Grandline, Paradise, Gate of Justice

The fleet of 10 marine warsh.i.p.s had left marine headquarters nearly an hour after Sengoku had issued the command for their deployment with them now positioned at the gate of Justice that would bring them to the great current in the middle of the three gates from where they would travel to Impel Down.

Kizaru, being an admiral had the supreme command over the fleet though it didn't seem like he did anything to enforce his rules, behind his lazy visage a sharp and cruel mind resided, sometimes coming to the surface when he was hunting down pirates or criminals alike.

While he was standing there, looking lazy to the world, his sharp mind was formulating different ways to approach the coming battle. After all, he hadn't become an admiral for his battle prowess alone, though it played a big role. No. What was important also was his tactical ability and currently he was employing just that.

After having received all the information from the commander Shogi along with Sengoku, Aokiji and Akainu, Kizaru's mind had already begone going to work. At first glance the supression of the prisoners seemed easy enough but that was simply not true. The biggest problem he saw was that they could only use a limited amount of force to fullfill this task, him especially. Should he discard the fact that the prison was mostly underwater they would all die swiftly, should he deploy his devilfruit to the extreme. Thus he was thinking on how to go about this challenge.

But he still had some time to mull things over until they reached the prison and an idea had already begun forming in his head...


Grandline, Paradise, Impel Down

As Azul and the rest of the strawhats were descending down to the sixth level Azuls instincts were screaming for him to go faster as some sort of premonition was gnawing at the back of his mind and he wasn't stupid enough to simply discard his instincts. Thus he smashed a hole into the elevator under suprised outcries, jumping down the hole which made his tempo that much greater.

With a crashing sound, Azul landed on the dark sixth level of Impel Down, splintering the earth beneath his crouched figure into all directions.

Dashing forwards while his haki covered the whole level, Azul was greeted with a lot of highlevel spirits, imprisoned behind thick bars made of seastone, warped and mad emotions rolling off of them, with a few slightly lighter spirits here and there.

Soon his haki come upon to signatures that were confined to a room seperate from the main population of the sixth level, with one squirming in agony while the other was glowing in happiness and malice, making Azuls eyes widen in dawning realisation as he recognized the hurting spirit, it being Robin and from the looks of it she was being tortured no less.

With a cracking sound Azul smashed right through the buildings in his way, ignoring the walls as if the were made out of paper as he automatically clothed himself in a sheen of haki, soon arriving before the door to the interogation cell. As he entered the view that greeted him though made the fire inside of him roar in rage...


Nico Robin was in pain, unbearably so. At first she had tried to remain strong and retreat into the furthest reaches of her mind in an attempt to not break under the strain of the torture. Though that had only helped for a couple of minutes until the pain from having a steel needle pushed below her fingernails was causing tears to roll down her cheeks and her pained screams to fill the chamber, the mans mad giggling backing it as he bathed in his victims agony.

At first she had thought the man would start asking her questions but she soon realised that he was enjoying breaking his victim too much to start with the interogation which could possibly shorten his enjoyment.

Shivering from the pain while tears ran down her cheeks and blood down her hands, the man had turned back to the table to pick up some kind of spoon for a lack of a better word, making her try to twist her head away in fear, making the man grin even further.

As both their eyes fell upon the man, who had taken in the scene before him, the mans face contorted into a furious face, snarling at the slim man that stepped back in fear.

Robin meanwhile had recognized through haze of pain and fear the man before her as none other than Azul, after which her body spasmed from relieve as she fell unconcious instantly, the strain of her stay in Impel Down finally managing to breach her defenses as she knew she would be alright now.

As Azul stepped through the door the fire inside of him grew and roared to life, stronger than he had felt in a long time. Without acitvating his devilfruit his haki lashed out, crashing down onto every inmate currently imprisoned in the sixth level, making them sweat under the pressure while many simply couldn't stand the power that pressed them into the concrete, knocking them out cold. In the epicenter of the pressure Azuls haki had begun to change with the growing of his flame, which swept over onto his haki, making the near invisible shockwaves that now and then lashed out gain a red tinge that singed everything it came into contact with as if burned by some kind of fire.

The man the pressure hit the hardest though was the man that was standing before Azul. With each step Azul took towards the man, he was pressed further into the earth until he was literally kissing the dirt he was previously standing on. Not long after the burning waves of haki ignited the laying torturer, slowly burning him to ashes, which caused Azuls flame to flicker in satisfaction at the sight.

Before he had completely turned to ashes though, Azul turned his hands into black vapor, ripping the soul of the man out, marking it with a strong black taint before he incinerated it into nothingness.

Having taken out the f.u.c.ker, Azul let his haki's pressure subside and swiftly walked over to the slumped over Robin, as far as her restraints allowed it. Checking her injuries, Azul came to the conclusion that she needed to see Chopper immediately, thus freeing her from the restrains that held her up. Slumping forwards Robin fell into Azuls waiting arms, lifting her carefully up before he walked out of the crumbling chamber to find the little doctor so he could treat her wounds.

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