One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 19 - [15] The Family That Guards The Ore

[2104 Words]

[Some people were wondering about MC's strength but he is 14 right now... and I don't want to make him too op too fast.] ​​

[I mean he can fight the current Brook I guess, and his haki is weak and untrained, his fruit usage is minimal to what it can actually reach. He doesn't have much battle experience. And this is a temporary crew with a larger goal ahead.]

[Other than that naturally his power will increase quickly as he is on the ship of current and future powerhouses.]


Whitebeard cleared the skies because he was feeling like it.

Now we sail on.

The rest went on to do their thing while I went to train my haki.

'Display my skills, Sibyl.' I ask her.

[Skills: Disease Immunity, Rapid Regeneration (MAX), Superhuman Vitality, Ancient Voice, Persona (MAX), Fruit Sensor (MAX), Concentrated Breathing (Constant), Primitive Rokushiki Art, Observation's Haki (Mid-Basic Mastery), Armament Haki (Mid-Basic Mastery), Conqueror's Haki (Basic Control)]

'Do describe all the masteries too please," I request.

[The Colour of Observation and Armament go from basic to intermediate to advanced. With L-M-H sub levels.]

She continued on, [Currently you can Observe around 10 meters and Coat yourself with a weak layer of hardening.]

[These can be trained in with a simple method but that is not the case for Conqueror's Haki.]

[The more one opposes fate and destiny, going against the odds, the greater one's control over it. Just keep using it on smaller scales, and eventually, your control will increase alongside your strength.] she concluded.

'Alright then. As for training, I will use my Ancient Voice to ask birds to drop pebbles and rocks to help me Observe and dodge and use Armament for destroying larger obstructions. The sea kings can help me with Conqueror's Haki.' I think in my head.

"Alright let's begin!"

{{Come to me.}}

I said through my Voice while concentrating on a lambda of birds flying above.

And so they did.

(We heed your words, Great One.) the boss bird says.

{{I require your aid.}}

(We shall do as you ask.) the boss bird salutes with one wing and the training began.


It's been 5 days, my training has been going well.

Shakky did question me about the birds but I gave them the VoAT excuse.

She knew about it from Xebec and made the relation.

I am trying to hide the fact that I can actually control animals, after all, I am too weak to even hold such a power, that of an Ancient Weapon, or one greater.

The moment the marines find out: CP-0, Admirals, Bounty Hunters will be up my ass to try and control me and whatnot.

So I have to keep it under wraps at least until I have the power of a Yonko.

"We're here, kid, it's your stop," Whitebeard says.

I open my eyes from the meditation and look ahead.

A dark island. Literally dark.

I mean there was no light. No sunlight shining at it.

It was mid-day now but the island itself was dark, not a trace of sunlight.

A dark forest surrounding a huge broken-down castle.

Large mountains in the back.

"Yozura Island... a fitting name," I comment with a slight smile.

[A/N: Yozura Island Image]


"XAHAHA, 'Night Sky' Island is indeed fitting. Either way, find yourself a ship and sail to Water-7 once you collect it." Xebec says.

"You expect me to steal a ship from the family that is supposed to 'help' us?" I ask with a deadpanned expression.

"XAHAHA, I would just kill them but I'm sure you can figure some way out with that 'voice' of yours..." He said with a devilish chuckle.

'Shit he knows... Well, it's to be expected, he does have the weaker version of Ancient Voice after all.'

"Cheh fine, Shakky-nee, Newgate-Ossan I will see you in a few days," I tell the 2 members that I actually quite like.

Shakky smiled and reached up to my head and gave it a rub.

"Gurara, good luck kid." Whitebeard laughed.

'I call him Newgate.. well that is his name. He doesn't have his 'beard' yet so naturally he doesn't have that nickname.'

I then turn towards the ogre, "Kaido, don't die before our duel alright?" I smirk at him.

"WORORORO! The new ship should hold from our duels... we can fight as much as we want then!" Kaido bellowed out.

"XAHAHA! Don't die yet brat, otherwise I will have to kill you."


Xebec walked in front of me and picked me up from the neck and threw me to the island which was a decent 600 meters away.


Wind assaulted my face as I was sent en route straight from the deck of the ship to the island.


"I WILL KILL YOU ONE DAY OLD BASTARD!" I yelled out as I flew across the damn ocean and landed on the dark lands.


----- 3 Minutes Later -----


I landed on a damn jagged rock.


"That damn Xebec... He didn't even give me a log pose or anything, he's as crazy as they get..." I cursed out loud as I pat the dirt off my hair.

My clothes cleaned themselves so that's a plus I guess. They also saved my spine from hitting that rock that nearly made me paralyzed...

"Well let's see what we got. Sibyl, show me the map."

[Roger Roger.]

A blue screen was displayed, showing a weird yet somewhat circular-shaped island.

It had a green dot, showing where I was.

The dark green areas were the trees and forests.

It was practically all green.

Though at the center was a black square, signifying the large castle I saw.


And then I head a few voices.




"Damien-kun, Onee-san was waiting for you~!"

"Damien-boy, come come."

"Doing well I hope you are, young one. Yes, hrrrm."

"Damien-bro, nice clothes!"

"Young Master, it is an honour to meet you once more."


Alice, Bob, Bill, Yoda, Ling, Hashi, and many other voices welcomed me.

Ling is the conscience of all vines, he reminds me of your average wuxia character.


'Right, their conscience connects to all their types of trees. Meaning they can speak from all islands, as long as their type of tree stands there.'

"Hey guys, nice to see you all. I hope you can help me with something." I said.

"Ask, young one," Yoda says.

"I am looking for a family... one that has been here for... 800 or so years? They have something I need. Are they in the castle?" I said with some hesitation, a man like Xebec isn't that good with details.

"Hmm... there is one indeed." Bill says.

"That family? Their eyes scare this Onee-san~!" Alice says with some fear.

"Damien-boy, there is a family that has lived here since I can remember. They are indeed at the center in the old castle." Bill informs me.

"Yeah Yeah! But watch out! Their eyes are very...intimidating!"

"It's like they can see from hundreds of meters away! I bet they already know you're here!" Bob warns me.

"To reach your destination, follow the path you must," Yoda says as the tall grass opens a path though it was hard to see.

The island was a forest, but it was dark like night.

I just waved my hands.

{{Light the way.}} I ordered.

The bugs nearby heard my call and answered as they should.

(As you wish, Great One.)

A few glow bugs flew in and stood at a few meters distance from each other while lighting up the path for me.



I was a few minutes in until I felt something.

My instincts told me that someone was watching me from afar.

I didn't make any haste actions as that could be quite detrimental.

{{Find out who it is.}}

I ordered a colony of ants that had a tunnel spanning beneath the island.

They responded not much time later,

(*Creak* Human... scary eyes... watching... *Creak*)

Ants aren't exactly that smart so their thoughts and answers were a bit blurry.

I nodded and kept going, they were watching but have yet to attack so no point in me running for cover.

----- 20 Minutes Later -----

I was in an open clearing now. An empty field of grass with tall trees surrounding me, the best place for an ambush.

And that's exactly what happened.

I felt a cold blade on the back of my throat.

It was touching my neck before I could even move.

"State your business, invader." A cold voice came from behind, that of a middle-aged man.

The voice was strong and rough, the man was far stronger than me.

I raised both arms, after all, I am not here to fight.

"Da Mihi Supellectilem."

I said the phrase Xebec told me to say upon meeting them.


'Hopefully, this works, and I don't sound like an idiot...' I said while preparing a backup plan.



Thankfully I felt a slice of wind as the blade was removed and sheathed.


"Apologies young man, I was too hasty in my actions." the man said.


I turned around and saw him.

He was around my height, though he had short black hair, a somewhat aged face with a few wrinkles and a short black beard.

He had a long black cloak on. Yet you could see that he was missing an arm, the left one.

But the most striking thing was his eyes.

They were yellow with 2 black rings. Very intimidating eyes.

"No worries old man, I am the one who intruded your peace," I said with a smile.

He nodded, "Follow me."

We walked a while and reached a castle. It was a gothic-themed castle.

[A/N: The castle Image]

It was old with wear and tear, but it was quite large.

"This is my home, I live with my wife and son, we are the only ones left but we do our duty." He said with an emotional voice.

"This may be rude but I assume some invaders came to your home?" I ask him.

"*SIGH* indeed young man. It was pirates who attacked." He said. "At least a few thousand came with greed visible in their eyes, I assume they were looking for gold rather than the true treasure here."

"Either way, I, my father and my brother fought them and eventually won, though they all died and I lost my left arm in the battle." He said while shaking his head.


We kept walking and entered the gothic castle.


The wooden door opened with some difficulty as he went on to speak,

"Though it is just my family and me left, we still pride ourselves in our duty to protect the metal. I assume you are here for that, no?"

I nodded silently.

"Very well," we then reached the lounge area where a middle-aged woman sat on a red sofa with a child.

The wooden walls were broken and the furniture was old and weary.

The area was lit up with green coloured candles, giving the entire castle an eerie feel.


"Ara~ a visitor, how rare." The woman said.

She too had black hair like the man, same with the piercing eyes.


"This is my wife, sit here while I get what you seek."

I nodded and sat on the sofa while the man went off.

The old man's wife then gazed at me with a kind smile and asked.

"How old are you, child?"

"14, it's nice to meet you, auntie," I said with a smile.

"How young to travel the seas... be careful, the treasured metal is something people would destroy kingdoms for." She warned me with a worried expression while shaking her head.

"Rahaha, don't worry auntie, I know how valuable it is."

I then looked at the child who sat on her lap.

He looked around 1 year old, but was tall for his age.

His youthful face showed maturity, one that was quite odd to see from a toddler.

He gazed at me with a curious expression, his yellow eyes gleamed as he tilted his head slightly.




The sound of wind behind cut was heard from afar.

I then saw a metallic shine from metallic surface outside the window behind the sofa.

I looked over and saw a hedge maze, quite large and detailed, but what caught my attention was the thing at it's center.


It was a large, black sword planted within a thick black rock.

It was a sword with a very odd-shaped golden crossguard with a complex pattern printed upon it, yet the blade carried an unparalleled beauty.


The woman too smiled as she saw what I was distracted by.

'Isn't that..!!!'

My eyes widened as I recognized the sword from the show.

I turned my widened eyes at the aged woman and asked her in a hurry.

"Auntie! Can I ask your name?"

The woman seemed a bit perplexed by my hurried question but what she said next truly blew my mind.

"My name~?"



"It's Dracule Mina."


She then pointed at the kid with her eyes and an all-to-familiar loving smile.

"And this is our son..."





"Dracule Mihawk."


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:


Mihawk is 43 in 1524 (Current year in anime), so he is about 1 year old right now, in 1482.

I tried my best to give him the gothic background. After all he does wear that Spanish-gothic attire with the el-Toro hat and the black and the red get-up.

His background was never revealed so I put it together, I think it flows well, especially with the sword.

As for the mother, I got the name from "Mina Harker" the wife of Count Dracula.

Hope you enjoyed it!


Random Trivia:

Would you rather be poor with lots of good friends or rich with no friends?

Thanks for Reading!

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