Grandline, Paradise, Impel Down

At first there was nothing but resounding silence in the room belonging to the observation crew. It had all started with the beginning of the fight between Magellan and the intruder. A fight none of them had thought possible to witness when it came to shear destructiveness. Though that awe the group of observers had been in for a prolonged period of time had swiftly turned into absolute horror as the one they held in the highest prestige and awe as their leader was pierced by the burning monster, killing him swiftly. It had happened so fast that the crew had at first thought they were imagining things. But soon reality came knocking at their door, demanding them to return to it.

And so they did. After the silence chaos reigned.

"No wa-ay... H-He just killed the w-warden...!"

"F.u.c.k! What should we do now?"

"Calm down guys! We need to contact headquarters!"

Which they soon did, not sure why they hadn't done so in the first place which may even have prevented the wardens death!

Dialing the marine headquarter a woman picked up at the other end of the line, her monotonous voice betraying her boredom, which soon shattered into a million pieces.

"This is the marine headquarters speaking. How can I help you?"

"This is director Shogi, commander of the observation team in Impel Down. We have an emergency here! Impel Down was infiltrated and a full riot has spread through most of the prison. Furthermore, just a few minutes ago warden Magellan was killed in action by the main perpetrator of the riot in single combat! Please, we need immediate help or this will turn into the worst kind of scenarios imaginable!"

Following the words of commander Shogi the woman inhaled sharply in shock, not wanting to believe her ears at first. Though after confirming the mans words she told him to wait before she rushed out of the office, drawing the attention from her fellow captains on her, who wondered what she had just heard.

Sprinting out of the communication office the female captain dashed up the stairs to the higher floors, reserved for the supreme authorities of marine headquarters and shortly after she arrived before the fleet-admirals office. Knocking swiftly she just opened the door and without knowing interrupted a meeting between the three admirals and the fleet-admiral, making her eyes widen at the sight, before bowing down in apology.

"Thousand apologies sirs but we have an extreme emergency at Impel Down that needs your immediate attention!" The female captain said, making all the admirals and Sengoku stand up, after which they left for the communications office, startling all the captains out of their boredom with their appearance, making them stand up and saluting their arrival.

Walking over to the mic, Sengoku picked up the line.

"This is fleet-admiral Sengoku speaking. Whom am I talking to and what happened?"

"S-Sir, I am commander of the observation team in Impel Down. We have an intruder in Impel Down that started a riot of epic proportions throughout the various levels and furthermore defeated warden Magellan in single combat, rendering any resistance of value we may have been able to present pretty much useless against someone that strong. We require help, if possible yesterday! Please sir! This is getting out of ha-" A crashing sound resounded through the mic from commander Shogi's end, silencing their conversation until different screams and outcries of pain echoed through the line, making Sengoku grimace, clearly understanding what had happened.

"Deploy warsh.i.p.s 1-10! They are to sail towards Impel Down and take out any resistance they find! Kizaru! You will join them and have the command over the fleet! Don't f.u.c.k this up!" Sengoku bellowed his orders, making all the marines bustling in a hurry to carry them out while Kizaru just yawned and walked out of headquarters to the nearest ship that would set sail towards Impel Down...


Meanwhile Azul and the strawhats, along with a small group of prisoners had crashed down into the fifth level of Impel Down, the freazing hell.

Grunting the group stepped out of the crater they had caused with their arrival on this level, observing their new surroundings in the process. They tracked through the level while Azul had jumped up onto the tall prison buildings, searching for some kind of entrance that would lead them further down, if there was another level. While he did so the strawhats and prisoners searched the filled prison cells for Robin, though the later just wanted to free more prisoners.

Not finding her in any of them the strawhats returned back to Azul who had found a small elevator that seemed to go down. Thus they walked over to it and bustled around a little until they managed to get the elevator to work.


As Robin was huddled in the corner of her prison cell, she heard dimly the creaking of a prison cell. At first she thought it was some prisoner being brought somewhere by the prison guards but when she looked up she gazed upon the eyes of a slim man with black, empty eyes, clothed completely in a black suit with a black tie around his neck. His apathetic face sent shivers down her spine but she refused to back down before the man so with weak knees she stood up to him, straigthening her back in the process.

The man though didn't seem to take any notice of this as he only smiled without an ounce of kindness adorning his face, walked up to Robin and twisted her arms to her back after which he cuffed her hands in seastone, pushing her forwards, out of the cell and down the middle of the levels walkway, all the while the convicts leered at Robin, roaring for her to join them in their cells or spitting at the man like animals from behind their bars.

Soon the two reached a small room that was mostly empty, except for a chair in the middle while a small table filled with instruments of the vicious type stop besides it.

The man turned to the small table and lifted up a small steel needle into the flickering light, observing it as if it was the most beautiful thing he had even seen in the world.

Turning back towards Robin, the man gazed into her eyes with a grin on his face.

"Now, let us have a pleasant time, shall we?" The man spoke, walking towards Robin who recoiled but had no chance to escape in any way. Soon afterwards screams and sobbs could be heard coming from the dark room just beyond the doors, betraying the horror's Robin had to endure, hoping still but even that was becoming harder by the minute...

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