Grandline, New World

The wind whistling in their ears the duo of Azul and Robin had been travelling none stop for the past two days but even for someone with Azuls constitution, tiredness began to set in at some point. Thus it came as a pleasant surprise when they spotted a lone pirate ship sailing on the ocean down below them and without hesitation the two decided to claim it as their own to take a small break on it.

For the crew though it was like the story out of a horror movie when the gigantic in comparison Azul with Robin on his back landed on their deck clothed in flames which frankly spoken scared the shit out of the lot.

"W-Who the hell are you?" one pirate spoke up, echoing the thoughts of his comrades while their captain groggily emerged from his cabin to see what all the ruckus was about.

Azul and Robin though ignored the pirates as they finally had some time to rest which both of them had been looking forward to.

"Sorry but you'll have to vacate the ship as we have a need for it and you guys smell rather strongly which I can't tolerate at the moment. Now, hop hop of you jump!" Azul said with a yawn while waving his hand in the direction of the railing, stupefying the pirates with his words.

"Err Azul, I'm not sure that's how this works…" Robin said from behind him as she had to contain her laughter at his kind of ridiculous actions. After all she had the time to sleep and be lazy while Azul carried her none stop so it came as no surprise that she didn't share much of his grumpiness.

"If I say this works it works. Watch me work my magic! Behold!" And with those words and a comical bow in Robin's direction Azul disappeared from his position like a shadow in a too bright light after which men began to fly left and right through the air, all landing one way or the other inside the ocean under outcries and curses.

"The fu-aaaaahhhh!" The captain tried to voice his thoughts on the matter as well but he too joined his crew inside the rolling waves of the grandline until nobody but the two remained on the ship which promptly left towards the horizon.

"Urgh, my bleeding heart acting up once more…" Azul murmured on his way down into the cabin before stopping in his steps and turning around. On the deck he grabbed one of the emergency row boats and lifted it over his head before he took if into the direction of the panicking pirates where he swiftly dropped it on some of their heads while rubbing his eyes in tiredness.

"Here ya go my sweethearts. I'm no monster and you gifted us your little boat so, ye. See ya!" And with those words under bellowed curses took of back to the ship where he promptly went down into the cabin and fell asleep on a soft bed while Robin remained on deck and took care of their course.

The next day Azul woke up with a giant yawn while a nice aroma swirled around his nose which he promptly followed. At its origin Azul found Robin standing at a stove while humming a soft tune and cooking them some breakfast.

"Good morning! Slept well?" She asked while Azul nodded and sat himself down at the table where he was swiftly served some meal which he began to wolf down like a starving dog.

"You know what's funny?" Robin asked Azul while watching him eat with a smile.

"Old man Whitebeard drools and wears a sleeping hat while asleep." Azul replied with a grin which cracked Robin up after her eyes widened at his words.

"Hahahaha, that's not what I meant but funny none the less, hahaha! No, what I meant is that we actually took a long a.s.s detour on our way to the redline. Turns out Whitebeard sent us into the wrong direction by sailing towards Dress Rosa. Solaris Island was closer to the redline than Dress Rosa by a long shot." Robin said which had Azul spit out the drink he was currently slurping from.

"God damn it you old geezer! How far are we away from the redline then? Any idea?" Azul asked after cursing Whitebeard with a grumble.

"2 days travel I believe if we catch a good wind. If not it could take from 2 up to who knows how much time. We are on the grandline after all." Robin replied which had Azul only nod in return.

"Then let's hope we'll get some favourable winds so we can get my ship from water 7 rather sooner then later. I hope my beauty hasn't been harmed…" Azul mumbled which caused Robin to smirk after which she stood up and walked over to Azul where she sat herself down on his l.a.p while straddling him suggestively all the while purring into his ear:

"There's only one beauty you'll need to concern yourself with right now…" and thus settled the program for the rest of their day.

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