"Stop! Stop hitting!"

Iron Hammer saw that it was almost done, so he cancelled his ability and looked at Pedro, who was holding his head and crying.

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"What kind of ability is this? Why can you hit people from a distance? No, you can hit people."

"It hurts. It feels like being hit by a hammer."

It took Pedro a long time to get rid of the pain, and he looked at Iron Hammer with a hint of fear.

The fear of the unknown is the most terrifying.

"Have you heard of devil fruits? Have you heard of people with abilities?"

"Shirley, show him your skills."

Iron Hammer's child-like words made several adults present laugh, and Shirley changed from steering with both hands to steering with one hand.

The other hand waved casually, and a huge iron shield appeared in front of the three little ones.

This move shocked the three little ones.

Transforming a shield out of thin air, is this the power of the devil fruit? It looks so powerful.

"Hahaha, there are many things you don't know, learn slowly, kid."

"When we get to the branch, I will find you the best teacher on the sea, who will definitely train you into a powerful navy!"

Well, it's Zephyr. Although he is not as violent as Kaido, Zephyr is definitely the best when it comes to basic teaching.

What? You mean Garp? Is that training? It's completely about tempering the will to survive and the ability to survive, okay, it has nothing to do with training at all.

Back to the G88 branch, Iron Hammer brought a few people to the training ground.

Holder and his friends set foot on an island other than Zou for the first time, and they seemed very curious and looked around.

Even Pedro and his three who were forced to join the army were the same.

Especially after seeing the imposing navy soldiers, they were even more moved.

These soldiers are veterans who have followed Iron Hammer through several battles, and each of them has a breath of iron and blood.

"Is this the navy? It looks so solemn, and this fortress is too exaggerated."

Iron Hammer and Shirley smiled at each other after listening to Pedro's heartfelt sigh.

Obviously, the reaction of Pedro and others was also within Iron Hammer's calculation.

As long as they are curious and admire the G88 branch, it will be much easier.

"Hey, Iron Hammer, you are back."

"Huh? Fur tribe warriors? You really found them."

As the few people walked into the heart of the branch, a purple-haired strong man discovered them at the first time, and flashed in front of Iron Hammer.

It was Zefa, the chief instructor of the elite training camp of the Navy Headquarters who was invited by Iron Hammer from the Navy Headquarters.

Zefa's eyes lit up when he saw the two big and three small, five fur tribe warriors behind Iron Hammer.

The naked eyes made the five people, including Holder, take a step back.

"Let me introduce you to my father, the admiral of the navy, Zephyr the Black Arm, who is now the training officer of the G88 branch."

Here Tiechui paused for a moment, then showed a very scary smile, which made the hair of the five people explode.

"He will also be the instructor of the few of you in the future. I hope you get along well, hehe..."

Zeffer heard several black lines on his head, and swung his fist and hit Tiechui.

Tiechui had been prepared for this move, and shaved several steps away.

"Hehe, dad, I am not the young man I was back then, don't try to sneak attack me."

"I will leave these people to you, and I will introduce them to you."

"Hold the fox, Dunli the cheetah."

"Three little ones, Pedro the jaguar, Jepo the white bear, and Beckmus the lion."

Zeffer glared at Tiechui fiercely, then looked at the five fur tribesmen, very satisfied.

But when his eyes fell on Beckmus, he suddenly paused and asked in confusion:

"Beckmus, right? Why are you wearing sunglasses?"

"Are you trying to be cool?"

It turned out that Beckmus had always been wearing sunglasses, which made Zefa very curious.

"Aww! Want to see my handsome face under sunglasses?"

"Old man, you have good taste!"

As soon as Beckmus opened his mouth, Tiechui and others covered their eyes helplessly one after another.

When Beckmus was a child, he was usually very normal, but there was only one thing that could not be touched, that is, sunglasses.

No matter who it was, as long as his sunglasses were mentioned, Beckmus seemed to have turned on a hidden switch and completely turned into a very active guy.

"Aww! If you want to see it, I'll let you see enough!"

"Let you appreciate the magnificent face of my Beckmus!"

As the voice fell, Beckmus took off his sunglasses very solemnly.

A pair of cute little eyes instantly appeared.

Zeff's expectant eyes froze instantly, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, what a cute little lion with big eyes!"


The few people who were already struggling to hold back their laughter were inspired by Zefa's laughter and laughed one after another.

Only Beckmus didn't care at all, still looking like he was the most handsome.

"Awoo! I'm handsome!"

Well, even the hundreds of soldiers who were training below couldn't help it.

Instantly, laughter resounded throughout the G88 branch.

"Dad Zefa, I'll leave these people to you, I'm going to find Lance."

Tiechui, who was holding back his laughter, fled from here quickly.

He was laughing so hard that his stomach hurt.

After leaving the training ground, Tiechui turned on his radar and began to look for Lance's movements.

He searched around but couldn't find Lance. In desperation, he could only find Flying Squirrel.

At this time, Flying Squirrel was sitting in the office helping Tiechui deal with the documents of the logistics department.

The piles of documents almost drowned the Flying Squirrel.

Tiechui was also stunned after entering the door.

"What's going on? Why are there so many documents???"

Hearing Tiechui's voice, Flying Squirrel seemed to have caught a savior. He jumped on Tiechui and grabbed Tiechui's collar with both hands.

His face flushed with anger.

"You bastard! Where have you been!"

"Why are there so many documents to deal with!"

"Are you the logistics minister or my logistics minister? They are all your files!!!"

It's no wonder that Flying Squirrel was angry. No matter who came, these piles of documents would give him a headache.

Moreover, Tiechui has been gone for more than half a month. God knows how Flying Squirrel has survived these half months.

"Calm down, calm down, Flying Squirrel, where is Lance? Why doesn't Lance help you deal with the documents?"

Unexpectedly, when Tiechui mentioned Lance, Flying Squirrel got even angrier.

"Don't mention that bastard! He ran to Sky Island alone!"

"Do you know when he left? It was the day the documents came down!"

"Bastard Lance ran away without saying a word! Leaving me here alone!"


Tiechui: .... Lance, you are a thief...

Lance: You can't blame me... There are just too many documents, it's terrible.



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