Grandline, New World

'That's how life is supposed to be. Now the only thing missing is someone to fight with…' Azul thought to himself as he was comfortably swaying in a hammock on the Moby D.i.c.k, all the while a slight breeze swiping playfully over his skin.

It had been a few days since the crew with their passengers had left Solaris island and were steadily approaching their destination. While Azul had continued his vacation somewhat with the occasional training session in between Robin had gotten to know some of the Whitebeard pirates even though all of them knew that she wouldn't budge from her place besides Azul unless something unforeseen was to happen.

'Even though I love the serenity of my vacation I think it's about time that I continue on my path and finally attempt to step into the rank of the master, even though I'm not really sure how to accomplish that…' Azul thought not for the first time as his blood had slowly started to become restless over the last few days, urging him to move forwards unless he wished to stagnate, which he didn't.

His musings though were interrupted by the distinctive cawing of the newsco and its delivery of the daily newspaper. Waving the seagull over towards him Azul fished a few berry out of his pocket and exchanged them with the seagull that dipped its head in greeting and thanks before taking off again on its route towards the next customer on the list.

Opening the newspaper with a rustling sound Azul was greeted with an article about Solaris and the meeting that had taken place there, even though 95% of the article was pure speculation making Azul roll his eyes in exasperation at the drama queens of the newspaper.

It didn't take long and Azul had finished the article after which he turned over the page and took out the newly released wanted posters.

With a yawn Azul threw his legs out of the hammock and after stretching his body accompanied by a few soft popping sounds originating from the joints that popped back into their rightful place Azul marched over the deck passing a few bustling crewmembers that were responsible to keep the deck clean, the sails in the correct position and whatever else was to be done on deck.

Walking over to a small barrel Azul fished out a handful of apples which was rather a lot in Azuls case, and a few bananas after which he resumed his walk towards the towering Whitebeard that was sitting on his throne-like captain's chair, all the while starting to chomp down on his breakfast.

"'Sup old man. You wanna have a look into the newspaper? Newest edition just arrived." Azul asked Whitebeard causing a few of the surrounding men and women to perk up at his words since the newspapers had become a fireproof way to pass the time with.

Instead of answering though Whitebeard yawned in boredom after which he took a gulp of his ever present flask of sake while his free hand was motioning Azul to hand over the newspaper.

After handing it over Azul walked over to the railing and plopped down against it, now starting on the last fruits that made up his breakfast.

With a rustling of paper Whitebeard began to read though it was hard to make out any kind of expression from his blank face in reaction to what the man was reading.

"How was it sailing with the other emperor's? You still in contact with each other?" Azul asked after which he threw the rest of the last apple into his mouth, chomping down on it with gusto.

"Hmmm, we never were much of a crew. Yes, we sailed together but that was all of it. Though Roger never was part of our crew. Don't know where they found that tidbit of information from…" Whitebeard said into the silence that followed Azuls question which had shocked quite a lot of the Whitebeard pirates into a stupor.

"So you aren't in contact anymore?" Azul asked again, not caring in the slightest if he was putting his finger into a maybe not so closed wound, even though he didn't think Whitebeard retained any kind of sentimental memories of his past crew.

"No, we aren't." Whitebeard grunted out, his short answer making clear that he was rather reluctant to keep speaking about his past while the old man kept ruffling through the leaves of the paper.

Azul though had become a little curious and his boredom didn't help in keeping him from getting on Whitebeards nerves any further then necessary. Thus he kept on asking.

"What kinda guy was your captain? I imagine in order to keep a crew like that in order he had to have been somewhat of a charismatic and chaos loving man, no?" Azul asked with his finger in his nose while his eyes half lidded kept their focus on Whitebeard that hummed slightly in thought.

"Xebec D. Rocks was a very unique kind of man. Indeed, he loved chaos but not for the sake of chaos but more like he bathed in the aftermath of the destruction he brought onto the world. When it comes to charisma though I still am not really sure to this day…" Whitebeard said in his deep rumbling voice to which Azul hummed in thought.

��And the pirate king? You said you weren't part of the same crew but I know that you became somewhat of rivals in the end. What was he like?" Azul kept on asking and judging by the silence that reigned on the deck he wasn't the only curious one.

"Gurarararara, you really are a curious one, aren't you? Gurararara!" Whitebeard laughed in mirth to Azuls continuous questions while Azul simply shrugged.

After some time Whitebeards laughter calmed down and the man took another few gulps from his sake flask, oiling his throat after which he hummed in contemplation, thinking where and how to begin.

"Roger was a curious one. Always on the move, to discover and explore. 'To turn the world upside down', he used to say sometimes. He was freedom incarnate, or at least his every being yearned for him to be…" Whitebeard narrated while his gaze became slightly unfocused as he was reviewing his memories of his rival/friend, his gaze resting on the horizon all the time. After taking another gulp of his drink.

"Did he ever reach his endeavor to become 'freedom incarnate' as you put it?" Azul asked while Whitebeard put down his flask after which he brushed the remaining sake of his chin.

"He found something, as you all know 'the one piece', but if he found true freedom along with it I cannot say." Whitebeard said causing a lot of his crewmembers to gasp after it registered in their minds what their captain had just revealed to them.

"Y-You mean one piece actually exists?" one of his sons asked, nearly yelling at his dad in shock which caused Whitebeard to erupt into bellowing laughter.

"GURARARARARARA! Yes, one piece does exist. Do you really think Roger would lie in his last moments? Only a schemer would think like that and Roger was nothing but a simple sailor. A pirate, if there ever was one." Whitebeard answered his son that fell onto his b.u.t.t seemingly in shock to what Whitebeard had just revealed to them. After all some men and women only started their journey onto the ocean with the hopes and dreams to one day find the one piece, though many had given up on that dream along the way, putting it down as nothing but a childs fantasy or wishful thinking.

"What is the one piece? Do you know what it is dad?" Another man asked, causing the suddenly erupted murmuring and excited whispers to stop immediately.

"No, I don't. Roger offered to tell me but I declined." Whitebeard said after which loud cursing and yelling began on deck to which the captain only laughed softly while taking another gulp from his flask.

"Why? You are a pirate, aren't you? Aren't pirates supposed to be hunting treasures and riches all the time?" Azul asked Whitebeard in wonder.

"Indeed. Though not all treasures are made out of gold and silver you know…" Whitebeard answered while his eyes motioned towards his crew that had gotten into a slight brawl over what the one piece actually was. Azul after hearing Whitebeards words couldn't help but smile in understanding as he had had such a bond once before as well so he understood him perfectly.

Standing up Azul walked over and took the flask out of Whitebeards hand and took a gulp from it himself, relishing in the cool liquid that ran down his throat after which gave it back to the grinning Whitebeard.

"You are a good person old man. Your crew can count themselves lucky to have you as their captain." Azul said while he began to walk away from the increasingly large brawl that developed on deck while Whitebeards soft laughter sounded from behind him.

"Gurararara, you can still join my crew you know?" Whitebeard said, the grin in said mans voice obvious to all.

"In your dreams you geezer." Azul responded while flipping Whitebeard the bird in his descent from the upper deck to which Whitebeard erupted into bellowing laughter which Azul couldn't help but to reciprocate as he went down to get some training in.

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