One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 220 New ideas, establishing a branch

"Haha, old man from the Warring States period, don't be angry, calm down, calm down!"

"It was my fault this time, but it was a blessing in disguise. My fruit ability has indeed taken a step forward.

"It seems that fruit awakening is not the end, there is still room for further improvement."

These words made several veteran cadres present nod their heads.

There is no end to learning, and the same goes for devil fruits.

"Iron Hammer, let's forget about it this time. After all, except for the big hole created by the Warring States Period, there was no damage to the surrounding buildings."

"But I hope there won't be a next time, you know?"

Old Man Kong tapped the table and issued a warning.

Iron Hammer nodded hurriedly, and vowed that there would be no next time.

Warring States was extremely speechless. Why was he the only one injured? It was so difficult.

"As for what you said last night, just remember it yourself and don't make it public, especially the last sentence."

At that time, Tie Zhui shouted such arrogant words that all the Celestial Dragons treated him as a guest of honor.

This is completely disrespectful to the Celestial Dragons. If this reaches Mary Joa, it may cause him a lot of trouble.

Iron Hammer nodded, but he didn't agree in his heart.

Who is he? That's a big hammer, and the mere Tianlong people are just his loyal fans.

"But you only want to be the Minister of Logistics, and yet you want our entire army to protect you?"

"How cowardly are you?"

"And I heard that at that time you invented a completely defensive form, hugged into a ball?"

Old Man Kong looked at the hammer with a half-smile.

It makes Hammer a little embarrassed.

"I was defending myself at the time, okay? Whoever asked Teacher Zefa to release his armed domineering force to threaten me."

"It's all left a psychological shadow on me."

Zefa was speechless for a moment, and he released a trace of armed domineering energy.

The results of it? This bastard kid directly covered his whole body with weapons and hugged him into a ball. Hey, it’s over. He is really cowardly.

"On the contrary, you are the Minister of Logistics. I am determined to win. After I get rid of Mihawk and Moria first, I will apply and hand it over to you."

"Then, I plan to join the forging industry in a down-to-earth manner. To this end, I have an idea that I hope you will agree with."

oh? Hammer has an idea?

It's rare to hear what he thinks.

Several veteran cadres present had the same idea.

"I want to be stationed in a new world and establish a new naval branch."

Old Man Kong: Damn it! What a bold idea!

Zefa: Well done! This is my great son!

Warring States: Oh? The idea is great, but the money?

Ms. Crane is away and has gone to sea, so this meeting will be without her.

"Why do you have this idea?"

"Iron Hammer, you have to understand that the new world is not so easy to live in."

"Currently, the Navy only has two branches in the New World, G1 and G5."

"You have already encountered a lot of pirates in the second half of the Grand Line. Their combat power and commanding ability are very difficult."

Old Man Kong waited for the hammer's response with a serious face.

"Old Man Kong, I know the horrors of the new world very well. After all, whether it's Whitebeard, Golden Lion or Roger, I've dealt with them more than once."

"But there is a saying that wealth can be gained through danger."

"Although the new world is chaotic, the opportunities are the same. Let's talk about Dressrosa."

"The high-purity iron produced in this country is an effective forged weapon, and its lethality is much higher than that of our headquarters."

"I believe that there must be better and better materials for me to forge in other places in the new world."

“For that, I can delve into new worlds.”

After hearing Tie Hammer's words, the three of them were silent for a while.

"Think carefully, establishing a branch in the New World is no joke."

"Both the manpower and the cost are horribly high."

"Moreover, even if I report your idea to the government, they may not agree."

Old Man Kong spoke again, making the atmosphere a little depressing.

Yes, many things in the navy must be reported to the world government and require the government's consent.

It can also be said that the consent of the Five Old Stars is required.

"Tch, Wulaoxing, I know."

"No big deal, I'll go to Marigioa first. After all, don't those Celestial Dragons miss me?"

"That's right, I also want to make a statement."

For the Tianlong people, they have to face it after all, and solve it as soon as possible.

So isn't it just a trip to Margioia? Iron Hammer recognized it.

"What about the money? Hammer, you have to know that our current military expenditure has been cut."

Finally, it’s a question of money and people, mainly money.

It takes too much money to build a branch.

"Old man Kong, are your calculations too accurate?"

"You want me to pay for it out of my own pocket? I'm telling you, you want to eat shit!"

"I am opening up territory for the navy! It is our navy that will benefit from the equipment and weapons we build!"

"Let me tell you, money comes from the roots, and people come from the roots!"

"You took so much money from me, it's time for you to bleed."

Old Man Kong almost spit out blood from his mouth.

Damn hammer, like a rooster! Nothing!

Zefa laughed loudly on the side, and Warring States also covered his mouth to suppress his laughter.

Hammer or hammer, no matter who the opponent is, they just go straight to him with the hammer in his hand.

"Huh, if this is the case, do you plan to go to Marigioa first or to recruit the King's Shichibukai first?"

Knowing that he would not get anything good from Iron Hammer, Old Man Kong immediately changed the subject.

Iron Hammer thought for a moment.

"Let's go to the Shichibukai first. After all, if you want to get a position from the Five Old Stars, you still need a certain amount of credit."

"The King's Qibukai is a very good contribution."

Regarding the choice of the hammer, the three of them nodded at the same time.

"Okay, you can handle the matter of going to sea by yourself."

"Iron Hammer, you've finished your business, it's my turn."

Just when Iron Hammer thought everything was fine, Zefa spoke.

Tie Zhui looked at his mentor with a puzzled face.

"You will know when you come to my place with me later."

"My gauntlet has scratches all over it because of you bastard."

"I don't care, you have to repair it for me! Otherwise, you won't be able to leave Malinfando!"

Iron Hammer: .... Well, just to repair equipment.

"Yes, Zefa is right, Iron Hammer, look at how hard I worked for you yesterday."

"So, my exclusive weapon???"

Warring States instantly found resonance, and opened his mouth with his exclusive weapon.

Iron Hammer was instantly dizzy.

"I'll remember it! Don't rush me, I haven't given it to Kuzan yet."

"Don't wait until then. I've finished building it. If I don't give it to you, I'll let you watch! I won't get it~ I'll make you mad!"

Sengoku: I @! # ! ¥! @#%

Zefa: Tsk, that’s too cruel, it’s like a shrimp and a pig’s heart.



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