One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 191 No worries about food and drink, safety is guaranteed

"Looking at you, you must have an idea in mind.

Shakya noticed the slightly raised corners of Tie Hammer's mouth and couldn't help but make fun of him.

"Well, I have some ideas, but if I really want to proceed, I have to wait a few months."

However, during the cooling-off period, forging is also forging in vain.

Might as well take a good rest.

"Iron Hammer-san, I wonder if the next exclusive weapon is mine?"

"After all, I've been waiting for a long time."

Brother Monkey's obscene voice sounded from behind Tie Hammer, and Tie Hammer instantly felt his whole body tremble.

It has to be said that Porusalino's obscene tone is extremely lethal and makes people feel goosebumps all over.

"Brother Monkey, you must know that Warring States is our boss~"

"So? Am I going to line up behind Sengoku-san?"

Faced with the hammer, Brother Monkey showed very little concern.

"I know that you have already prepared Kuzan's special weapon. It's a pity that we are still good brothers crawling around in the dormitory, and you actually made me wait until the end."

Iron Hammer: ....So is this the reason why you secretly eat the snacks and fruits I left in the dormitory?

"Just wait. Anyway, we won't talk about the next exclusive item for more than two months. The last time I made a weapon for Kuzan, my ability was excessively consumed and I couldn't use it for a while."

Porusalino:? ? ?

Shakya:? ? ?

Is there any such thing as overuse of this Devil Fruit?

Strange knowledge has been added.

"Dr. Vegapunk, I want to stay in Punk Hassad for a period of time to improve weapons. Do you allow it?"

From Iron Hammer's point of view, even if the ability cannot be used for forging, one can still use this time to improve the weapons on the Warhammer.

Punk Hassard is hands down the best place.

The combination of technology and forging intrigues Hammer.

"As much as I would love for you to stay in Punk Hassard, I'm sorry to say that that may not be possible."


Faced with Shakya's rejection, Iron Hammer was a little confused. Logically speaking, he was a lieutenant general at the Navy Headquarters, so he should be fine even if he stayed here.

"Yes, Iron Hammer-san, you can't stay here this time."

"As for why, you might as well take a guess?"

Brother Monkey also rejected Tie Hammer's idea, which made Tie Hammer instantly feel something bad.

"It can't be that something happened to the headquarters after I went to sea."

"Old Man Kong or Old Man Warring States?"

I have to say that Iron Hammer's intuition is still very accurate.

When something went wrong, his first thought was that the headquarters was on fire.

"It's the Celestial Dragons. Nine Celestial Dragons led by Izanbaron V. Orisheng went to Marinefando and talked with Marshal Cyborg Kong face to face."

"As for the content of the conversation, of course it is you, Lieutenant General Hammer."

Hammer:! ? ?

What the hell, the Celestial Dragons went to Malinfando?

Oh my god, thanks to my Tie Renren's running speed, otherwise I would have been blocked at home by the Tianlong people.

"Dr. Vegapunk is right. Although the capture of the Golden Lion makes the headquarters very happy, the Tianlong people's matter is still very serious."

"So, Iron Hammer-san, I can only ask you to return to the headquarters."

Brother Monkey's eyes were full of teasing, which made Tie Hammer angry.

how? Are you happy that I have been favored by the Tianlong people? Holy shit! Dead monkey!

"Then I ask for replenishment of weapons and ammunition. Is this the head office?"

It took a lot of effort to come here, I would be sorry if I didn’t take something away.

"Take whatever you want. The recent mission has been completed anyway. I have no objection to taking the rest."

Take a look, what does it mean to be wealthy? This is because of its deep wealth. If these guns and artillery produced by Punk Hassad were placed outside, they would definitely be a must-have.

But when it comes to Bega Punk's mouth, it's just a pile of scrap metal, tsk tsk, incomparable, incomparable.

The crazy restocking mode begins.

Regardless of whether it is a gun, a cannon, or a bomb, all hammers must be moved away.

Brother Monkey's mouth twitched sharply as he watched.

But who is Hammer? Tiebapi is known as the goose that plucks its feathers, and he has no intention of letting go of the weapons and equipment he has obtained.

In a short while, the ammunition and weapons on the Warhammer were expanded.

There are everything from flintlock guns to howitzers.

After the search was completed, Iron Hammer sailed away with great satisfaction and embarked on the road back to Malinfando.



A few days later, Malinfando.

"So, the Tianlong people came to rob me?"

Tie Hammer looked at the three veteran cadres of the navy with a horrified look on his face.

Old Man Kong rubbed his head, Sengoku ate senbei, and Ms. He drank tea.

"Well... Although I have been rejected by Marshal Kong, I feel that the Tianlong people have not stopped thinking about you. Iron Hammer, you are now the treasure in the eyes of the Tianlong people."

"Even the Five Old Stars have intervened."

Listening to Sengoku's words, Tie Zhui instantly felt dizzy.

"No, I'm just a blacksmith. Why do these Tianlong people like me?"

"Hey, hey, life is full of surprises."

"Let me tell you, old man from the Warring States Period, I am a diligent and good navy. You can't let the Tianlong people take me away, otherwise it will be our headquarters that will suffer!"

My head hurts when I think of Marigio Hammer, so the next few times I went there by myself.

As for the things promised to Wulaoxing, cp0 Stusi took the initiative to take them away.

Iron Hammer has not had contact with the Celestial Dragons for a long time.

I thought I could get away from the sight of the Celestial Dragons, but who would have thought that just because of Whitebeard's incident, Hammer's reputation would rise to the top in Mariejoia.

Became a person known to every Tianlong person.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't want to go, I guarantee that no one can send you to Mary Joa."

Old Man Kong expressed his position firmly in his voice.

"Okay! Marshal Kong, as expected..."

"Looking at my efforts, do you have any ideas for my exclusive weapon?"

Yes, when Bai was excited, he knew that this old guy would not be that simple.

"You'd better let me go to Margioia!"

“I don’t have to worry about food and drink when I go there, and I’m safe!”


Old Man Kong was pinched by the neck instantly, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

"Okay, you two, one old and one young, please stop being grudgey."

"Iron Hammer, it's not a problem with the Tianlong people, but after all, you have dealings with Mary Joa, so you still have to be careful."

"You know very well what kind of virtue those people have."

Ms. Crane ended the conversation between Iron Hammer and Old Man Kong.

Faced with Ms. He's words, Iron Hammer nodded.

He just wanted to steal some of the Tianlong people's money, but he didn't want to get involved with that group of people at all.

"By the way, Orisheng also brought you a lot of good forging materials."

"I have rarely seen Tianlong people be so generous."

"I have to say, you did successfully attract their attention."

oh? Did you bring a gift?

This is great news!

Tie Zhui's eyes lit up when he heard this.



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