"Congratulations to Sanji for mastering the Storm Kick and Moon Step, two of the Navy's six styles."

"Congratulations to Usopp for awakening his Observation Haki and getting a Resurrection Crystal."

Boom boom boom————

Everyone was shocked again. Whether it was the six people on the field or the audience outside, they all looked at the transparent crystal that was used as a reward for victory, which had already floated down.

But at the same time, changes also occurred in Sanji and Usopp.

Sanji had more memories and experiences related to the Storm Kick and Moon Step, two of the Navy's six styles, in his mind. If he uses these two physical skills now, he will not be worse than an ordinary Navy vice admiral.

And the vice admiral here is not a branch vice admiral, but a headquarters vice admiral.

You know, in the original plot, Sanji mastered the Moon Step, which made Sanji a good air combat player in the Straw Hat Pirates. Now there is the Storm Kick. For a leg skill expert like Sanji, his strength is now greatly enhanced.

The same is true for Usopp. You know, as a sniper, the most suitable one among the three colors of Haki is naturally the Observation Haki, which enables him to play a role in long-range support and harassment control.

Now Usopp's sniper level has obviously improved.

But now neither he nor Sanji cares about these, still staring at the resurrection crystal that has landed, and Usopp reaches out to hold it.

"Sanji, what should I do with this resurrection crystal?" Usopp turned his head and asked Sanji. Although he also has people he wants to resurrect in his heart, in their current five-member team, some other partners also want to resurrect their dead, their beloved ones.

This should belong to their team, and he also knows that he can't win this game without Sanji, so he can't use this crystal on his own initiative. He is definitely not a selfish person.

"Usopp, this is your reward. You have the right to use it. We all have people we want to revive. There will definitely be more duels and competitions in the future. We can completely rely on our own hands to obtain the resurrection crystal, so you should use this one first." Sanji lit a new cigarette and said with a smile while smoking.

"But..." Usopp still felt a little bad, and Sanji could only continue to comfort him and persuade him.

At the same time, the world chat channel became lively.

[Sea Overlord Rocks: Oh my god, this should be the second piece. This kid is so lucky that he got it so easily. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: His situation is not bad. Don't forget the sons of Whitebeard, the bastard. The resurrection crystal he got last time was a consolation prize. ]

[Pirate King Roger: I really hope I can revive quickly, or go on stage myself, hahahaha. ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: Resurrection Crystal? ]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Huh? What, Tang Tian boy, do you also want to revive someone? Gulala. ]

[Tang Tian, ​​the Lord of Monsters: No, I just want to study it. I don't have anyone I want to resurrect in particular. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: You are free now. ]

[Tian Yasha Doflamingo: Hey, this seems to be pretty good. I can be more direct in doing anything. ]

[Death Doctor Luo: I also want to join the war. I want to revive the crystal and revive Mr. Rosinante. ]

[Rosinante: Hahaha, you are thoughtful, little Luo. ]

[Marshal Sengoku:?! Rosinante. ]

In the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku was surprised and shocked. This once beloved adopted son actually spoke. I didn't expect him to speak in the chat channel of this world, but he should be in the Death World now.

You know, not everyone can come to the Death World. He originally thought that Rosinante had not spoken before and was not qualified to invite him in, so he gave up, but he didn't expect.

But at the same time, seeing the second resurrection crystal appear so easily, many people on the sea became excited.

For example, they are still on the Straw Hat Pirates Merry, which is about to arrive at the Upside Down Mountain.

Now only Luffy, Zoro and Nami are left. They all have people they want to resurrect. Luffy wants to resurrect his brother Sabo, but he doesn't know that his brother is not dead.

Zoro wants to resurrect Kuina, and as for Nami, of course, she wants to resurrect her adoptive mother, Bell-mère.

On this sea, there are many people who want to resurrect people. They feel bad about it, such as lovers or friends.

At the same time, in the duel space, Usopp was finally persuaded by Sanji.

"Please resurrect my mother." Usopp raised the resurrection crystal in his hand and said with excitement and trembling, imitating Ace before.

But at the same time, there was another person who was equally excited and trembling, and that was naturally JesusBu, after all, it is not only Usopp's mother who is to be resurrected, but also his wife.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart that he finally had a chance, he had to make up for it, and he must go back to the East China Sea to have a look.

"As you wish." The voice of the world consciousness appeared again, and soon the resurrection crystal in Usopp's hand was broken.

After a huge burst of energy appeared, it went directly into the void.


At the same time, in the village of Xiluobu, in the house where Usopp used to live, a beautiful woman with a long nose and dark green long hair was resurrected.

Appeared here out of thin air.

"Thank you, my son, and I'm waiting for you to come back, Jesus Bu." Bankina said with a gentle smile.

But at the same time, he also saw the house that had not been cleaned for a long time, full of dust, and even some small insects and mice, which had just passed by her eyes.

"It seems that I have to clean it up well." She said with a helpless smile.

"Let me help you, Auntie."

"Miss Kaya, let me do my part."

"And us, and us."

The door was opened, and Usopp's childhood sweetheart Kaya, his housekeeper Meili, and the Straw Hat Pirates' current Meili were the beloved ships he gave them.

And the three young generals who used to be in the village with Usopp.

They naturally saw what happened on the screen and came to help.

But at the same time, the awarding of rewards in the duel space had to continue.

"Congratulations to Izou for awakening his observation Haki."

"Congratulations to Sachi for obtaining the Dark Fruit."

"The Dark Fruit, the top fruit of the natural dark attribute, is the upper level of the Dark Dark Fruit. Its ability is the same as the Dark Dark Fruit, but its power is more than three times higher, and it can be transformed into a dark element, reducing the pain suffered by the eater by half."

"In addition, energy attacks that can devour a fruit can allow the eater to gain the ability of that fruit."

! ! ! ! ! ! !

Even the Whitebeard Pirates have not yet learned from the reward from Izou in the previous sentence, which finally allowed him to obtain the observation Haki and greatly improved his strength.

At least he will not be beaten to death by Kaido like in the original plot.

But the reward that Thatch received made many people on the sea uneasy.

The top-level dark fruit of the natural dark attribute, the superiority of the dark dark fruit, and this series of abilities really shocked many people.

On the field of the game, Sanji and Usopp were nothing, after all, they had no impression of the power of devil fruits.

But at this time, even Jesus and Lagilu cast shocked and curious eyes towards the field of the Whitebeard Pirates.

They really didn't expect that such a top-level devil fruit would fall into the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Thatch might become his master.

"That bastard Teach is miserable." Lagilu said with a somewhat funny expression, and Jesus nodded beside him.

The same expression of gloating was on his face. As for Teach, the Red Hair Pirates were a famous iron-armed brother pirate group, and the two of them had a high status on the ship. Naturally, they learned about your past with Teach from Red Hair Shanks.

No wonder they were mourning for Teach in their hearts, and gloating a second later.

But at the same time, the world channel also started chatting.

And the first person to speak was.

[Red Hair Shanks: Hahahaha, hey, Teach, did you see it, you bastard? Don't tell me you didn't see it because you were avoiding it, hahaha. ]

[Clown Buggy: Hahaha, this bastard is really going to be miserable. The Whitebeard Pirates got this devil fruit, which is simply a nightmare for him. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Teach, you bastard, did you see it? ]

[Black Beard Teach: Damn, why is there a dark fruit, such a dark upper species, why is it not recorded in the devil fruit encyclopedia. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Humph, you're dead anyway. ]

[Diamond Joz: You're absolutely right. ]

[Whitebeard Edward Newgate: Gulala, forget it, sons. That bastard Teach is still being hunted down. And if we really want to take the initiative, let's wait until Thatch is familiar with the Dark Fruit. ]

[Monster Lady Lord Tang Tian: If you are attacked by the energy of a fruit, you can gain the ability of that fruit. Hey, old man Whitebeard, why don't you let Thatch copy your Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability. ]

[Phoenix Marco: Dad, that's a good idea. ]

[Marshal Sengoku: Asshole, the Whitebeard Pirates will have two more Tremor-Tremor Fruit users now. ]

[Marshal Tsuru: And they have one moreThe strongest Dark-Dark Fruit ability user, Izo has obtained the Observation Haki, and his strength is no worse than that of our headquarters vice admiral. 】

[Iron Fist Garp: Damn, our navy has not improved yet. 】


At this time, the most anxious and uncomfortable one is naturally Blackbeard Teach. Now the Whitebeard Pirates are listening to Whitebeard and want to give the Dark Fruit to Thatch for consumption. Once Thatch is familiar with the power of the Dark Fruit, when he meets Thatch, he will definitely be suppressed and beaten.

Moreover, Thatch is very likely to get the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability of Whitebeard. Damn, why is there such a fruit, and it is his superior.

Blackbeard Teach couldn't help complaining in his heart, and at the same time, he looked at the screen with a complaining look.

But soon, his face suddenly changed, because the development of the next thing made the navy, who were also in a bad mood, stunned.


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