One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 192 A trip to the empty island

You know, Mary Joa has gathered the wealth of the entire sea.

Every Celestial Dragon living in Mariejoia is a walking golden mountain.

What's more, it was given by Izanbalon V. Orisheng.

This is the family of the God of Finance, with a higher gold content.

"that's it."

Warring States wisely placed a large box in front of the hammer.

Hammer couldn't wait to open the box.

Suddenly colorful ores came into view.

"It is indeed a collection of the Celestial Dragons."

"The purity of this cryolite and flame-weaving stone is unbelievable."

"Huh? What is this?"

"Kujima Kai?"

Suddenly Iron Hammer took out a shell-shaped object, which immediately attracted the attention of the three veteran cadres.

"Sky Island Shell? Shouldn't this thing only exist on Sky Island?"

For a moment, four people were amazed around an empty island.

After all, this thing is common on empty islands, but very rare on the sea.

"Sky Island Shell..."

Iron Hammer held the empty island shell and fell into deep thought.

Countless thoughts entered his mind at once.


I saw the shell in the hammer's hand opened, and a violent gust of wind spurted out.

"Holy shit!"

"Asshole Hammer! You did it on purpose!"

I saw Sengoku being directly attacked because he was facing Sorashima Kai.

The strong wind blew his whole body backwards.

The afro was also blown into the sky, making it look like Nikaido Benimaru, but with black hair.

"Spitting shell..."

The sudden strong wind immediately confused Tie Hammer.

It stands to reason that the extremely rare Sky Island Shell, the Squirting Shell, has become extinct.

The Tianlong people can even get this thing?

But Sky Island Kai...

Sky island...

Iron Hammer suddenly had a new idea.

"You three, have you ever learned about Kongdao?"

Speaking of Sky Island, Iron Hammer actually knows a lot about it.

Who told me that the plot of Sky Island in my previous life was too early?

But when he actually arrived on the sea, it was the first time he saw something about an empty island.

"Um... empty island?"

"The Sky Island is located on the Grand Route and is an island that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, so many people think that the Sky Island does not exist. But in fact, the Sky Island does exist, and there are many of them. The Sky Island is located above the white clouds, where the air is thin."

"The residents all wear white wings as decoration behind their backs. Special "clouds" and "shells" are used as basic living materials, and are made into building materials, tools, and combat weapons through special processing techniques."

"There are many records about Sky Islands in the Navy's archives, and it's not like there haven't been Sky Islanders on the sea in recent years."

Ms. He slowly told the situation about Kongdao.

Exactly the same as Hammer knew.

"As for how to land on the empty island, it is the most difficult problem."

"I don't know about that."

Tie Zhui nodded. There is still a way to land on the empty island, but it is more difficult.

One is to fly directly up, well, it's almost impossible, very few can do it.

Secondly, through the ordinary route, you will encounter several empty islands along the way from the top of the west sky.

The third is to use the soaring ocean currents.

The first one is a direct pass. He believes that someone cannot fly that high, and if he flies up, he will directly enter the White Sea and drown.

Secondly, I don’t know where the top of the Western Heaven is at all, pass!

Then there is only one last way left to go, to use the soaring sea currents...

The hammer's legs trembled at the thought of being washed up on the sky island by this thing in a boat.

"Tie Hammer, what's wrong with you? Why are you trembling?"

Ms. He immediately noticed something strange about the hammer.

This made him quickly calm down.

"It's okay, I just thought of something and I'm a little nervous."

Iron Hammer had calmed down, and Warring States had also rearranged his hairstyle after being baptized by the strong wind.

"Old man Kong, old man Warring States, I want to go to Kong Island."

null:? ? ? ?

Warring States:? ? ? ?

"What are you doing there? It's in the sky, and I don't know how to get up there."

Old Man Kong muttered angrily.

He had no idea what Hammer was thinking.

What is there to do in Sky Island?

"I thought there would be something new and novel there that would enhance my forging."

"And it's also a good place to hide from the Celestial Dragons, isn't it?"

Of course Iron Hammer has his own plans, Sky Island.

Both Sorashima Kai and Untetsu are good things, and they might be able to take his creations to the next level!

"But, Iron Hammer, do you know how to get to Sky Island?"

Warring States showed a trace of thought, but still had many doubts.

"I heard rumors about Sky Island when I was patrolling the world before, and I plan to give it a try."

"It all depends on people."

"But there is one thing. I need my headquarters to arrange some bodyguards for me. Who knows what is on the empty island? If a big monster or something appears, with my strength, hey, it is not enough to serve as an appetizer for others."

Old Man Kong: ....

Warring States old man: .....

This time even Ms. He was speechless.

"Hammer, why are you so insecure?"

"You just teamed up with Porusalino to defeat the Golden Lion Shiji. You are afraid of a hammer!"

Unable to stand Tie Hammer's cowardice, the Warring States period broke out.

Unexpectedly, Iron Hammer didn't care at all about his outburst and continued to talk to himself:

"You can't say that, old man from the Warring States period."

"Look at all the monsters I've encountered since I went to sea?"

"Bundy Wold, be scary."

"Roger, that's scary."

"Whitebeard, that's scary."

"The golden lion is scary."

"As a blacksmith, how many times have I been to sea? Huh? What kind of monsters have I encountered?"

The three veteran cadres fell silent for a moment.

It seems like, Hammer seems to have great pirate appeal.

Every time I go out to sea, I encounter either a big pirate or a big pirate. No one is so lucky.

"But, Iron Hammer, you are also very strong. I dare say that even if Sakaski or Porusalino wants to defeat you, it will not be easy."

"Quickly pull him down. I'm just a blacksmith and a hammer wielder. Can I beat magma? Beat light?"

Iron Hammer doesn't feel like he's a fighting force at all, and even if he is, he's still at the bottom.

Didn't you realize that the purpose of awakening the Iron Man fruit is to avoid fighting? Give the ability to others and let others fight. If you really can't beat him, Iron Man can turn into a hammer and fly away! Wonderful!

"Assign a bodyguard for me. After all, I am going to an empty island this time and will not enter a new world. It should be much safer."

"...who do you want as your bodyguard?"

"Can one of the three of Kuzan, Sakaski and Porusalino come together?"

"Go away! Just go and dream! Lieutenant General, don't even think about it!"

".....Then who's on vacation?"

"Additional count!"

"I'd better go to Mariegio..."

Warring States: Me! @#! @¥! # %

Sora: I # ¥ # ¥! # %! ...! @#

Crane: Alas, this guy is hopeless.



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