One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 131 - [*] For The Ranters

[Not a Chapter but I suggest you read it nonetheless.]

I honestly did not think I would need to make a follow-up chapter and address things when they were already explained but the ignorant tend you cry out the loudest. And looking at the 'feedback' from the previous chapter, it's gotten quite loud (and toxic).

I think one or two persons mentioned it in ALL CAPS and instantly it roused everyone else like a mob... and now it's grown rather annoying.


[{Parallel Thinking} - Allows you to split your thinking paths. You can also 'send' your conscience to another body with this skill. Cost: 1000 SP.] (Chapter 53)

The above is the 'power' that Damien uses to control all his clones. And it has done so since the fruit was introduced over 50 chapters ago.

I have no clue how it was somehow translated into some recipe for disaster that will lead to Fulcrum's betrayal which obviously makes no sense since Damien is Fulcrum...

Moreover, Damien wouldn't give the 'Invincible Logia' to a possible threat and that aside, if you really think I would write something so cliche then why would you even read the book to over 100 chapters.

That aside, Fulcrum exists as a separate entity but he is governed by Damien's thoughts as it was said 50+ chapters ago.

As for him not being able to merge back… it's the simple rule of no Multiple Fruits beyond the mimicking tokens that exist in One Piece.

Another thing, just because you preferred Damien to get multiple fruits doesn't mean I'll make it so... it's not I feel like that would make the story bland really fast and is not something I want to do.


Topic 2 - Some didn't like 'permanent' Fulcrum.

For one, perhaps you'd recall the entire purpose of Fulcrum was to control the Underworld. So obviously he would remain? Literally, nothing has changed, just set in stone.

Plus, it's only unmergable as long as Fulcrum has the fruit as it goes against the rules of One Piece. (Mimic Tokens don't cause Damien to 'eat' fruits but convert them to abilities. And they are only auxiliary ones too.)

Damien doesn't have much need to merge back as it only gives a minimal buff unlike before where it sharpened his Haki and Black Body and whatnot.


The main problem here is that so many of you guys jumped to conclusions and assumed the worse after reading someone's nightmare story about clones in the comments. I personally don't care much for that but it has gotten to the point where it has begun to mislead and negatively affect the other readers and that is quite irritating.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a few 1-star reviews from it as some see that review tab as a complaint box for when their preferences aren't met.

I will be deleting those useless and misleading comments for the reasons above and if that is against your liking, then the 'Remove from Library' button is for you.

PS. I am not an Air Traffic Controller so you don't have to announce your departure either.


For those who already understood all the above before this wasteful chapter, you have my respect.

That aside, chapter tomorrow, depending on how I feel when I wake up.


[Further Questions HERE]

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