At the same time when the hammer flew to the Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

In the New World, there is an isolated island, which is occupied by the Beasts Pirates and is also the base camp of the Beasts Pirates.

In the center of the isolated island is a very magnificent building.

"Damn Jin, hasn't Kaido come back yet?"

A bald man with sunglasses, purple lips, a golden braid on his head, a fat and round body is sitting at the door smoking a cigar.

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Behind him is a tall and strong man with a well-proportioned figure, covered in black clothes, wearing a mask and goggles and helmet, wearing a black double-breasted clothes, with two skull patterns on the collar, wearing black gloves, leaving no inch of skin outside.

"No, but I guess I should come back."

The speaker's tone was very low, and it was hard to tell his emotions.

"Tsk, my experiment fund is not enough again, Jin, give me more money."

"No, wait until Brother Kaido comes back, I'll give you money if he agrees."

"But Quinn, does your crappy research really need so much money? I'm curious."

These two are the two pillars of the Beasts Pirates, Flame Disaster Jin and Plague Disaster Quinn.

"Of course, I tell you, my biological virus is definitely the most powerful! Even Vegapunk can't compare with me!"

"Humph, Jin, or do you think you can look down on my virus just because you are a Lunaria!"

Quinn is the highest combat force of the Beasts Pirates and also a researcher, also from the illegal research group MADS.

After the organization was disbanded, he found Kaido and became the strongest combat force and researcher under Kaido.

And Flame Disaster Jin is a remnant of the Lunaria tribe, a race that can emit fire that disappeared from history.

Hearing Quinn's words, Jin's whole body instantly exuded a hostile aura, and a flame ignited behind his head.

This is his racial innate ability. As a member of the Lunaria tribe, Jin can produce flames on his body.

At the same time, Jin is also the steward of the Beasts Pirates, in charge of all financial expenditures, which is one of the reasons why Quinn found him.

After all, scientific research is the most expensive, so the relationship between the two is very bad.

Just when the two were on the verge of a fight, the sky suddenly moved, and countless clouds were gathering and heading towards the isolated island.

"Hmph, I don't bother to pay attention to you. Brother Kaido is back, I'll ask him for money!"

"Hmph! Whatever you want!"

The two snorted at the same time, and then looked at the sky.

Unexpectedly, it didn't matter when they looked at it. They found that it was raining in the sky, and it was still a big raindrop.

"What's the situation? Why is it raining?"

"And these raindrops???"

The crew members of the Beasts Pirates were also puzzled. For a while, everyone was attracted by the rain in the sky.


Just then, a loud cry came from the sky.

As the cry sounded, the raindrops became denser.

"Brother Kaido's voice? But why is he crying?"

Quinn instantly recognized that it was the voice of his boss, but why was he crying?

Jin on the side was also full of questions.

Although his big brother would cry sometimes, he usually cried when he was drunk, and he had never cried so sadly.

Suddenly, a figure fell heavily from the air to the ground.


A burst of smoke and dust rose, and a large deep pit in the shape of a Chinese character appeared on the ground instantly.

Jin and Quinn looked at each other and immediately ran towards the deep pit.

The closer they got to the deep pit, the louder they cried.

When they ran to the deep pit, Kaido had already climbed out of the pit.

He was crying loudly while holding his Eight Precepts, looking very miserable.

"Jin, am I seeing it right? Boss Kaido is crying while holding his weapon?"

Quinn rubbed his eyes for a long time for fear of seeing it wrong.

Jin also looked dumbfounded, nodded unconsciously, and responded: "You read it right, he was crying while holding the Eight Precepts, not the wine gourd."

You should know that Kaido loves to drink and cries when he is drunk. This is something everyone in the Beasts Pirates knows.

But in the past, he always cried while holding the wine gourd, and never cried while holding a weapon.

What is going on.

"Brother Kaido, what's wrong with you?"

Out of curiosity, Quinn walked up to Kaido and asked.

It would have been better if he didn't ask. Once he asked, Kaido cried even harder.

"Ah, wuwuwuwu! My Eight Precepts are over!"

Quinn: ? ? ?

Jin: ? ? ?

What do you mean? The Eight Precepts are over? That's not right, isn't it fine?

"Jin, Quinn, my Hachisaijie was destroyed by that bastard marine from Hammer!"

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill him! No, if he dies, will my Hachisaijie be unable to recover?"

"Ahwuwuwu! So annoying."

After talking to himself for a while, Kaido started crying again.

This made Jin and the others dizzy.

"Brother Kaido, what happened? Isn't Hachisaijie fine?"

"Why did you say he was finished?"

Faced with Quinn's repeated questioning, Kaido didn't speak this time, but just stood up silently.

The dark armed color domineering instantly covered Hachisaijie.

"Experience it yourself!"

"Thunderous Bagua!"

With a roar, Kaido used all his strength to swing the Eight-Saiki towards Quinn.

This move made Quinn dumbfounded, thinking: No, I just asked a few more questions, why did he even use the ultimate move?

I can't resist a beating! Not at all!

The incident happened suddenly, and before Jin, who was standing by, could stop him, the Eight-Saiki had already arrived in front of Quinn.

Quinn closed his eyes resigned to his fate.

But the pain he expected did not come.

"Huh? Why doesn't it hurt?"

With doubts in his heart, he slowly opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him had shocked him.

I saw the Eight-Saiki limp vertically downward, and the end of the Eight-Saiki was still in Kaido's hand.

"This? What's going on? What happened to the Eight-Saiki?"

Not only Quinn was dumbfounded, Jin was also dumbfounded.

As Kaido's earliest partner, Jin was very familiar with the Eight-Saiki, which was a weapon made of meteorite iron, extremely hard and extremely destructive.

Why has it turned into a noodle now?

"See! This is what that bastard marine did!"

"I went to seek revenge on him. It would be fine if he didn't hit me, but he hit my Hachisaijie with all his might."

"As a result, Hachisaijie became like this. It looks fine, but it can't touch anything. Once it touches something, it becomes like this!"

"My Hachisaijie! Woo woo woo!"

Kaido cried again.

This time, Jin and Quinn were also confused. What kind of ability is this?

Can weapons be turned into this?

For a moment, the name of the hammer was instantly imprinted in the hearts of the two people. They thought that in the future when they fight him, they must not let him touch their weapons!

"Damn bastard hammer! I won't forgive you!"

"Quinn, put down all your research and fix my Hachisaijie for me! If you can't fix it, I'll beat you to death!"

Quinn: ? ? ? What does this have to do with me!



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