One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 20 - [16] Nii-san?

[1840 Words]

[Manga Chapter 1010! Damn!] ​ ​

[Time to update my Haki Scaling page as we just got a new level of Conqueror's Haki!]

[Other than that, my boy Zoro going in!]


"This is our son, Dracule Mihawk." The woman introduced.


'This kid is the future 'Strongest Swordsman of the Seas!!' I yelled in my head as I saw him peer at me.

I try my best not to look like an idiot and maintained a neutral gaze, after all, Hawkeye is definitely one of the most badass one-piece characters.

"Mihawk then. Tell me, kid, what's your dream when you grow up?" I ask him.

He looks at me with his piercing gaze and answers right away,

"To become the Strongest Swordsman in the World."

His childish voice didn't even waver as he said with a determined voice.


"That's almost as difficult as conquering all the seas," I said, looking straight into his eyes.


Not a single ounce of hesitation in his eyes as he replied, "I will devote my life to my goal."

"And if I fall, then so be it."

I smiled at his words and then looked at Mina.

"That sword, it seems quite special, I can hear its desire to be pulled out of that stone."

Her eyes widened, "You can hear the spirit of the blade?"

"It's the same reason I know about the ores." I give a quick excuse, though it is actually true.

She nods lightly, "indeed. It seems you can hear the Voices." She said. "The blade itself is one of the 12 Supreme Swords, the 'Black Blade Yoru.' It has been held in that stone for 800 years now. It is said that it will only be pulled by one who can truly reach the peak of the blade."

I then looked at the kid, "A fitting blade for the World's Strongest Swordsman, isn't that right kid?"

Mihawk squinted at the blade, almost as if he could hear its voice, and then nodded his small head.


"I will pull it once I am ready. The seas will know the might of the Black Blade soon." Mihawk said.


'A one-year-old kid is this mature... is he a reincarnator or something?!' I yell in my head.


"Then perhaps we will meet in the seas one day and you can show me the power of your resolve to become the strongest swordsman."

He gave a quick double nod with a small smile and hidden joy in his eyes.

'Well, he is a kid after all. I'm probably the only outsider he's met in his life.' I smile.

The door then opened as the old man walked in.

"Follow me, young man, I have brought out the metal from the safe house." He asked.

We got up as all 4 of us went out from the manor and to the backfield area.


An open field with a unique sight to say.


A bunch of baboons with blocks of red ores by them.

The baboons were of varying sizes, wearing forms of armour, some had helmets, some chest plates but most carried weapons.

Most were around 6-8 feet but a few in the back easily hit 25-30 feet in height.

"They are 'Humandrills.' A type of mandrill that can imitate any human traits they witness. Highly intelligent creatures."

He continued, "The Dracule Family Progenitor made a pact with the Humandrill elder and since then we have lived together, looked after each other, and even trained our young together. Many of them died even when the pirates attacked."

[A/N: Humandrills Image; the one that Zoro fought in the 2 year training]


(You can hear me, human?)

I looked at the ginormous mandrill and smiled.

(It's an honour to meet you, Great One.)

The mandrill elder slightly lowered his head in greeting.

'Ancient Voice controls all low-intelligent animals and gives great affinity to the smarter ones. They won't submit like the others but will still show respect and heed my words as long as it isn't too much.'

{{Can you help me with carrying these ores to the shore?}} I ask with my Voice.

(Of course.) he nodded. Though it looked a bit weird for a baboon to nod with a respectful gaze.

The Dracule's just stood with a shocked expression.

"Little Damien, you can communicate with them?" Mina asked.

"Indeed, they said they would help with the ores. So I suppose my time here is approaching an end." I said to her.

"Ara~, won't you say till lunch at least? I'm sure Mihawk-chan would like to spend some time with another boy." She said with a smile.

"Well... sure." I complied, I was a bit hungry too.

Mina clapped her hands, "Great!"


We had lunch with some talks about the outside world for a few hours.


"Be careful in the seas little Damien!"

"Be prudent, young man."

The 2 parents waved from the Dracule Manor as I waved back.



Until I felt a little pull on my Regal Attire's sleeve.

I smiled as I saw chibi Mihawk pulling my coat.


His face was quite expressionless but you could see a trace of sadness.

He was trying quite hard to keep his emotions under control.

He didn't say anything, just looked at me with his piercing gaze.

I smiled as I saw him, 'Future powerhouse or not, a one-year-old is still a child.'


I ruffled his short black hair,

"The seas are waiting for someone like you. Train hard and look after your parents." I said as I kneeled to his eye level.

He nodded, then after a few seconds he asked,

"Will I meet you again?"

I chuckled a bit, "I'm sure we will cross paths sooner than you can imagine."

He lowered his gaze a bit as he looked to the ground.

I then looked far to the side and saw the sword standing tall.


"That Blade is calling out, waiting to be heard. And I know you can definitely pull it out. Just remember to never lose sight of what you have chosen to commit to."

The sword was indeed calling out. It wasn't submissive at all. Its pride was sky-high and the blade was so sharp. You could literally hear a constant 'hum' as the air around it was cut the moment it blew in its direction.

Mihawk looked up as well and saw the sword as his eyes shined a resolute glint.


"I will hold that sword one day, so wait for me... Nii-san!"


These words being uttered from someone like Hawkeye may seem quite odd and unfitting, but at the end of the day, this was a toddler who is saying goodbye to his only real 'friend' and a true 'big brother' figure. Someone who he could look up to, after all, he too knew about the Voice and how rare it is to have it.


"Rahaha! Good, that fire in your eyes, make sure it never goes out!" I laugh as I stood back up.

He nodded with a small smile.

"See you later kid," I said my goodbye and went off to the shore.

[A/N: Naturally he will meet him again. This was just a setup chapter for him and his future exploits]


On the shore, I can see a huge hill of blocks of crimson metal.

They were around 1 cubic meter in size.

In total at least a thousand of them.

I walked up to it and touched the metal.


It was warm yet... cold.

Hard yet... soft.

Heavy yet... light.


"The hell is this?! This metal doesn't obey the Laws of Physics!" I yell out in bewilderment.

I took explosive engineering so I had my fair share of understanding about metals used for encasing bombs and fragile material.

This metal just made no sense at all!

[Damien, come on. You're applying laws of physics to world where you can fly by eating a fruit. Some laws do exist in this plane, but most laws tend to... bend a bit.] Sibyl said.


"Can you give me some details about this ore?" I asked her.

[Hmm, well it is a foreign element in the eyes of science. It seems like it was a very heavy and strong metal bathed in an extinct species of ancient animals' blood. The blood carried a certain quality that changed the attributes of this metal.]

[The blood should have oxidized the metal and caused rusting and eventual collapse. But it did the opposite... it made it stronger, lighter, and softer while retaining contradicting qualities.]

[Most likely the blood was that of a fruit eater of sorts in which the user could control the forces applied. In other words, any force applied over a small space will be evenly distributed all over a larger body and in all directions, including that of devil fruit abilities...]

[...I see! For fruit powers to seep into blood... this animal must have reached 'Awakening'!] She concluded.

My eyes widened at her words, 'Awakening - One of the signs of one reaching peak mastery over their fruit!'

She continued, [This way it will extremely difficult to break. And if coated on Adam's Oak, then yes, it will reach a durability level of absurd numbers. One capable of holding the weight of the sky itself.]

And she finally concluded with the explanation.

"So what your saying is that this metal is a byproduct of a metal that was bathed in an animal with a rare fruit's blood and became something that shouldn't exist." I surmised.

[Indeed Damien. I'm proud of you.] she said in a familiar sarcastic tone.

"Haaaa whatever Sibyl. But is this enough for a giant ship capable of holding the Rocks Crew?" I asked her.

[It is a meter wide and thick. Even a small 1 cm thick sheet will give you the effect you want so, yes it should be enough.]

"Good. Can you store these in the Inventory?" I asked.

[Yes. One second.]

The blocks glowed a bit and disappeared instantly.

[1000 blocks of 'Hemotitanidium' moved to {Inventory}]

A blue notification popped up as nodded at the open sight of the sea.


My voice infused with Authority echoed through the waters as many Sea Kings popped their heads up.

(We come to your aid, Great One.)

(Give us your orders Lord.)

(Bestow upon me your seed, Great Lord!)


30 or so Sea Kings, quite a sight.

{{Take me to Water-7, the rest of you will form a perimeter and warn me of any other ships nearby.}}

They all bowed as 29 swam away and one blue Sea King waiting in silence.

"Guys, let me know if something happens to the Dracule Family!" I yelled out to the trees.

"This Onee-san will call you if something happens~" Alice responded first.

"See you later, Damien-bro!"

"Watch out for the thirsty women Damien-boy. You are getting quite handsome and the hoes will be out to get you." Bill warned me while Alice snorted.

"May the seas be with you, young one." Yoda said his part.

They all gave their goodbyes as I hopped on my ride and sailed away.


"Off to Water-7!"



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Small arc for Mihawk background, blood ore and a quick break between the early fight as more are to follow soon.

As for blood ore, pretty much a Jurassic animal who ate the Force Force fruit and reached Awakening had fallen and left behind a pool of blood.

The blood was enriched with its fruit powers and bathed the metal below the surface. The metal then gained special qualities listed above, forming Blood Ore.


Random Trivia:

Would you rather forever live in the virtual reality of your favorite game or continue to live in your current life?

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