Grandline, Paradise, Mary Geoise

Silence reigned at first in the meeting room of the Gorosei after the call from Sengoku had been ended. Some of them were contemplating how to proceed, some sulked in the shame they felt for the marines that had failed so monumentally and were supposed to be their main executive force, and some like the eldest of the group were contemplating the man that had started this whole mess.

A man that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and caused one mess after the other for the world government. And yet they knew next to nothing about Azul '- the burning grimm' as he had been named by the marines. Sure, they knew a few things about his abilities but that was about all of it. What they did not know was the most crucial and at the same time volatile aspect of the man named Azul in order to possibly control or manipulate the world around him in such a fashion that he could be used in their great design. Where did he come from? What was his ambition? Does he belong to a faction, maybe even one of his own making? Did he have allies? And if so, who were they?

With those thoughts plaguing the Gorosei's minds minutes passed by in absolute silence, everyone absorbed in their own thoughts as it often was the case until one had found some wound on their target to analyse and pierce their fangs into.

Unfortunately the silence was broken with a different purpose in mind then they all would have liked instead.

"We need to evacuate the other world nobles immediately and station what troops we have at our disposal in the intruders way. If only to slow them down until Aokiji and reinforcements from the marine headquarters arrive here." One elder spoke to which the rest of the elders nodded in consent, except the eldest one who still was deep in thought.

'What is this feeling? Something that is nagging at the back of my mind but I am unable to put my finger on it. It's driving me up the wall, god damnit!' The man in complete white simple clothes thought while a deep frown marred his bespectacled old face. Taking notice of their oldest comrades silence and frustration the groups attention switched to the man in question whom in answer to their unasked inquiries simply shook his head and promptly called for a servant that was to go and delay their orders to the rest of the world nobles.

Thus for the first time in the history known to the mortal man the holy land Mary Geoise was evacuated.

The servant had promptly rushed out of the great white building in which the Gorosei resided and relayed the orders to the responsible authorities that as well passed on the orders until many sole servants were sent out to notify the world nobles that were going about their hobbies of mutiliating, disciplining, f.u.c.k.i.n.g, eating or otherwise spending their abundant time.

Though contrary to what the Gorosei expected, the world nobles, or rather most of them except a select few, had grown up in the knowledge that they were the supreme existence on this beautiful earth and strengthened in their beliefs by the power at their every beg and call and thus simply ignored the Gorosei's orders without said men knowing about the disaster that was about to befall the holy land. After all the Gorosei had already retreated into the innermost chamber in order to consult with their leader, a being unknown to all. Im, king of the world nobles and supreme ruler over the world government.


As the group of invaders were riding the elevator upwards Azul stood at the railing of the ship, bewitched by the absolute beauty that lay before him, gazing down onto the endless blue of the grandline that stretched farther then the eye could see.

But in the end he had to pull himself out of his reverie as the group was fastly approaching their destination and Azul wanted to have a quick discussion with the group before they arrived.

"Alright listen up! We are not far away from our destination and as it happens I still have a score to settle with the world government and the marines are still hot on our tails meaning this transition into the new world has to go fast. Ivankov, I assume you also have some objective to achieve in Mary Geoise, correct?" Azul asked the large men after stating their current position.

"Yes, I do boy Yihahahaha" Ivankov answered to which Azul only nodded, ignoring the weirdness of the man for the moment. Afterwards he turned towards the strawhats who did not really know on how to proceed from there on out. Azul though knew with certainty that the crew were not ready for the new world and so told them exactly that.

"Listen guys, the new world is different from the first part of the grandline. As you are now you wouldn't even stand a chance against the footsoldiers of a yonko, who you will unavoidably meet while there as the Yonko rule over the new world with an iron fist. Thus I would advice you to return to paradise and pick up your ship from water 7 that should be ready by now. I as well will need to return to water 7 for my own ship but first I will bring Robin to safety as I promised. So you will help the rest of the group with the transition of the ship to the new world while I will be gone for some time. Can I trust you to keep Robin safe once more?" Azul said, making Robin go stiff at the mentioning of Azul bringing her to safety in the new world.

Not reacting to Robin's changed body posture Azuls eyes remained on the strawhats who mulled Azuls words over after which some of them agreed while other's needed some more 'forceful convincing' you could say. Sanji though had swiftly agreed to safeguard Robin once more, earning him a few mocking insults from Zoro until another one of their small squables ensued.


While the elevator had arrived at the top of the redline and brought the group to the doorstep to Mary Geoise admiral Aokiji and his troups had arrived at the bottom of the redline and were only waiting for the elevator to come back down again. Though what they would find once they arrived in the normally tranquil city of Mary Geoise none of them had believed to be a possibility.

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