Redline, Mary Geoise

Aokiji was restless to say the least. He had been restless for a while now, not unjustly so may have to be added. First he got his arm nearly sliced off, then Impel Down was reduced to rubble and now the man that nearly crippled him had arrived at Mary Geoise. Why? That was only too obvious to Aokiji who didn't like the Tenryuubitos all that much himself and he himself had found out that Azul had declared himself an enemy of the world government, thus saying all that needed to be said about what was about to happen in Mary Geoise. And the worst of it? He doubted he could stop the man. If only Sakazuki hadn't run of like the hothead that he was they would have succeeded in preventing the inevitable and possibly elliminate the threat all together! But no, the moron had run of and left the mess to Aokiji like usual which in this case was a huge problem.

As he was mulling over all the plans he had formed while they had journey towards the redline he came to the conclusion that none would really work. He simply didn't have strong enough troops with him! All he really could do was delay the destruction that was probably already on its way to the nobles doorsteps...


Shocked, that was all she was in her humble opinion. Frozen to the ground that was still stained with her blood while she was viewing the scene that was playing out before her, immolating all she thought she knew of the world and what was going on inside it. Of course she knew that she had not been fully educated and thus wasn't as smart as possible but she still knew that she was not dumb. She never had been for that matter which may be one of the reasons why she had managed to stay alive until now.

Coming out of her thoughts with a jerk she saw as the tall man with the burning eyes plunged his smoking black arms into the Tenryuubitos c.h.e.s.t under silent screams of pain while the rest of the family roared while implanted in the concrete that this would not go unpunished. Yet the tall man didn't seem to care in the slightest that an admiral was already on his way and would right all the wrongs commited which made number 6 swallow in disgust at what was labeled "justice" in this world.

Retrieving his arm slowly the mans arm seemed to grip something though it wasn't what she had expected to see. While she had been a slave she had been witness to many cruelties and thus new just what exactly lay dormant beneath the skin of every human being. Yet, that wasn't what was pulled out of the man. No. It was a translucent thing in the form of the man that was squirming and jerking like a fish that had landed on dry land.

With a rip the translucent being severed from Saint Carlos' body who slumped down in the grip of the tall man, dead. That much number 6 knew in the back of her head. But right now she couldn't focus on that fact, even though she had dreamed of seeing it happening so often in the horrorfilled dreams after she had been taken by the Tenryuubito again and again against her will.

All she could focus on was the admitedly beautiful yet horrifying sight of the translucent being that was still gripped by the man who was observing it was apathetic eyes that had been furious just a second ago to her amazement.

Slowly the black vapor on the tall mans arm began to spread outwards, flowing like a cloud towards the translucent being, slowly covering it, inch by inch until it was black, completely so.

Not being able to remove her eyes from the man she watched as he walked over to the two imobile Tenryuubito and sat down on his heels next to them.

"I honestly did not expect your souls to be this corrupted and tainted and am baffled how somebody could become so...wretched. But no matter. You will be judged soon enough. That I can promise you..." The tall man spoke, his voice steady, not betraying what was going on in his now apathetic eyes that had been oh so furious not long ago.

Reaching out his arms the tall man grasped both Tenryuubito, one in each hand. As he was about to continue like before while his arms turned smoky black once more a beautiful woman with black hair that reached her shoulders stepped next to him and informed him of something that number 6 had seen coming with dawning horror that betrayed her apprehension that she may have to stay in this place forever still.

"Azul, Aokiji and a group of marines have just arrived at the gates to Mary Geoise. How are we going to continue from here on out? Ivankov has already freed some slaves but alot of them are still incapacitated by the Tenryuubito and those are still alive." The woman spoke in a calm voice while she seemed to nearly glow as she stood next to the tall man now identified as Azul.

"Did he now? Not that it matters much. I will meet him. Can you take this woman to the rest of the slaves that were freed?" Azul spoke to the woman that turned towards number 6 who teared up after hearing the tall mans words, not able to burry the hope that now spilled forwards from her.

"Of course. But what if more marines arrive let alone another admiral? I know you are strong but two is alot, even for you... be careful okay?" The woman spoke with clear worry displayed in her voice after which she walked over to number 6 who croaked out to her own embarressment like a newborn for the woman to help her which the woman did without a comment to the state she was currently in. To number 6s' amazement she did so by sprouting arms that supported her weight in such a fashion that she was walked forwards as if she was a puppet, every limb grasped by a group of arms. Meanwhile the woman with the black hair threw another glance at the tall man, seeing him burning the screaming souls of the two Tenryuubito after which she turned her head back on to the road and walked number 6 away from the scene.

Number 6 couldn't believe what was happening today and for the first time since she had been captured at the age of nine she aloud herself to cry in happiness, her head leaned against the womans shoulder who kindly smiled down at her in empathy.

Tracking slowly forwards the two ventured through Mary Geoise that was unusually deserted, coming occasionally upon a group of armed soldiers that saluted the woman at her side to which she didn't really seem to respond. Number 6 thus accepted it as something that was normal to her, not knowing that it amused Robin to no end that a group of people she didn't know at all saluted her only because she was closely related to Azul in the eyes of the many. She didn't really mind it though, having gotten used to it on their trip to Mary Geoise.

Soon the two arrived at another elevator that would lead the group down to the new world and Robin was both looking forward and looking towards it with apprehension as it meant both freedom and possible seperation from the only person she had a connection with on the whole world.

Just as they were arriving though and number 6 had taken in the whole scene before her a loud explosion, followed by a shockwave made her and Robin stumble forwards while the later turned into the direction the explosion came from with a worried face. Number 6 wondered what exactly was happening over there but it was soon forgotten as the pain of her body, now dereft of adrenalin, registered with her, causing her to collapse into the woman next to her who caught her on reflex and helped her to sit down. Her mind though as number 6 could see was somewhere else. Somewhere much more dangerous she mused...

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