Grandline, Paradise, Sabaody Archipelago

After their disappointing time in the amus.e.m.e.nt park Azul and Robin ventured back into the city of the Archipelago and soon after found a small tavern where they promptly booked a room for the night as well. Tomorrow they would go look for some rations they could consume on their journey to water 7 and finally leave the Archipelago.

Once the two had put their things upstairs into their room they sat themselves down in the small tavern and began to eat some dinner. While they were doing so they completely ignored the eyes of the folks inside the tavern that had a greedy or sometimes even reverential expression on their faces after understanding who those two were.

In the end though none made a move as they were probably too afraid to do so or simply waiting for another opportunity with fewer witnesses, no matter how dumb that actually was.

"You wanne hit the pillows? I could use some sleep." Azul asked Robin while yawning a little as he had grown bored in the last couple hours and nothing really seemed to draw his attention on this island.

"Sure, I could use a nap as well." Robin responded after which they both got up, threw some cash on the table for the food, and went upstairs where it didn't take them long to disappear below the sheets, completely disregarding the greedy morons downstairs which said morons didn't take to very kindly judging by the incensed expressions.

The next morning Azul woke up with a giant yawn which in turn ripped Robin out of her dreams as well.

"Morning. You hungry?" Azul asked while sitting with a sleepy expression at the side of the bed. Though before Robin could answer their door was kicked out of its angles while some men ran inside the already cramped room under roars of motivation.

"Time to die and for me to get rich, burning grim-Azul!" one man roared to which Azul stuck his finger into his ear while wiggling it a little.

"Pipe down dude, it's freakin' early in the morning… Couldn't you guys have waited for us to at least get up and have some breakfast? I'm always a little grumpy when I have nothing in my stomach…" Azul said causing the men to grit their teeth in anger at being disregarded so easily, again.

"Just you wait, you'll learn to fear us in due time…!" Another man said to which the rest giggled like a group of school girls causing Azul's eyebrow to tick slightly in annoyance.

"Let's just get this over and done with already." He said while standing up. As he did so his height increased to his original one as he had shrunk himself down while out with Robin. Otherwise he wouldn't have fit into any of the rollercoasters, not to mention the fooling around they had engaged in after returning for the night.

As he grew the eyes of the men widened to epic proportions while some droplets of sweat began to pour down their heads as they realised they may have bitten of more than they could chew.

While putting on his trousers Azul walked over to the group and without preamble began knocking the morons to the side left and right without them being able to retaliate in the slightest. All the while Robin had gotten herself dressed and walked over towards Azul who by now had left a few holes in the wall of the inn where some of the men had flown out of before implanting their faces into the concrete down below which caused yet another stir within the population.

After the two arrived down in the inn they ordered themselves some breakfast and sat down in peace while stifling a yawn occasionally.

Though their breakfast was interrupted as the barkeeper came over with sweat running down his forehead and while bowing, which confused Azul to no end, handed a newspaper over to Azul with shaking hands.

Azul in return took it while shrugging his shoulders towards Robin who could only grin at the weirdness of the day after which she returned to her breakfast. After taking the newspaper Azul grew curious and while munching on an apple opened the frontpage of the newspaper. His eyes immediately fell on the headline of the article and followed the few bounty posters afterwards which slowly sailed towards the table below it.

"Now would you look at that. My bounty increased! Better late then never I guess…" Azul said with a small smile after which he returned his eyes onto the article that may be responsible for the weirdness of today.

The title read in bold letters: "World government passes on title of the most wanted man!"

Afterwards Azul couldn't help himself but began roaring in laughter that echoed throughout the whole inn and drew curious gazes from the outside to it, wondering what may be the cause for said laughter. Though what none suspected was that the man most spoken about at the moment was currently enjoying a casual breakfast in there.

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