[Fire Fist Ace: Daddy is right, and this time all three parties can get rewards, maybe we can also get the reward we want for Lang Lang's father to recover or regain his youth? ]

[Red-haired Shanks: I don't want anything at the moment, let it go with the flow when the reward comes, hahaha. ]

[Ben Beckman: I don't have any objection to this, any reward will do. ]

[Little Thief Cat Nami: Zoro, Luffy, what do you think? ]

[Pirate Hunter Zoro: Humph, these two guys better get some airs, especially this pervert. ]

[Straw Hat Boy Luffy: I don't have any objection. As long as Sanji and Usopp are happy, that's fine. ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: You guys are very open-minded, but it's a pity that we can't participate in such an interesting competition. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hey, you have played in the Monster League three times, and you have won rewards three times in a row, so why are you pretending to be pitiful here? ]

[Kaido the Beast: How do you embarrass us who haven't played yet? ]

[Bundivold the World Destroyer: Have you ever considered the people among us who are still imprisoned in the big prison? ]

[Locks the Sea Overlord: There are still a lot of dead people in this group. I've been dead for 38 years and I can't wait to return to the sea. ]

[BIGMOM the Iron Balloon: You'd better not come back. ]

[Edward Newgate the Whitebeard: Gulala, old captain, you should be more obedient. ]

[Grandma Zha: I agree. ]

[Xia Qi: +1]

[Empress Boa Hancock: Old woman, and Sister Xia Qi, why are you talking? ]

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of the Monsters: Because the two you are talking to above you were also members of the Rocks Pirates. ]

[Empress Boa Hancock: What? You two usually say that I am too messy. I didn't expect that the two consecutive emperors of the Kingdom of Women were once on the same pirate ship. ]

[Grandma Zha: ………]

[Xia Qi: ………]

[Pluto Rayleigh: Hahahaha. ]


In the world chat channel, it is still very lively.

At this time, on the Nine Snake Island, Grandma Zha, who was stared at by Boa Hancock, looked extremely embarrassed. At the same time, she secretly cursed Tang Tian in her heart, why did you say this? When she scolded this girl in the future, she would definitely bring this up.

Besides, it was not wrong to join such a powerful pirate group back then.

At the same time, in the Shambolic Archipelago's rip-off bar, Xia Qi's face was also very bad.

And Rayleigh next to him couldn't help laughing at him.

"You don't have to drink for a week." Xia Qi rolled her eyes at him and said unhappily.

"…………." Upon hearing this, Rayleigh stopped smiling, his smile became stiff, and he felt sick.

He could only curse in his heart, Tang Tian boy, I hate you.

At the same time, time passed quickly, and the last five minutes of sprinting were coming.

Since it was the last time, Sanji, Thatch, and Lakilu also tried their best, staring at the cooking in front of them carefully, not missing any details.

They are now cooking their last dish, which is also the dish they are most proud of, most confident in, and think they can do the best and the best now.

At this time, Usopp and the other three had already stopped, because they could see the last dish in the hands of their chef partner.

Moreover, after three hours of high-efficiency shooting, not to mention Usopp, even Jesus Bu and Izo were a little overwhelmed, sweating all over their bodies, and their clothes were soaked with sweat.

They are now taking a break and panting, while watching their chef finish the last dish.

"The ten-second countdown begins, ten, nine..."

Hearing that the final countdown was already being done, Usopp and the other three snipers immediately urged.

"Hurry up, Sanji."

"Brother Sachi, hurry up, we're running out of time."

"Lakilu, you fat guy, hurry up."

Although the three of them were already sweating profusely, they just smiled. They finally completed the last step, including seasoning, collecting the sauce, and sprinkling special seasonings.

Finally, when the countdown was on and there were only 2 seconds left, their dish was finally completed.

The world consciousness also quickly gave a score and announced the end of the game.

"Lakilu, honey blueberry juicy dinosaur meat leg, full score 100 points, score 95 points."

"Sachi, super luxurious feast cake, full score 100 points, score 95 points,"

"Sanji, all-purpose seafood soup, full score 100 points, score 99.5 points.”

“Time pause, please stop shooting, snipers, and stop cooking, the game is over.”


But after hearing the final score, Thatch and Lagilu were stunned.

They couldn’t believe that the food they were most proud of was five points away from full marks.

But at the same time, the yellow-haired young man actually got such a high score, only 0.5 points away from buying points.

You know, for the last dish, the three of them looked at each other, which was the last competition between the three of them.

Now, doesn’t this mean that they are not as good as this young man in cooking?

Usopp and the other three were also very shocked because they were already looking at the total score.

It turned out that as early as in the game, the corresponding total score display had appeared next to the flag behind them.

At the same time, the display also showed the total scores of the other two teams.

At this time, the display above was.

“Straw Hat Pirates representative, Sanji Usopp team total score: 9999.5 points. ”

“Red Hair Pirates representative, Team Lagi Lujesus, total score: 9995 points.”

“White Beard Pirates representative, Team Sachi Izo, total score: 9995 points.”

At this time, not only them, but also Sanji and the other three reacted and looked at the total score screen and the audience.

Seeing this score comparison, they already knew very well that this time, the Straw Hat Pirates won the fun game and became the first, while the White Beard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates tied for second.

At the same time, they also knew that all the dishes made by the three chefs before had different scores, and finally reached 9900 points, and the last dish, the dish they were most proud of, was the key.

But this gap...

“Wait a minute, I want to know where my five points were deducted?”

“I also ask the world consciousness to give an explanation. "

Sachi and Lakilu were naturally dissatisfied with this, so they shouted at the sky at the same time.

"Honey blueberry juicy dinosaur meat legs, the sweetness of honey and the saltiness of dinosaur meat legs conflict with each other, destroying a bit of taste and flavor, especially where the two are in contact, plus the only vegetarian food is a few mint leaves and blueberries, the meat and vegetable combination is seriously unbalanced, here deduct five points. "

"Super luxurious feast cake, too much sweetness, too much sweetness, serious taste imbalance, people with poor health, or children and the elderly will have diarrhea after eating, affecting the body, plus the chef took too long to cook, the ice cream inside is almost melted, here deduct five points. "

World consciousness also quickly gave its own evaluation and reasons.

Lakilu and Sachi were silent after listening, and at the same time, they also found that they did underestimate the strictness of world consciousness.

At the same time, they also found that the evaluation of these two dishes that they were proud of was indeed a weakness of world consciousness.

They didn't say anything anymore, after all, their dishes seemed to have such a shortcoming.

"What about me? Where did I deduct the 0.5 points?" Sanji couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, everyone cast curious eyes, yes, where did this kid deduct the 0.5 points.

"Ten-in-one seafood soup is indeed an excellent soup, with a combination of meat and vegetables, all five flavors, and the time for putting all the ingredients in the pot and cooking time are perfect. The cutting and processing methods of each ingredient are correct, but it would be better if one more ingredient was added, deduct 0.5."

The world consciousness said again, obviously, it was still very satisfied with the seafood soup made by Sanji, but after all, it is this world, and it has seen and tasted countless delicacies, so it immediately concluded that if Sanji's soup had that ingredient in it, it would be more perfect.

"Well, what ingredient." Sanji couldn't help asking curiously, and others also cast curious eyes, especially Sachi and Lakilu.

"From All Blue, that is, a special fish in the blue sea, purple cod. "

But the answer of the world consciousness completely shocked the three chefs present, as well as all the chefs in the audience outside.

"What is that legendary sea area that gathers all the fish ingredients and some special ingredients from four seas, which is a sea area that no one has ever heard of?"

"Oh my God, does it really exist?"

"Nonsense, this is the world consciousness, and it has called out the name of a special ingredient, which proves that this sea area really exists."

The ordinary chefs in the ordinary chat channel have already started chatting.

Including the world chat channel, they really didn't expect that this legendary sea area of ​​the chef's holy land really exists.

Of course, the most shocked person is naturally Sanji in the venue. The cigarette he was about to take a puff of fell to the ground, but he didn't want to care about it now, because his dream, does the blue sea really exist?

"Does the blue sea really exist?" Sanji stood up and asked in a trembling voice.

"Follow your current team and you will find it."

The world consciousness also admired this partner of the child of destiny chosen by him. Of course, it would not admit that the ten-piece seafood soup just now was really delicious.

"Okay, that's the end. According to the original rules, the first winner can get four rewards, the second winner can get two, and the third winner can get one."

"However, since the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates tied for second place in this competition, you can all get two rewards."

"Now please invite the Straw Hat Pirates to win your rewards."

Hearing this, Sanji came back to his senses, and Usopp, who had walked to his side, raised his head and looked at the rewards that had landed.

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