priest managed to avoid some pink waves and moved backward and shouted.
"Disciples ! Distract her !" As he said that the disciple who were attacking Raffe completely changed their target to attack Kuina.
But of course those mobs couldn't possibly blocked someone as trained and powerful as Kuina at all but it did the job of distracting her for a few moments, it was all it took for the black priest to prepare his attack.
"Heretics, take this !" A bomb the size and shape of skull then came out of the top of his head as he shouted. "Death Bomb !" He grabbed the bomb and was about to throw it but...
In response she put back her sword in the sheat and closed her eyes for a split second as she breath out and uttured.
[One sword style !] With a quick and zigzag patterns move she crossed a certain distance in the blink of an eye.
[Haven Cutter !] She appeared behind the priest and put her sword back in her sheath, her hair swaying in the air.
The priest fell on the ground with a rather huge cut appearing on his ċhėst.
"Gaahhh...!" He scream in pain but his eyes still had a malevolent look in his eyes as he blurted out.
"Gyahaha, you will all die with me !"
"Wha-...?" Kuina didn't get his meaning immediatly, only after a few second did she then hurriedly looked at the Bomb the priest dropped down.
The Bomb was already glowing yellow looking as if it could exploded anytime.
She wanted to reach out for the bomb with her hands to throw it in the air.
"Too late ! Gyahaha...!" The priest looked in the sky as if waiting for his salvation
"And who decided that ?" A small chuckle sounded.
Without any of them realizing when, what, and how, someone suddenly appeared and obviously it was Edam, whose foot was already below the skull-like bomb.
"Up you go !"
And as if he was playing football he kicked the skull bomb to the sky, a hundred of meters away from the ground and...
BOOM ! A terrible explosion happened with a shockwave that blew away any clouds in the vicinity.
"What a terrifying fireworks." Edam said with a hand over his forefront as he watched the explosion.
He was rather happy to have keep an eye on this certain priest there or the consequence would have been disastrous to see.
Kuina breath out in relief with a hand on her ċhėst. 'Phew... I thought I was going to die..."
And every persons presents at the altar spot stopped at once as they watch the explosion too.
However the disciples eyes slowly came to rest on the defeated bishop.
"Master !"
By the time Zaz and Leo had already defeated their opponents.
...Edam who had finish to look at the fireworks took a glance at all the disciples and the two priests.
Faced with the defeat of their priest and leader, all the disciples made the simple and reasonable choice to flee for their life.
"Flee ! Flee !"
"God save me !"
"Quick we have to flee or else we're done for !"
But poor them, they didn't get to go far away as Edam looked in their directions with a cold gaze, and all of them for a reason or another suddenly felt their consciousness fading away as they fell to the ground like dying bugs.
Tah, tah, tah, tah, tah !...etc
"Hum... what was that ?" Leo asked as he tied up his opponent.
"Don't mind that, it's just one of his broken ability again, go tie them up..." Zaz said as he too tied up his opponent.
The priest that Kuina defeated woke up again as he spoke weakly but still with his evil voice.
"You think that if you capture me everything will end ? Then dream on I'm only a bishops of East-blue ! The influence of our God has reach the deepest part of the New World !"
"Uh huh..." Edam narrowed his eyes as he listened.
The guy's eyes then illuminated as he said. "Humph, I'm not the only one on this crappy island Gahahaha... cough, cough, cough, ugh..." He then fainted again.
"..." Edam looked at him for moment before he looked at Donny's side with a frown.
Meanwhile, on Donny & co's side, their mission was going as smoothly as possible.
Donny used his devil fruit power to erase his presence and sneaked behind his opponent.
"[Presence Zero !]" Like a ghost he appeared behind and struck at the neck of the guy who never realized him sneaking behind his back.
Shion used his small but mighty stature to strike at the last moment with a violent.
"[Great Horn ! Great Charge !]
Mickey used his speed that could equal or even surpass Zaz's own speed to dominate his opponent and attack with a special move of his.
[Sonic Spinning Shell !] After gaining a sufficent speed from his running, he throw himself at the ennemy while going back in his shell spinning at an insane speed to violently destroy his ennemy.
As for the two remaining ennemies, Inue and Nekoe worked together to deal with them with his spear and her arrows.
Overall they had defeated the five guards who were guarding the hostages with a certain ease despite that they were well trained.
They after that open the cave in which the hostages were in and who couldn't be any happier to see them.
"It's... It's the Marines ! We are saf-... safe ?" There was a certain dude with an absurd nose size who exclaimed happily for a moment but was rapidly drained off of his excitation when he saw his saviors. In fact he wasn't the only one, a lot were gonna rejoice but...
Sure enough, for normal folks like them seeing non-humans people wearing Marines uniforms was quite a big shock for them.
"Wha-... what ?" Some thought they were dreaming and rubbed their eyes.
"Oh-... Oh maybe they are what they were talking about in the Newspaper ?"
"Ah, yes I read it too, I thought it was a fake news or something but it doesn't seems to be the case..."
The hostages then began to praise them heartfully with immense gratitude in their heart, after all they nearly became the living sacrifice for a freaking God...
"Although none of you are human, you still saved all our lives thank you so much !" A man said with gratitude.
"It's true, thank you so much !" A woman had tears in her eyes as she cried.
"The Marines on this island are rotten, we really thought we were done for..." An elderly said.
All the hostages were then led outside as they praised the team even more.
Being smothered by so much praises from a hundred of citizens made them all felt kind of embarrassed.
"...Ah it's nothing to be praised for..." Nekoe said with a joyful smile on her face as her tail sway left and right.
"It's our job after all..." Inue scratched his head, his tail too sway left and right.
Shion only looked down in embarrassement.
Only Donny didn't reacted that much and just looked at them all.
"Excuse me everyone, Is the Ensign Bell-mère here ?"
At this, from far away a woman slowly lifted her hand to show that she was there.
"I'm-... I'm here..." The said Bell-mère was was a relatively slim woman with long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail, grey eyes, and a rather unique hairstyle similar to a mohawk known as a chelsea hawk. She wore a green checkered shirt with the word "MACE" on it, indigo trousers and brown sandals. She was currently being supported by two young girls.
She had a lot wounds on her body surely from being caught spying on them but even with those injuries she fȯrċɨbŀƴ draw out a smile.
"Bell-mère-san don't push yourself !" One of the young girl with an orange head who were supporting her said.
"Nami's right, don't move so recklessly !" The other girl who had blue hair agreed and scolded.
"I'm fine, I'm fine..." She said to her daughters and then looked at the men who were taken care off by the special unit but a frown made its way to her face as her eyes widened, she let go of her two daughters and quickly took hold of Donny shoulders and shook him a bit in panic.
"There is supposed to be three more persons ! Where are they ?!"
"What-...?!" Donny exclaimed. "Three more persons ?! But Edam didn't saw them..."
Realization seemed to come upon her as Bell-mère exclaimed. "One of them... One of them can pass through things, everything he touched can passed through with him, he surely took his accomplices with him and hid for some time !"
"KYAAAH !" As they spoke the cry of a young girl resounded out.
Before even turning around, Bell-mère's face and the young girl's beside her paled in an instant as they turned around instantly.
"NAMI !!!" They ran with all their force to get her but the numbers of people around were so much that they couldn't move without running on someone.
And worse, the guy was passing through the crowd as he ran with the young girl in his arms.
"Nyahaha, I will take her as compensation !"
Although some people did tried to catch him in vain...
Donny who realize the situation shouted. "Mickey ! Get the guy !"
Swoosh !
Mickey without waiting a second more shoot out like a cannon ball jumping from tree to tree and was about to get the guy but someone surged out of nowhere and kicked his hand away.
"The bishop want this girl ! This is our God's will !" A fanatic look in the eyes of this preacher.
Inue too who wanted reacted was blocked by someone and roar.
"Out of the way !"
"Not happening !"
Donny saw that and shouted. "Dammit, Shion go after him, you will easily avoid the crowd !"
"Yes !" And he ran like a small but fast mouse.
Nekoe who saw the commotion was already in position on a huge tree with her bow ready to unleashed her arrows, however the kidnapper was running through the crowd, she couldn't shot in it right ?
The guy seeing all those people after him change directions to go in the forest.
Seeing that only then she decided to act and fired some arrows out but they would all pierced near his body scratching it or would landed on a tree he passed through.
However the guy seemed to be quite annoyed at her tentatives and so to threaten her he brought the girl named Nami to his other side clearly intending to use her as a shield. Though he want to take the girl, he want to escape even more.
"Bastard !" The female cat yelled.
As Nekoe couldn't possibly risk the girl's safety to catch him she then stay her bow before jumping down the tree to run after the guy.
Shion had caught up with the kidnapper and charge at him with all his might with his two swirling horn.
"[Great Spinning Horn !]" Shion arrived behind the guy like a furious bull ready to put his target in deep shit.
Alas, Shion who was too hot boiling at the moment totally forgot that...
The guy he was pursuing could traverse anything...
As such, he who was about to put a misery on his ennemy's back completely ran through him to collided against a strong and hard tree...
Crash ! Boom !
"Sh*t, I messed it up...!" The tree was so sturdy that he felt dizzy instantly and fell to the ground.
"Nyahahaha idiot !" The dude laughed at Shion's stupidity as he left the forest and arrived at an open space.
The poor dwarf could have been today's Hero alas that wasn't the case...
Boom ! Fiiiiiuuuuuh !!!!!
From far away, the sound of a strident but heavy sound reverberated in the forest like a sonic boom as it close on them with an insane speed.
"What the heck-...?!" The kidnapper looked on with open eyes as a figure with a full white coat appeared in his sight in the blink of an eye before disappearing. Heck he even saw a pair of golden eyes...
"Argh... Eh ? Eh ? huh ?" The guy fell on the ground in fright but he quickly realize that nothing happen to him...
In fact he fell on the ground without any reasons seemingly...
"No... there was something, I'm certain !" Her began to looked around, and that was then that he saw that the girl he was carrying with him had completely disappeared from his arms.
"What ?!?!?" He took out a sword and looked around.
"Show yourself ! Coward ! Is that how Marines do things." He shouted like a crazy but found nothing.
When he was considering if he should flee and give up on the girl...
"I'm up there..."
The guy lifted his eyes and saw a certain black-haired youngster standing in the air as he hold with one arm an orange-haired young girl, looking down at him from up there.
Obviously it was Edam.
He slowly flew down as the dude asked.
"Who the hell are you ?!"
Edam only smiled at that.
Yohohoho ! Hello friends, tell me my mistakes.. Thanks.
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