One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 14 - [11] "I Will Never Submit!"

[1878 Words]

[I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, I hope you have fun reading it] ​​


[PS: The 7 crew thing is for the main squad. He can have side crews like Luffy and his Grand Fleet]


[There was a typo on timelines before, I have fixed it now]

[Previously I said he was born 1470 but it should have been 1468. He's 14 now]

[won't change anything, but just so you don't get confused from what's about to happen soon]


The sea was quite calm, after all this is only one of the outer seas.

Nice weather, nice sunshine and nice view.

----- 7 Hours Later -----


(We have arrived, Great One)

The Sea King conveyed to me as I jumped off and walked to the port.

The nearby sailors had their jaws dropped onto the floor as they saw a young yet tall boy get off a docile yet frightening Sea King.

The island was pretty much like Loguetown. Both in layout and in an architect's perspective. It was a chain of smaller lands called the 'Freedom Isles'.

Stone roads, small buildings, wooden shops. etc.

I had also thrown on my (Count's Regal Attire) I got from the quest completion reward after increasing my mastery in my fruit.


The attire had some nice convenient buffs:


[Enchantments: (Reign Supreme), (Greater Durability), (Thermoregulation), (Auto-Clean), (Growth)]

[Reign Supreme - Clothes fit for a King. All blood that falls upon these clothes shall be absorbed into energy which can be used to restore ripped clothes. The blood energy will also strengthen the overall defense as more blood it absorbs]

[Greater Durability - Can withstand normal bullets. Can withstand blades below the Meito at default level. As blood is absorbed, the durability increases. To the attacks it cannot block, it will instead spread it over the entire body to help decrease concentrated trauma over important regions i.e. the heart and lungs]

[Thermoregulation - Will convert solar energy from the sun to chemical energy and heat to maintain desired temperatures at all times]

[Auto-Clean - Will automatically wash all dirt and bacteria from the attire]

[Growth - Will grow to match your height at all ages]



[A/N: Count's Regal Attire Image]


It was a nice, dark-themed attire. It didn't stand out from afar but still looked very pleasing to the eye. It had a sense of mystery due to the enchantments.



I walked on from the wooden port to the stone road as I admired the change in atmosphere.

It is only 1482.

It is before Roger's proclamation.

There were marines of course, after all this is the last island before the Grand Line for this sea.

But no way as many as there will be in the future.

The 'Great Age of Pirates' started right after Roger's execution in the year 1500. Now, the number of pirates, though relatively similar, was not the same.

Pirates plundered for money, gold, and women.

They didn't have a 'true' aim.

They wished to pillage and steal.

Roger changed that by dropping a golden turd on Raftel, causing literally everyone born afterward to covet the One Piece.

So as of now, the waters are less chaotic.

Though that is about to change very soon...


Few marines walked by, they glanced at me for a second but that was it.

I did stand out. After all I was quite tall compared to your average citizen.

I am 8'4, quite handsome if I do say so myself, I have odd yet cool hair colour and of course, my eyes did glow a bit.

Height-wise, I was tall to many but short to just as much.




'Time to buy some necessities.' I murmur as I pop into a few shops to buy some other clothes.

The attire is nice and comfortable, perfect for my body but I do need some other clothes.

I walk into a shop and waltz over to the clothes aisle.

----- A While Later -----


The wooden doors blast open as I walk into a random pub.

I was tall and looked a bit young for this type of atmosphere, but who cared for such things.


I casually walked over to a table near the front, diagonal to the bar.

It was jam-packed, with shady characters everywhere.


"The young are quite bold these days." The old man behind the counter comments as he looks at me.

"Just give something cold," I respond.

The geezer nods as he walks to the counter and brings out a drink.

Not exactly a good taste but it had a certain spice to it that was quite nice.

Sighing, I ask, 'Hey Sibyl, what are your thoughts on my Main Goal?'

[Your goal is to reach the peak and become the ruler of this world. To fulfill your personal goal and the Supreme One's quest is to gather a group of remarkable people.]

[It is not something to be done alone. It also works well with the wishes of the Nanabane-sama. So before gathering the 6 others, it is best to get to know this world better from a personal perspective and make a name for yourself.]

'The first step has been taken, the path is quite long,' I sigh with a smile.

'I need to gather 6 people. How do I find people worth to join me in my quest?'

'First I have to get used to the seas. After all, even though I killed a few thousand people, does not mean I can adapt to the pirate lifestyle...'

'I could go solo, perhaps become a bounty hunter for a bit, or maybe join a temporary crew for the experience.'

'I need money, strength, and power. My strength is lacking greatly, my cash flow is not too difficult to fix, I am a pirate after all.'

'Power comes with both strength and influence.'

'But what I need right now is a way to gain experience. After all, even the strongest might fall to a weaker opponent all because of their lack of experience.'

'Kind of like Kaguya from Naruto. She was powerful as hell, but lost due to her non-existent fighting skills to weaker opponents.'

I kept running some thoughts in my head as I feel something from afar.


'What the hell is that?!'


I instantly jolt out of my stupor as I sense a frightening pressure wash over the land.


A few other pirates look nervous, though they can't tell why.

As for me, my limited observation added to my 'hearing' of the Voice of All Things easily alerted me of what's happening.

Something, no someone.


The docks.

Stepping off.

Large ship.

4 people.

3 stayed in.

1 is coming.



'Monster' I mutter under my breath as I feel his pressure.


'He isn't even holding it in!'

A wave of utter despair and death washes over the ENTIRE island.

An overwhelming pressure builds up as the 'monster' nears my location.


All the people in the pub, hell everyone on the entire island seemed to have fallen unconscious from the absurd aura of this person.


I and the old man tending the bar were the only ones awake.


I was shaking a bit.

It wasn't a lack of strength but...something else.

The man was coming closer.




His footsteps echoed through the island, each step he took increased the pressure upon me.



'Part of me wants to give in and fall down?! How absurd!!' I grit my teeth.

Blood flows as I squeeze my jaws, 'How can I stand on the top if I am about to fall to a man who I can't even look in the eyes!'


The door blasted open as the man walked in.


He walked with a single foot in the bar and just stood there, gazing forwards.

'Such strength! Just by standing in front of me?!'







'All that about conviction and resolve... yet here I am with quivering knees?'


'You want me to fall?







And at that moment, a certain wall within my head seemed to crumble.



Chains locking something within seem to unshackle and wither away.



A whirling pool of energy churned in rage within my mind as the dam holding it burst apart.



A large sea of pure Will Power blasted forth from my mind.


A wild and erratic crimson wave of energy exploded out as I stood up and looked straight in the man's surprised eye.


'I was born to conquer!'





The ground cracked.

the tables were blasted apart.

the walls were blown open as our auras collided.


A despairing-black wave of death clashed with a wild-crimson wave of raw strength and persistence.


The endless torrents of pressure finally stopped as the man gave a low chuckle and walked forwards.

As for our surroundings.... well let's just say the only thing left, was the bar counter, the old man and me and my table.

I gasped for breath as I saw the man in front of me. His shadow cast on the cracked earth.


He was tall, at least 14 and a half feet tall.

Almost twice that of mine.

His body was ripped with muscles, not too burly, but still compact and condensed.

He was wearing a red and black attire with an open chest.

A sword strapped to his side.

His red hair made him look wild and ferocious.

A few scars could be seen over his body.

He had a wide grin on his face.

He looked... savage, untamed and had the eyes of an... Apex Predator.






"You're not bad, brat."

He said in a deep, raspy voice as he plopped onto the seat in front of me.

"Old man, get me a drink."

The geezer simply nodded.


He then looked at me with interest,

"So kid, what's a little King like you doing in this small sea?"


I had caught my breath as I answered with no hint of fear, "Nothing much. I just sailed out from my home island half a day ago and now I met a crazy old bastard like you."

Hearing my words, the man just laughed merrily.

"XAHAHA! The wild seas are the only place for a King to go. But a brat like you would die early on, even with that Will of yours." he said as he gulped down a heavy drink and smashed it on the table.

He was almost twice my height so it is annoying to gaze so far up. Now I pity Luffy as he is barely 5'7.


'Showing any weakness now would probably end terribly. Other than that there was an instinct calling out, telling me to fight back.'

'After all, showing even a hint of fear to a predator is practically signing your death certificate yourself.'


"What do I care for your words old man. I will conquer the seas myself, just wait and I'll eventually come and defeat you as well." I responded back with some Haki flaring into the air around me.



"Good! You're not bad, little brat!"

"Not bad at all!" He roared as he looked down towards me.


He squinted his eyes with a crazy grin.


"Come aboard my ship kid! I will become the King of this World! Your will is pretty good, but your strength is weak." He spit out while continuing his drink.

'King of the World?'



"Just who the hell are you, old man?"


"XAHA... Me?"


"My name... "



"is... "










"Rocks D. Xebec."


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

I'll say it now, his personality, his laugh, and his overall appeal are all my thoughts.

There isn't much at all in the manga so I made up what I thought made sense.

I just inferred with his ability to make 3 future Emperors work under him and what type of a person he would be.

It was never stated when he sailed, only that he was defeating 40 years prior to the current story.

So there are heavy amounts of original pacing till we reach that 'Incident'.

I also saw no better way for one to unlock Conqueror's other than from facing this monster.

Check the next chapter for more info.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather be able to sleep for long hours or be completely rested after three hours of sleep?

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