A new war between emperor's on the horizon?

We your loyal and ever watching and observing journalists of the Maichyo had no other choice but to release this special edition due to an event that took place last night and may bring a new conflict to your own doorsteps in the not too distant future. Thus we saw it as our duty to inform you about the danger that you may potentially find yourselves in.

Last night one of our agents inside of the world government reported that the Whitebeard pirates with their notorious captain Edward Newgate "The strongest man in the world" met with another emperor of the seas, Red-haired Shanks on a small island in the new world called Solaris island.

It has yet to be confirmed why those two giants of the oceans met and potentially entered into a conflict since both parties normally refrained from causing tensions in the new world. Though our experts speculated on two theories in particular and in their opinion their is no doubt that a war is on the not too distant horizon.

The first theory goes as follows: Due to the relocation of the marine headquarters Whitebeard saw himself and his crew in danger and decided to widen his teritory in order to strengthen his position in the new world, not knowing that another of the emperor's was currently residing on the island said man picked for his endevour.

The second theory though is the most possible since we have yet to receive a sign of the two parties clashing with each other.

It is not widely known but Red-haired Shanks was in his youth once a member of the pirate crew of the king of the pirates "Gol D. Roger". His captain on the other hand was once a member of the same pirate crew that Whitebeard once belonged to along with the other two emperor's of the sea, Charlotte Linlin "Big Mom" and "Kaidou, king of the beasts" under the leadership of the man that was once hailed as the biggest rival to Gol D. Roger over the title of the king of the pirates, until said man was defeated by the marine hero Monkey D. Garp together with Gol D. Roger on an island erased from all maps by the world government. His name was Rocks D. Xebec.

We of the maichyo believe that Whitebeard made contact with Red-haired Shanks in order to possibly reestablish the former crew of the Rocks pirates, this time under his leadership in order to gather all the pirates on the seas under his banner and confront the world government, should they choose to go to war against the pirates of the world.

Your ever watchful newspaper, Maichyo.

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As the newspaper was released and arrived in the hands of the inhabitants around the world and uproar swept over the oceans like a tidal wave and brought panic and fear with it.

In answer to the article the marines went into preperation to prevent a possible outfall while a certain man in a flamingo coat made contact with the world government to execute the first part of their plan of which their target sailed right into their arms which would be the spark that set the gunpowder barrel on fire...

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