Grandline, New World

Three days after Robin and Azul had taken over the stray pirate ship the two reached the gigantic mountain range the redline.

"Have you ever wondered if the redline has always looked like it does today? I mean I've never seen something so straight created by nature before…" Azul asked Robin as he was standing near the railing while watching the redline come closer in the near distance.

Hearing his question Robin came over to him while forming the tow in her hands into a bundle with a contemplative look plastered onto her face.

"There are many things I've been wondering about throughout my life but this is not one of them, I'm sure. Though it is a good question. Maybe I can give you an answer once we find some more poneglyphs." She answered to which Azul hummed in appreciation, turning away from the majestic sight afterwards with the purpose in mind to gather their belongings into to bags since they would be leaving this ship soon.

Carrying their belongings in his hands Azul came back onto the deck of the ship and handed them to Robin who was promptly lifted into the air afterwards where she made herself comfortable quickly under Azuls slightly exasperated gaze.

"Alright, time to return to paradise!" He said and with a jump accompanied by the usual flames in his wake Azul ascended into the air while the both of them watched their vessel drift closer and closer to the redline where it soon crashed into the rocky walls under the whining of the cracking planks made of wood until the ship slowly began to sink below the oceans surface.

Meanwhile Azul and Robin had already reached an impressive height and it wouldn't take long until the both of them would once again enter Paradise…

Meanwhile on a different corner of the world Whitebeard was mulling over his options that had revealed themselves to him during his conversation with the marines and the action alone of sending three admirals spoke of a high level of confidence on the marines part that he wasn't sure how to deal with.

In the end he decided that he would begin the preparations for the soon to ignite conflict between pirates and marines as it was obvious that the marines were rather sure of their strength.

Thus with a command to gather his commanders that had by now arrived at Dress Rosa Whitebeard began giving the orders for his sons and daughters to fortify Dress Rosa as the first line of defence, officially marking the start for the pre-event that would initiate the greatest war the world had seen since the formation of the world government…

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