Grandline, New World, ???

While the whole world went to hell the one who stood at the middle of the whole mess, along with his female companion, had leisurely ventured along, not caring in the slightest for the chaos he had caused on pretty much every major island on the grandline, until they came upon a small island.

With a growing grin on the pairs faces the two set foot on dry land once more.

The island they set foot on was a beauty of nature. White beaches, palmtrees that were gently swaying in the wind and seaguls that were weirdly glowing in a red light circling overhead on the wind.

"Now would you look at that! What do you say we make a little stop on this island? I could go for some vacation right about now hahahaha" Azul asked his companion with a grin on his face.

"Hmm, yes. A vacation sounds like a good idea... maybe there even is a small town on this island? I could really use a nice shower..." Robin replied while her mind ventured to the shower of her dreams, drifting away just like the seaguls up above. Luckily for Azul she didn't notice the slight twitch that emerged just for a second on Azuls eyebrow when some rather sugestive pictures entered his mind out of his control.

Not wanting to dwell on his fantasy going offroads Azul began to cover the island in his observation haki and in doing so came upon a lot of lifesigns that at first only belonged to animals. Not long after though he found a small town by the looks of it. Motioning for Robin to follow him the two ventured into the green vegetation. Once they entered the treeline they could clearly hear the bustling of small animals that were skimpering away once they felt the dangerous air around Azul. Thus the two of them had no problems on their way, except maybe the trees which were a little problem for Azuls huge frame at first. Though only until he grew annoyed and simply bent them out of the way while Robin couldn't help but laugh at his rediculous plight that she doubted anybody else would have had.

After a track of ca. 15 minutes the duo arrived in a small village that carried a relaxed vibe with it. The town consisted of small huts that resembled coconuts while small rivers flowed through and around the whole village, kids playing inside them or the occasional a.d.u.l.t that was lounging inside of them instead of a chair before their small huts. All in all it resembled a vacation resort and judging by the villagers they had every intention of it staying that way.

"Now would you look at that! That's a way of living I tell ya', hahahaha!" Azul said to Robin while putting his hand on her head with a giant grin on his face ruffling it in the process, completely ignoring Robins outcries to leave her hair alone at first. Soon though he was brought back out of his vacation fantasy by Robin who pinched him into his right n.i.p.p.l.e, making him yelp from the sudden and surprising pain.

"What the hell woman! What did you pinch me for?" Azul asked while he massaged his right n.i.p.p.l.e that had turned a little red in the process.

"That should teach you not to mess around with a woman's hair!" Robin replied while smoothing her silky black hair back into position while slightly glaring at Azul who was pretty stupefied at her words. After all they had been through her hair had never played much of a role before and now all of a sudden it did? It confused the hell out of Azul.

Their small bantering though drew the attention of a few amused villagers upon them that couldn't help but grin at their antics while some of the men couldn't help but think along the same lines of Azul. What was so important about some hair anyways? The women meanwhile only grinned, seemingly as if they were the only ones with some inside knowledge.

"Welcome to the small island of Solaris! How can we help you two?" An old man asked while stepping forward with widening eyes once he stood before the towering body that belonged to Azul. After a second of recomposing himself the old man stretched out his hand and Azul took it in a friendly handshake, followed by Robin who did the same.

"Well, we actually came upon your island simply by happenstance and don't really know where we are in the New World. But now that we are here we decided that some small vacation wouldn't be a bad idea. If you have no problems with that of course." Azul said while smiling at the old man before him that was even more confused by Azuls words. How could they not know where they were in the New World? Did they loose their memories or something?

"The captain? Who are you talking about grandpa?" Azul asked, his mind already going through all the emperors that the old man could be talking about while said old man stumbled at being called grandpa. He was only 55 for heavens sake!

"Ehemm, Red-haired Shanks, one of the emperors of the sea of course. I haven't heard of an island that wasn't claimed yet by one of the emperors and the captain, Shanks that is, has a tendency to claim islands that resemble a good spot for vacation and as you can see, ours belongs into that category. My name is Roshi by the way. Nice to meet you fellas."

"I'm Azul grandpa, and this violent lady is Nico Robin. Shanks heh? Could be interesting to meet him I guess..." Azul mused to himself, while his words brought a tickmark to Roshi for being called a grandpa once again and one to Robin as well at being called violent. Though judging by his nonchallant attitude Azul didn't really seem to care all that much. Why would he though, right?

Soon they arrived at the small hut and after taking stock of all that they had at their disposal the duo decided to do some small shopping after which their vacation could finally begin in full swing!

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