Redline, Mary Geoise

"Jihahaha, brother that slave is meant for p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and not for transportation jihahaha!" A woman with brown hair and clothed in the traditional garb of the tenryuubito yelled over to her brother that was attempting to ride on top of a woman that was told to carry the fat, short man on her back while on all fours that were leaving a small trace of blood behind her as she advanced forwards.

"Ehhhh? What do you mean Shaluria? Slave is a slave. Why would I make a difference between them? All they are good for is serving anyway." The short man called back to his sister Shaluria while a small frown came on his face as he was sitting on the womans back that was trembling under the weight of her master.

She had been a small child when she was taken from her parents and brought here to Mary Geoise and forced to serve under Saint Carlos. At first she had been nothing more then a servant to cater to the mans gluttony but when she reached her early teens that changed. At first she had been confused. After all she had never been educated on s.e.x.u.a.lity and pretty much everything else for that matter and yet, deep deep down inside of her she knew that what she was experience at that time wasn't supposed to happen yet. Still, the slave that she was she had been forced to become the nobles p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e slave and soon grew used to the role even though her disgust at the man and his family never left her but she learned to ignore it, mostly.

Over the years she had observed many slaves be killed over the tiniest things like not serving wine fast enough or transporting the nobles too slowly and had already lost hope that she would reach the age of 25 but was baffled when she kept on living. That had changed today though as her master had out of boredom decided that she would be transporting him now instead of the giant he had in his posession and thus ended up on her knees with the master on her back, struggling to advance even a tiny bit forwards. Still, she knew that if she didn't hurry she would die and she refused out of some small spark that had grown over the years inside of her being if only out of defiance to let the noble win. Even though she knew that such a notion was rediculous. She had no chance of escaping.

Ripped out of her thoughts by a strong lashing on her behind from on top of her by her master she grit out every ounce of willpower she could muster and krept forwards. Faintly she could here the father of her master call over to his son while her heartbeat pulsed in her ears.

"Stop fooling around Carlos and come over here. I have a present for the two of you." The father called over to Carlos that told his slave number 6 under him to change directions and bring him over to his father. She of course tried to obliege.

As she turned around a small pebble twisted under her knee while turning making her grit her teeth in pain until blood started to trickle down the side of her mouth. With a small whimper she tried to continue onwards but the unusual strain was too much for her and under horror filled eyes she observed as if in slowmotion how her right arm gave out and was followed by the rest of her body, collapsing to the ground.

'This is it I guess. Huh, who would have thought I would live to this day still? I wonder how mom and dad are doing? Are they even still alive? Do they think about me sometimes? Maybe they had another child to replace me?' Erratic thoughts like that ran through her mind while her master crushed her under his weight while cursing his slave in the process.

As she closed her eyes to the finality of her situation the back of her eyelids grew darker all of a sudden. In confusion of not having been shot yet she opened her eyes once again. Maybe the master was playing another one of his sick games to the amusment of his lover/sister once again?

Though as she opened her eyes a large shadow had fallen over her form and she could see her masters feet levitating over the ground. With confusion clouding her mind her eyes wandered further upwards towards her master that was struggling against something.

'Not something. Someone... but how...what...' She thought as her mind worked furiously to comprehend what she was seeing. A large man with a blank face held her master upwards with his grip tightened around Saint Carlos' neck not betraying any emotion. Though when her eyes fell on the mans eyes she recoiled slightly under the burning fury she saw inside them, all consuming, ravaging and wild.

"How dare you peasant! Put down my son this instant and get down on your knees! I'll have you hanged for this!" Saint Rosward, father of Saint Carlos and his sister Shaluria roared from a few meters away, demanding the man to put Carlos down.

"Don't kill him father! He is such a nice speciman. Maybe part giant? I want him! I want him now! Father, please? Can I have him?" Shaluria whimpered towards her father who grunted until he nodded shortly to his daughter/lover. It was not easy to differenciate those categories when it came to Tenryuubito as they were like rabbits, i.n.c.e.s.tuous ones for that matter. Thus it came as no surprise that Rosward couldn't refuse her her request.

With a happy yelp and a small kiss to her fathers cheek Shaluria turned back towards the tall man that was standing there with her brother gripped in his hand.

"Now that you belong to me get down on your knees! And would you release my brother already? He's turning blue already! You can consider yourself lucky that you are mine now jihahahaha" Shaluria said while walking over to the tall man while swaying her h.i.p.s seductively, drawing her fathers eyes to them.

Reaching the tall man she reached out her hand to let it run down the mans muscles c.h.e.s.t while a purr escaped her lips in the process. Though before her hand could reach the man a crushing pressure smashed her and her father into the concrete of Mary Geoise, cracking some bones in the process under their collective outcries of outrage, surprise and pain. Maybe even some p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e?

Under number 6s' confused gaze as she was observing everything that was happening before her, so completely different from the usual going ons in Mary Geoise, her eyes widened slightly as she began to understand why the tall man wasn't doing what the Tenryuubito were saying.

As she was about to open her mouth to plead for the man to help her she heard the deep rumbling voice of the man, sending a shiver down her spine as the invisible force that pressed the two Tenryuubito into the concrete seemed to intensify.

"Yours? I would rather burn this world to cinders than belong to a shitstain such as you, Tenryuubito!" The man spat out through his teeth as his burning eyes seemed to set the three nobles on fire with their intensity alone. Then, under her unbelieving eyes, the mans arms turned into pure black vapor, bringing a sense of doom and helplessness with it that she was only too familiar with. But she remained hopeful. Maybe she really could be free once more...

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