One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 15 - [12] A Group Of Maniacs

[2120 Words]

**AU NOTICE** ​​

My interpretation of the Rocks pirates is probably quite different from cannon. The main crew mentioned will be present, but where and when they come together will be my original piece. That 'incident' WILL occur.

Hope you enjoy it.


"My name is Xebec."

"Rocks D. Xebec." He said.

[A/N: Xebec Image]

Hearing his words my mind goes into a frenzy.

I recall The Rocks Pirates from the manga...


Who are the Rocks Pirates?

A notorious group of pirates, one with the potential to destroy the world itself.

Their members included 3 of the 4 future Emperors of the Sea and many other powerhouses!

They ruled the Seas before Roger.

Their captain wished to become the 'King of the World'.

They were very violent and would kill friends and foes alike, and their lack of camaraderie caused crew members to kill each other constantly even while at sea.

They sailed till their defeat, 38 years before Luffy reached Wano

In the year 1486, the crew attacked an island with World Nobles within and faced off against Garp and Roger who together took down the captain.

The other members fled and eventually made their own crews, those which will tyrannize the seas decades forth.

The event and the crew themselves were erased from history. Xebec was forgotten by the eyes of the world.


'And the man who led them... Rocks D. Xebec!'

I then look at the man before me.

Tall and muscular.

Long dark red hair with unruly mass, with locks sticking out from all directions of his head.

A toothy and confident grin.

'A Legend who needed both Garp and Roger to kill!'


"D.? I have that in my name as well old man. My name is Einar D. Damien." I told him.

"Hooo? Interesting, brat." He said.

"But why me? Even as a King I am still really young. With your ambition, having me would be risky, no?" I asked him with curiosity.

"You're right XAHAHA!"

"But, I can see something special about you..."

He smirked.

"You can hear them too, can't you? No... you can hear even more than me!"

He said as his untamed gaze lingered upon my face.

His words caused me to widen my eyes.

"Hear them..? You mean... you have it too?" I ask with surprise.

After all the VoAT is incredibly rare.

"XAHAHAHA! It isn't as strong as you but I can hear quite a lot."

He finished his mug, "so kid, what do you say? Will you ride under my flag?"

'It is 1482 right now, he is set to die in 4 years. Not a bad choice, after all his crew, is the absolute strongest of them all. But I need to be careful, the Rocks Pirates are known to be a different level of crazy.'

"Fine old man, I'll join you."

I confirmed with a grin on my face.


"XAHAHA Good."

'He's crazy, yeah. But I can't help but be curious about his strength and power.'


I had a little chat as he finished his drink and talked to the old geezer.

After all, this 'bartender' here could resist this monster's Haki, he'd be quite strong.

"Geezer, you got the wood?" Xebec asked.

The old man squinted his eyes and nodded.

He then gestured with his hand as many large pieces of wood fell on the ground.


'Storage-type Paramecia? Quite useful...' I say.

"Brat, pick up the wood, it's also time for you to meet the others." He said as I picked up the lumber.


[Adam's Oak (Wood from the Treasure Tree Adam)]

[Strongest Wood in the seas]


The system gave me a little description as I nodded recalling the Water-7 arc from the anime.

"Old man, we heading to Water-7 soon?"

"Xahaha. That's right. Let's go now." He said with a grin.

"The other ones are all messed up like you. So far a brat who loves to fight, around your age. A giant with a strong punch, and a cook." He summarized.

"And now you." He said as we reached the dock.

The ship wasn't exactly a beauty.

Hell, it was just a big black ship with a few too many problems.

The wood was cracked and broken.

Pieces were missing yet glued together.

The sails were ripped in places.


"Senchou! What was that Haki?" A loud yet young voice boomed out from the ship.


A giant youth walked off the creaking ramp onto the port.

He had overly top-heavy in build, with a broad, well-muscled torso and wide-set shoulders, muscular arms, and tanned skin.

A red scale-like tattoo on his left chest that covered his arm.

He also had distinct horns protruding out of the side of his head while wielding a black kanabo club.


I instantly recognized him, he was 17 feet right now, with a young face. more than two times taller than I.


There wasn't any way I wouldn't recall one of the most powerful future pirates in the sea!


Kaido of the Beasts!

A future Emperor, currently in his youth!


[A/N: Young Kaido Image]


"XAHAHA! I found another brat like you. Now you can stop annoying me with your constant duels." He said as I kept walking up with a stoic face.


"WORORORO! Like me?"


He then gazed at me with a battle-crazed expression.


His eyes glowed with a black hue as dark waves of Haki radiated forth.

'Of course he is a Conqueror. But. Compared to Xebec, he's still quite raw in the Haki of Kings.'

I grinned as my mind reacted and let out my own Haki, a dark crimson wave of pressure spread out of my forehead and our fields clashed.


The port cracked all over as our battle of minds raged on.

The air exploded as sounds of buzzing could be heard from afar.

The water nearby also reacted a bit as small waves were sent out by the shockwaves.



The Haki bubbles finally stopped as we both stood tall, not moved an inch.




He laughed loudly.

"RAHAHA, for a giant ogre, you aren't too bad either," I said with a smirk.

Kaido let out a deep chuckle, "I hope your strength can keep up too."


"Come and find out." I grinned as I gestured my hand to invite him to a duel.


"WORORORO!" He laughed as he picked up his club with one hand and jumped towards me.

He leaped 30 feet in the air as he descended like a meteor.


The air grew chaotic as he brought his powerful swing down towards me.

I threw on a big smile as I too jumped in the air.


Xebec stood at the hull and had his menacing smile on.

His eyebrow shot up as he saw a red glow on my fist that was about to collide with Kaido's club.


I yelled out as my crimson-covered fist slammed onto his black spiked club.


A loud blow resonated as we both stood stagnant in the air.


The air groaned as our attacks continued to push back onto each other, my Pulverizing Energy crushed the air as his raw strength pummeled it.


Another bang blew out as we both got sent back, perfectly canceling each other's attack.

*Thud* *Thud*

We both landed on the wrecked port as barely any land was left beneath us.



We both laughed loud as we stopped our battle lust.

Our attacks were simple yet powerful. Both of us held back quite a bit as we didn't want to destroy the ship too much.


"Finally! Someone other than that old geezer to fight!" He bellowed.

"I too have never found anyone else to be my match at my age," I said out loud.

'I feel out of character... no, I just never had a challenger before. I grew in power alone and never found a rival.' I thought in my head.

'This feeling, this battle-lust... it's quite nice!' I exclaimed in my head.

Both of us smiled like battle-crazed warriors until,


"Oy you brats! You're gonna break the ship!"

A loud voice echoed through the shattered port from the inner cabin of the ship.








Deep footsteps buzzed through as another giant man walked out of the large door.


He was around 22 feet tall, his face seemed to make him look around low to mid-thirties.

He was wearing a brown open shirt and grey trousers with black boots.

His body was brimming with muscles as he walked out of the cabin.


"Gurarara, you found another crazy kid, Xebec."

The blond-haired giant-man said.


"XAHAHA! The marines will be in for a treat!" He laughed from the deck.


"Gurarara, kid, what's your name?" He asked as I and Kaido got on the ship.


"Einar D. Damien." I told them.

"D.? Interesting..."

Whitebeard then squinted his eyes as he asked.

"That fruit ability of yours... What is it?"


'I guess our fruits are similar in some ways.'

Both Xebec and Kaido also looked at me, wondering about my fruit.


"I ate the Kudaku-Kudaku no Mi. And became a 'Funsai-Ningen'." I told them.

[A/N: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit; Pulverizing Human - Sounds cooler in Japanese tbh]


"Gura ra? Sounds quite powerful, use it carefully kid..." he hummed with a smile as if he knew our fruits had some connection.

Xebec also seemed interested in the fruit while Kaido just grinned with battle-lust radiating off him.

"Damien then? I'm Edward Newgate." He introduced himself as his luscious blond hair danced in the wind.

'Edward Newgate - Whitebeard! The future 'Strongest Man of the Sea!'' I exclaimed in my head.


[A/N: Young Whitebeard Image - he looks so weird without his 'beard' but this is how it is in the flashback lol]


I nodded and then sighed out loud.

"Why are all of you guys so damn tall? How'd you even find this ship to fit all of you giants..." I complained, annoyed by having to raise my head so far up to talk to them.

"XAHA, just eat some sea king meat and you'll be good brat." Xebec said while sitting on the seats around the large masts, sipping some alcohol from a large gourd.

We had a little chat as I heard a few footsteps coming from the cabin.




"Hmm, another little one joined."

A feminine voice sounded out.



"Shouldn't you kids be focused on making friends than sailing these dangerous seas?"


A woman walked out surprisingly with a somewhat normal height.

She was a relatively slim and tall woman with short black hair, with two tufts pointing upwards from her head.

Quite a beautiful face and a desirable body shape.

She was holding a cigarette in her right hand while smiling with a caring expression.

She was quite young, looked around 18 or so.

She walked up to me and gave my hair a little ruffle and smiled.

"Call me Shakky-nee, okay?" She said.

I nodded at her words as I recalled her appearance from the future.

"You looked very young as well, Shakky-nee."


Xebec then called out with impatience.



"is the food ready?"


"Hai Hai, Taichou. Kaido-chan and Damien-chan, come with me." She smiled.

'Shakuyaku, Future wife of the Dark King! I never knew she was a member of the Rocks Pirates!' I exclaimed as I remembered her future rip-off bar from Saboady.


[A/N: Shakky Image. It's from current timeline but she looks young even though she's 60 something in the Sabaody arc.]


'Well, maybe it isn't too odd. Shakky naturally wasn't some normal woman or else how would she have made someone like Rayleigh fall for her. She is really beautiful too.'

She then looked up to Whitebeard,

"Newgate-kun, you should start the ship, marines should arrive soon."

Whitebeard nodded and he went to the rather small steering wheel.

"Ahh, I was waiting to kill everyone they sent... They're so slow!" Xebec sighed with a scary smile as a black aura surrounded him.

"Taichou, you will break the ship with that attitude..." Shakky said.

"Ahh! I can't wait to get to Water-7..." he sighed.


However, a voice interrupted and caused Xebec to smile widely.


"Xebec, your marines have arrived," Whitebeard said.



"I hope they sent Garp or Sengoku or this will be too quick! My hands are itching to kill someone." He roared as he frightening and ominous grin, one that stretches across his face.

Shakky though had an opposite reaction as she sighed.

"Haaa, marines? My food will become cold..." She said as she huffed another puff of smoke.


Xebec cracked his knuckles and Kaido with his grin.

Whitebeard just smiled as he saw the oncoming ships.


As for Kaido...

"WORORO! marines... don't die too quick!"


'Quite the crew I've joined... I look forward to our adventure.'


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Hello There.

The people have spoken.

Though it was already planned to go like so, it seems all of you wanted him to join the Rocks.

Again it is my interpretation of the crew.

I don't want someone in 2 years' time to come and call BS.


Random Trivia:

Xebec VS Mihawk, Rayleigh, Gaban & Oden. Who wins?

Thanks for Reading!

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