One Piece: Marinfando, the Max-Level Blacksmith

Chapter 257 The Power of the Demonic Sword

"Marco, how is Lakyo's injury?"

Marco's face was serious, and both of his hands were burning with blue flames and pressing on Lakyo's wounds at the same time.

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This scene let Whitebeard know that Lakyo's injury seemed very serious, otherwise Marco would not be like this.

"Dad, it's very strange. It's just a knife wound, but there is an unknown force that hinders my regeneration flame."

Whitebeard frowned slightly when he heard this, and murmured: "Unknown ability?"

"It's hard to say, there are too many weird abilities on the sea."

"Maybe it's an ability, or maybe it's something else."

Marco's forehead began to sweat, and he felt a little tired after using his ability to a large extent.

"Kids, where did Vista go?"

Whitebeard looked around and found that the only team missing from the two teams was Vista.

When they heard Vista's name, both teams fell silent.

Finally, an older teammate walked up to Whitebeard and told him the story in a concise manner.

"Dad, we were shopping on Redchiled Island when a red knife suddenly fell from the sky."

"Vista was controlled by the knife and injured Captain Lakyo."

"If Captain Lakyo hadn't helped stop Captain Vista, we might have..."

Whitebeard and the crew were silent after hearing this, and Whitebeard frowned.

Vista was controlled by a knife? And he even attacked his own brother?

Why does this sound so weird?

"Lidchired Island..."

"Gulala! Guys! Let's go to Lidchired Island! I want to see what kind of sword has made my son lose his mind!"

Although Whitebeard was laughing, there was a hint of worry in his laughter.



New World, Navy G5 Branch.

"Iron Hammer, so you made a sword that is more magical than the magic sword?"

"And you took the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Vista, to a dead end?"

Iron Hammer, with his hands wrapped in bandages, was facing an explosive-headed Den Den Mushi.

"Old Sengoku, didn't you hear it? Or are you too old to understand what I'm saying?"

"This is what's going on now. Tell me what to do? I'm in a big trouble anyway."

Sengoku on the other end of the phone was also silent, rubbing his forehead helplessly.

"Iron Hammer, Iron Hammer, you can make weapons, but how can you make a magic sword...ah...demon sword!"

"The key is still a sword, what should I do? I can't fish for a sword in the sea, right?"

Listening to Zhan Guo's helpless voice, Iron Hammer was also depressed.

"No, this matter can't be blamed on me, it's Sakaski who picked up everything, hey, forget it, I'll stay in the New World for the near future, I have to find that sword, the harm is too great."

"Reed Chiled Island is a clue, Sakaski and Lieutenant General Morris have already gone there."

"Hey, I hope there is some good news."



At the same time, on the sea not far from Reed Chiled Island.

"Sakaski, do you think that sword is really so evil? A swordsman, can he control it just by saying so?"

Lieutenant General Morris and Sakaski stood side by side at the bow.

"Lieutenant General Morris, you may not believe in the character of Iron Hammer, or his strength, but he is an authority in forging."

"My Divine Axe Yiwo Q is a good example."

"And you also saw the situation in the arsenal at that time. That kind of horrific situation is not something that ordinary weapons can have."

Thinking of the situation at that time, Sakaski couldn't help but become serious. Weapons of that level were really a disaster.

"Okay, go to Reedchiled Island immediately, everyone get ready!"

The warship docked, and Morris and Sakaski led a team of people to the interior of the island respectively.

"Such a strong smell of blood, it seems that he is really possessed by a demon."

Sakaski smelled the bloody smell in the air, and unconsciously emitted a trace of heat to dispel the bloody smell around him.

The soldiers who were traveling with him were extremely vigilant.

The closer to the center of the island, the stronger the smell of blood.

Soon, a red figure appeared in front of the navy.

"Captain Vista of the Whitebeard Pirates..."

"He has been affected by the magic sword and turned into a murderer."

Lieutenant General Morris looked at the figure in front of him coldly.

Yes, this person is Vista.

But at this time, his eyes are red, and his body is covered by balls of red light.

That is the blood swallowed by the magic sword.

There are corpses all around, and the strange thing is that these corpses are all shriveled, obviously the blood in their bodies has been swallowed by the magic sword.


Seeing another living person appear, Vista laughed strangely.

He walked slowly towards the navy with a knife in his right hand.


A soldier swallowed unconsciously. It must be said that Vista looked very scary at this time.

"Has he completely lost his mind?"

"Humph, then there is no need to hold back!"

"I'll go first!"


Old Lieutenant General Morris is also a swordsman.

And as a hawk-style Lieutenant General, he has always been offensive-oriented, and the Tiger in his hand is a very sharp and fast sword.

Vista felt an attack coming towards him, and the whole person instantly entered a combat state.

Red blood mist emanated from the magic sword Hongming.


Lieutenant General Morris had not rushed to Vista before he had already received Vista's first attack.

The red slash came directly to his face.

"So fast!"

Lieutenant General Morris was slightly startled, but quickly took a defensive posture.

Armament color domineering instantly covered the fast knife Tiger.


In an instant, sparks flew everywhere, and Lieutenant General Morris was actually forced back dozens of meters by this slash.

His feet left two deep marks on the ground.

"Get up for me!"

The angry Lieutenant General Morris held the knife with both hands and pushed upwards, directly picking up the slash.

"Damn you bastard pirate!"

"Don't think you're the only one who can do the flying slash!"

"Tiger Fang!"

With a roar, a blue slash flew out from the Good Blade Piercing Tiger.

In terms of size, the two slashes are about the same.

But the power is hard to say.

Faced with the fierce slash, Vista did not move at all, but just raised the magic sword Hongming lightly, with the tip of the blade extended forward.


When the slash came in front of the tip of the blade, a red light was ejected again.

In an instant, the blue slash was shattered.

"What! How is it possible!"

Seeing his attack being resolved so easily, Lieutenant General Morris felt bad all over!



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