Grandline, Paradise

Sabaody Archipelago was an island that laid at the end of the first half of the grandline. A place where all the paths from the various routs available after entering the grandline joined together and thus brought many crews together, creating an explosive mix of danger, craziness and parties. If you added the many Tenryuubito onto that mix, who regularly ventured down from Mary Geoise atop the redline to buy themselves some new slaves at the various auction houses for human trafficking, then you had created a bomb that only needed one party to act out which would result in the whole island disappearing under roaring canon fire.

It just so happened that at this beautiful day another factor was added to that mix. A factor that didn't give a rats a.s.s about all the other parts and would do as he pleased, just as he had always done and probably always would be.

Under the wide eyes of the civilians of the Archipelago the huge frame of a man, covered in flames and with a woman sitting on his shoulder, dropped down from high up in the skies down into the middle of the city. Though contrary to all expectations his fall didn't result into him becoming nothing more then a smear on the ground, considering the height he had to have fallen from. No, the half giant surprisingly slowed down in his descent and softly landed on his feet while the flames that made up his legs disappeared as if they had never been there in the first place.

"That's what I call a landing straight out of a story book! Hahaha" Azul laughed to himself while patting himself on the back for a job well done. After all nobody else was doing it for him…

"Not like you haven't done it countless times before already…" The tired voice of Robin echoed from on top his shoulder where she lazily reclined with her back laid against his head, causing Azul to grumbled at her words.

"Oh shut up, will you? After all I'm the one doing all the work here. Some appreciation would be most welcome from time to time, you know? I'm not a freakin' boat you can ride whenever you want." He answered grumpily.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry alright? Thank you o gracious man that you saw fit to let me accompany you on your broad shoulders." Robin replied cheekily causing a tick mark to appear on Azuls forehead which in turn caused Robin to try to contain her laughter but failed miserably.

"That's it! From now on I demand payment for each ride on my shoulder and you'll rue the day you challenged me in that regard! If I remember correctly you couldn't walk properly for two days after I was through with you the last time hehehe" Azul replied while his face took on a wide grin that caused Robins head to turn as red as a tomato, unable to respond any longer while her thoughts went onto a journey through the past.

While they were at it the surrounding civilians couldn't believe their ears and sweatdropped like one man after hearing the tall mans last argument, all the women having blood rush to their cheeks in embarrassment as their thoughts went into the gutters alongside Robin. Never say that women were the innocent as they are just as dirty as men when it came to fooling around. The only difference being that they know how to hide that fact and over the years managed to create a smokescreen for themselves making all of mankind believe that they were holy beings, clean of all sin, even if they were in fact just as dirty minded as any other man on this beautiful earth.

After a while Robins mind returned from her fantasies and with a small trickle of blood running down her nose she chose to stay silent with a pouting huff while Azul marched through the streets of the Archipelago, his massive grin never leaving his face.

Thus the two navigated their way through the different districts until they found the amus.e.m.e.nt park and without hesitation ran inside to see what all the fuss was about but in the end got incredibly disappointed as it was just too boring for Azul who had seen and experienced things by now that left a silly park like that in the dust by a mile. Robin on the other hand just didn't get what was so fun about all the rollercoasters. The only thing she enjoyed was the sweets but after seeing how down Azul was after seeing how boring the park actually is she couldn't bring herself to bath in all the glorious sweets all by herself and thus the two made their way out of said park on the lookout for some tavern where they could grab themselves some decent alcohol and maybe get a little tipsy to safe the day from becoming an utter disappointment.

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