Grandline, New World, ???

With the wind roaring in their ears Robin and Azul plumeted with increasingly high speed towards the nearing ocean below. Coming out of his ecstatic state of mind while falling from such an incredible height Azul ignited his legs once more, slowly stopping the two until they were hovering just above the sea level.

Looking at each other in the eyes the two couldn't help but grin stupidly while small laughter echoed over the otherwise relatively calm sea.

"You know, if it is always a requirement to destroy a city in order to experience something like our freefall then I may have to do so more often, hehehehe" Azul said to Robin with mirth written all over his face, slowly making his way into a random direction not really caring where they would end up at.

"And I may just want to assist you in your most glorious endevour, hahahaha" Robin replied back while drying the corners of her eyes with her sleeve after the wind had made her eyes water quite strongly.

"Any idea where we are?" Azul asked after a moment of silence to which Robin shook her head in denial.

"I suppose any direction would do the trick for the moment. Once we reach an island we'll find out where we are one way or the other." She said after a moment of pondering.

"True. Let's just head into that direction." Azul said while spinning on his own axis with Robin in his arms and ended up coming to an uprupt stop, pointing in some random direction which caused Robin to sweatdrop slightly. Though she couldn't supress the elation she was feeling right now. After all, wasn't this how it was like when you were free?

And so they, or rather he with her in his arms, started walking of into the horizon, not caring in the slightest for the quivering seakings that had at first thought to jump the pair only to be stricken with a sense of doom that shooed them back underwater to hunt for a little less dangerous meal.


Grandline, Paradise, Marine Headquarters

With a smash Sengoku let all his pent up emotions explode on his poor desk, that had done nothing untowards to deserve such a harsh treatment, with a palm strike shattering it into two pieces while Garp couldn't help laughing like a moron on the sideline.

"Stop laughing you buffon!" Sengoku yelled, only causing the man to laugh even louder until Sengoku couldn't stop himself any longer and began to strangle the man before him, only to get interrupted by a slightly sweating marine captain that was normally responsible for depositing the paperwork in his office and it was obvious from the mans face that he wanted to be everywhere but here at that particular moment.

"Yes?!" Sengoku gnashed out through his teeth causing the captain to swallow with a gulp until he took in a breath and get the report over and done with.

"Sir, it seems we've had a spy in our midst that filmed everything that has happened in the last few days and streamed it, live, all over the world. By now it is absolutely impossible to contain the spread of information. On top of that it seems like the revolutionary army has seen to the revelation of the burning and freeing of slaves from Mary Geoise along with the killing of many Tenryuubito. It will only be a matter of time until the newspapers will write about the incident. There literally is nothing that we can do about all of this..." The captain reported while a shadow fell over the fleet-admirals face and his eyes began to glow red like a demon from hell.

With a yelp the captain decided to dismiss himself at the sight, f.u.c.k all problems that may arise from subordination! He wasn't going to die in such a stupid way. No way!

Having lost his immediate target Sengoku turned back to the still laughing Garp. Though said man soon choked on his own laughter when he saw his old friends face while croaking out with a small shiver running down his spine.

"Parley?" No marine dared approach the shrieks and outcries of pain that echoed forth from the office for the next couple of hours...


The following day the newspaper released, just like predicted by the marines, the full story to the world which caused an uproar all over the oceans.

Many people were shocked at the raw destruction the marines wielded, excessable at nothing but the push of a button which ended with many islands to reconsider their stance when it came to their believe in the world government. Others on the other hand though breathed out in relief that their allies had so much firepower at their disposal and showed once and for all that the marines were yet to be toppled and still had the might to supress the pirates.

Another matter though was the man that had instigated the whole mess. Nobody really knew what to think about said man. After all, he had never laid claim to any known faction. Yet it was clear that he did not stand with the world government. This small fact and what he had done to Mary Geoise and its inhabitants earned him alot of respect from many different corners of the world and along with it came nothing else but fear. After all, not even the marine admirals posed a threat to the man as many thought. He had beaten two and escaped a third after hours of fighting no less, thus making his case clear for all.

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