One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 130 - [118] A New Destination

[3067 words]

Unfortunately, I needed to add more stuff before the arc ended so the Hiatus has been delayed to probably [119]. Therefore I must grace you with another tiresome chapter.


[A Week Later]



Simple brick design, tall walls, navy markings and flags.

A large building off the side of the main headquarters.

It was at the Marineford General Hospital.


"Ugh!" A suppressed cry of untold pain rang out.


"Masao-san, you must rest!" A doctor yelled in a panic as he saw his patient attempt to stand up.

"What happened to me!?" The marine roared out as he felt great pain all over.


"Y-You were out in critical condition for days! Your body-"

Kurowashi's hand shot out as it grabbed the doctor by the throat.

"I've been injured many times," the man spat out as his body started shaking in pain once more. "Why does everything hurt so much!"


Kurowashi was currently wrapped in bandages all over, leaving just his orifices unrestricted.


It was a loud bang that erupted as the door to the ward was slammed open.

A burly man with thick muscles and a body that seemed to be the epitome of power walked in.


"Enough, Masao! Put the doctor down."

"Kong-san, guh!" Kurowashi once again winced in pain as he fell to his bed.


A few rhythmic steps went off as another, a much smaller man walked in.

He had messy hair, a thick black mustache. He also wore a long white coat with a few tools draped around his neck.

The man seemed to be in his mid-twenties.


"Vegapunk, tell him."

He is known for having a genius mind that was supposedly 500 years beyond current technology. The Genius - Doctor Vegapunk.

"Masao-kun, how do I put it… Hmm, your body, well, it's in quite a bad shape."

Vegapunk was about to elaborate however he was interrupted.


"Bwahahaha! You look like a mummy, Masao!"

Garp walked in with his casual marine get-up, snacking on some rice crackers.

"Be serious, Garp!" A man with a thick metal arm yelled out.

After a week since Fulcrum's aid, Garp and Zephyr were recalled to HQ alongside the wounded Admiral.


Kong gave out a loud sigh as he gestured towards the genius doctor to continue.

"As I was saying, your body took the brunt of the explosion. Apart from having your inner organs rattled by the shockwaves, you were also bathed in an inferno," Vegapunk said.

"Just a few months ago I filed a report for every major threat as directed by the Fleet Admiral. The Pulverize-Pulverize Fruit should be able to divide things into smaller parts including the building blocks of our universe. It seems that the young pirate has done exactly that to some radioactive ore."

The scientist then seemed to fall into his own world as he brought together his fingers with a grin, "It really makes things easier if I could use that in my experiments… hohoho. How enviable!"


Kong coughed rather boldly in an attempt to wake up the doctor.

Vegapunk straightened his coat and nodded professionally, "Ah, as I was saying. It seems like the radiation from the blast was absorbed into your skin when you used Tekkai of the Rokushiki and it left some problems."

The doctor took out a clipboard and read off some side effects.

"Fourth-degree burns,"

"Greatly scarred appearance,"

"Permanent hair loss,"

"Shortened lifespan,"

"Constant and uncontrollable growth of cells in certain areas,"

"Erectile dysfunction,"

"Extreme sensitivity to sunlight,"

"And a torturous itch that may never go away."


Vegapunk then seemed solemn as he broke the news, "I'm afraid you've arrived at the stage where the living would envy the dead."


A deafening silence broke out as Kurowashi soaked in the dire news, his body still rattled in pain.


Even Garp lowered his bag of crackers and seemed to salute the man with a slow nod.

While the broken Admiral was lost in thought, still absorbing the information, another man spoke up.

"It seems rather intentional, no? I never saw that young man be so unforgiving," Zephyr said.

Garp, who stood beside him, just waved his hand in dismissal,

"Eh? Didn't he take your arm and Basara's eye? They're even calling him the 'Admiral Slayer'."

The others slightly nodded at the title the young generation of the marines had given Damien.

All the while Garp was on a completely different frequency.

The Vice Admiral then grumbled out, "That golden bastard Sengoku dared to cut down my cracker budget, hah! I can't wait to see what that Damien boy will take from him."


"Zephyr, you have a guess?" Kong asked, still regretful as he saw his subordinate in terrible shape.

Zephyr slowly nodded, "If I remember correctly, Kurowashi-kun was the one deployed to execute the royal family of Amethyst Kingdom for committing the taboo of translating Poneglyphs."

He then touched his cold, metallic arm, "A year ago when he took my arm, he also saved the lost princess, Amethyst Aurora. It's not hard to make the connection."

Kong nodded in understanding.


"Ugh!" A groan resounded the ward.

"Kong-san, let me go and hunt that Sin Incarnate down! I'll pay him back for all of this!"

Kurowashi's eyes seemed fueled with a burning vengeance as they had now become a villainous yellow.


In the hasty cry, the Admiral's facial bandages fell off, revealing the altered visage hidden beneath.

He was called the 'Dazzling Admiral' who commanded the fabled Ox Lloyds Warship. The ladies of the marine chased him around while the man bathed him in admiration.

Yet he was now reduced to a bald and whitened face, lacking his former glory, scarred and decrepit.

[A/N: His current appearance.]


Kurowashi had now stood up with burning eyes.

Yet those vengeful eyes dimmed in pain as his body was struck by a ray of sunlight.

"Ugh! Augh!" He roared out, feeling the kiss of the sun on his arm.

Vegapunk shook his head, "The burns of your skin will leave you restless. It's best to remain away from it."

He then rubbed his chin in thought, "Maybe a lightweight metal suit would suffice."


Kong had made his mind and gave out his orders,

"Masao, you are to remain here till you've healed, Vegapunk will work on your skin condition. But I don't want any thoughts of revenge right now, remember your position as an Admiral!"

Kurowashi grinded his teeth as grains of enamel fell. The man simply nodded helplessly and laid back down.


The door closed once again as the men then walked out from the silent room and into the hallway.

"Garp, Zephyr, remain vigilant for any movement from the Rocks. I have to report to Endou-san about Masao's condition in person."

Garp causally picked his nose and asked, "Eh? You want to go to the big boss in person for that?"


The Fleet Admiral solemnly nodded, "I hope it doesn't happen but depending on his actions, Masao may lose his position as an Admiral."

Zephyr gave an audible hum while Garp just yawned in response as the men went off to their own devices.







2 booming laughs in unison with a soft giggle resounded the seas.

It was upon the majesty of the Titanic that it originated from.


While the 4 laughed, the nearby pirates gulped in fear, their minds flooded with the instinct to escape.

After all, the one they laughed at seemed ready to explode any second.


"Newgate-ossan," Damien wiped a tear from his eye. "I didn't know you had a mistress you hid from us!"


Damien and Kaido shook the floorboards as Even Shiki seemed to join in.


"Newgate, if you wanted a woman you should have come to me!" Linlin offered from the side.


Edward Newgate, the man with the power to destroy the world, stood at the center of the ship.

His eyes shut while veins popped all over his face.

The mighty weapon in his hand carried the same rage as it visibly shook.


"Like I said, you brats!" He roared out. "I have nothing to do with this woman!"


He then pointed out his bisento at a female by the side.

She was around 5 feet tall and had golden hair. Rather prominent rosy lips and sunglasses that hid her eyes.

She was called, 'Miss Bakkin!'


Damien has recognized her from the One Piece show, she was the self-proclaimed lover of Whitebeard and even said to have had his child, a future Warlord of the Sea - Edward Weevil!

She was also one of the pirates that aligned with the Rocks at the Scorched Sea War not long ago.

Bakkin had told Damien that she was Newgate's 'childhood sweetheart'. A notion the young man accepted as a fact with a smiling face.

[A/N: Ms. Bakkin's appearance 40 years from now.]


Under the giant pirate's infuriated eyes, Damien just waved his hand, "Don't worry, Ossan. No need to be shy about it."

Kaido also slammed his club with a booming laugh.

Whitebeard raised a fist.


A thick, white bubble formed around it that held enough power to level an island.

"Let me teach you brats some respect!"


What followed was a few destroyed ships, a few hundred dead pirates and a sky with a giant gash.

Bakkin nodded, her eyes still hidden behind her glasses, "That's my dear beloved."


[A While Later]


Damien sat with the embrace of the rare, gentle wind of the New World, leaning on the mast with the sails nearly 500 feet off the ground.

His face was a bit skiffed up, having eaten a few earthquakes would leave anyone with some bruises.

He was currently observing 2 posters. One out of curiosity and the other out of hidden joy.

-----< WANTED >-----


< 'The Red Count' || 'Aloof Red' >

< ???? 2,273,080,000 - >


-----< WANTED >-----


< 'Devil's Architect' >

< ???? 760,000,000 - >



When it came to Redfield, Damien was naturally curious.

The man was a lone wolf. Yet without a single crewmate, he was able to reach the level of Roger and Shiki. It is not something just anyone could do.

Furthermore, he also was the man who brought the news about Damien's father - Ares, to him.


As for Fulcrum, well the bounty was to be expected.

Even though it was a trade of 'equal exchange' with the Government, Fulcrum had made a full debut to the world. Plus, he was also known by the Nobles of the world as a pillar of the darkness that swarmed about, hidden beneath everything.

The word 'fulcrum' itself was a pivot point - an entity that held things in balance. A power that could tip the scales in ways that may scare off many people, even greatly trouble the marines.

And he was true that identity.

If not for the support of the Celestial Dragons, he would surely have been taken down by now, especially with his rather dangerous fruit power.


"Well, I'd say it was worth the fruit," Damien mumbled as he recalled a conversation from a while back.

Sibyl had told him that a clone could eat a devil fruit as it was an individual entity. And by the power of the 'Split-Split Fruit' that Damien had, it only splits his abilities, excluding [Ancient Voice]. Therefore, rendering Fulcrum as another living being.


However, the laws of equal exchange still hold and eating a fruit came with a condition.

Which was that he could no longer merge with Fulcrum.

A paradox, so to speak.


'Well, I can't train much more from clone merging. Plus, Fulcrum can be used in other ways…,' Damien thought.


Damien then took out an object from his {Inventory}.

It was a smooth metal that glowed green and pulsed out some nasty energy.


[Viridisium Ore]

[A very rare and radioactive mineral.]

[Decays naturally through alpha radiation, allowing it to release copious amounts of heat and energy when its' atoms are split.]

[This item has previously been {Refined}.]

[A/N: Ore Image]


"What a pity that so little was found," Damien shook his head.

His supply of Viridisium Ore was very little. He used nearly half of it in the Scorched Sea War.

As for where he found it from? Naturally, it was Wano!

Relating it to Uranium-235 from his previous life wasn't hard, especially with his knowledge of explosives.

In addition to that, his nearly Awakened powers also worked in tandem with it.

However, Sibyl wasn't slow to inform him of the rareness of the ore.


Damien's eyes then seemed to glow vibrantly in a primal red. His mind seemed to transfer some hidden data.

[Destiny perceived…]


[Viridisium Ore {Refined}]

[Age: Hundreds of millennia.]

[History: Naturally occurring in the Land of Wano. Was mined endlessly and unsustainably over 800 years ago in the production of a weapon of mass destruction. This action left it in very low amounts.]

[Fate: Remained unmined for another 3000 years.]

[Death: Due to fully decay in 129,087,793 years.]


Damien shook his head, being unable to blow everything up was quite unfortunate.

He then pocketed the piece and changed his attention elsewhere.


"Sibyl, bring up my stats, it's been a long arc," he said with a small yawn.

And a panel revealed itself before the young man's eyes.


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 17 years, 6.5 months || Eternal past 27]

[Height: 10'11]

[Status: Beyond Healthy]

[Bloodline: Fishman-Human Hybrid]

[Physique: Black Body]

[Strength: ⬆Late Stages of High-Tier Yonko]

**[With {Hadean Release} → Early Stages of Top-Tier Yonko]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Ripe for Awakening)]

[Weapon: Ryūshi of the Supreme Grade Series]

[Ryūshi Combat Arts Comprehension: ⬆93%]

[Seastone Resistance: IMMUNE]

[Skills: ????]

[Haki ⏬]

[Observation Haki Mastery: Grandmastery (I)]

[Armament Haki Mastery: Peak-Advanced]

[Conqueror's Haki Mastery: Grandmastery (II)]


[Points Balance: 3631 SP]

< Many Quests Available to be Claimed >


The list had grown quite long but it was to Damien's satisfaction.

His strength had ballooned quite a lot after fighting both Sol and Garp.

He had embraced the way of the Shounen - pushing oneself to the limit and surpassing and becoming something more.


The air suddenly rumbled and was shredded in a loud groan as Damien's arms burst out in a powerful pulverizing-red.

"Hmm, it's ready, now I just need a catalyst…"


[Captain's Quarters - The Titanic]


It was a rather empty yet dark room filled with a stench of death itself.

There were cracks all over the room, even the Blood Ore and its characteristics seemed to decay under the might of a primal force that existed against life itself.

A fog of black mist filled the room as 2 outlines remained visible.


"So you want to leave, Shakuyaku?" A wild and raspy voice questioned.

The voice lacked emotion and had nothing more than a sliver of curiosity.


The black-haired woman stood rather stiff, trying to hide the trepidation in her eyes.

She cleared her throat and remained strong, "Yes, Taichou."

her eyes then cleared as she continued with a determined tone, "Unlike the others, my reason to sail the seas wasn't for treasure, strength or anything material."

"I think I have had my fill with the pirate life and would like to retire to something more… mellow."


Xebec studied the woman before him. His crazed eyes scanned thoroughly.

Cold sweat broke out from the woman's neck as her breath grew heavy under the glare of the Great Sin.

Even though the man wasn't trying to be overly malicious, his body naturally released certain wavelengths that anyone else would perceive as fatal.

And being stared at by an apex predator was not exactly pleasant.


After what seemed like hours to the female pirate, the silence was lifted.

"Xahaha… alright, little girl. It's not like you drank from the saké cup when you came under me. Though the ship will be louder with you and your little ravens gone."

He then returned to his drinking, his mind elsewhere on a different event that would take place not too long from now.


[Few Days Later]


A feast was thrown by Damien and Newgate in light of Shakky's departure.

Practically everyone with the exception of Xebec joined in.

Even with their numbers greatly lessened, they were a large group of men and women who did not get well together. However, the magic cure of alcohol tended to alter that result.

It lasted 5 days and 5 nights, the entire sea of pirates was left drunk and sleep-deprived.

That aside, another 650 men died throughout the party, whether it was being stabbed while drunk or smashed apart by Kaido, it was nothing new.


It was now a brand new day.

Most of the pirates were asleep.

The weather was not friendly. Pouring rain and chaotic tides were forecasted. Not something anyone with a hint of IQ would want to sail in.


"You don't have to come with me, Damien-chan."

The black-haired woman smiled towards the younger man beside her.

"It's nothing much. Plus, I already told the Old Bastard that I'll be gone for a few months. So I'll take you to Sabaody too, Shakky-nee."


Damien used his {Weather Warping}, commanding the skies to clear up and the rain to excuse itself.

The 2 now stood on a small ship, bathed in fresh sunlight and mellow waves.

They had begun to sail not long ago, having bid farewell to the others. Though that only included Damien's division mates, Newgate and Andor.

As for Shakky's Fourth Division, it had disbanded! Without her direct supervision, it wasn't worth much.

Amber, Shakky's secretary, had also left with some other 'Ravens'. They had promised to keep in touch with the Black Death and to keep a chain of information ready.

Shakky's worldwide network of news remained stable.



A cloud of smoke drifted about as the short-haired woman sat on the railing of the ship. She wore her usual with long-legs revealed in their full glory.

"Where do you plan to go?" She then gave him a teasing grin, "Ara~, could it be to meet your two little sweethearts you told me about?"

Damien, who was leaning against the mast, gave out a cough, "Well, no, not yet anyway."

"Before that, I want to venture to another hell-hole in the New World."


Shakky raised an eyebrow, "Well don't keep in suspense."


Damien let out a grin, "I recently arrived at a bit of a block in my fruit powers. I just need a little push."

Shakky tapped her chin and remarked, "You don't mean…"

Damien nodded as he saw her expression, "That's right, I want to go to the Isle of Disasters - Extinction Valley!"


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