One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 26 - [21] Water-7 (2)

[2732 words - Thicc chap ????]

*Bonus* ​ ​

[Quick Editing Notice]


[Congratulations, You have unlocked another World-Level Quest!] I nodded at the notification and looked back at Dragon.

He was quite shaken by my words, it seems like he had already thought of it.

"Justice..? You're right... No one should be allowed to do what those Nobles can do... It infuriates me every time I'm told to look away as a World Noble continues to beat others, as they go around pointing at people, declaring them a slave."

"It pisses me off every time I see them chain up an innocent while their family is shot dead in front of them!"

His mouth leaked some blood as he continued to gnash his teeth in anger, "Why is it that they can rip apart families from their happiness? What gives them such a right?!"

I saw his eyes, the eyes that were about to erupt, yet needed another push.

"Rahaha, isn't it obvious?" I said as he looked at me with a somewhat desperate expression.


"The weak have no rights or choices."

"Their only fate is to be relentlessly crushed by the strong!"

His eyes widened as his hands shook. The weather was just as erratic. In some places it was cloudy, one spot was raining heavily, the other had lightning striking everywhere.

I smiled at his expression, "Do think about it, I'm sure we will meet again, Dragon." I said to him and Geppo-ed back to the ship.

Dragon just looked at me retreating while he floated with an empty expression.



I arrived at the new ship as Shakky was firing a gun at the marine ships in front.

Kaido had already boarded while Xebec and Whitebeard were pushing back Garp and Basara.

"WORORO! Damien, how strong is he? Garp's son?" Kaido asked while grinning.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored his question.

I looked at the black-haired gunslinger, "I didn't know you used a gun, Shakky-nee."

Shakky smiles while shooting her pistol, "Ara~, there are many things you don't know about your big sister, Damien-chan."

I looked at the carnage before me.

Xebec had withered away many parts of the ships while he was fighting Garp.

Whitebeard was shattering the air as Basara was simply punching them, nullifying them with his haki-clad fists.

They continued on as a sad wail resounded from elsewhere.


The old, broken-down ship took a hit from a stray cannonball and blew apart as it started to sink.

It was finally falling apart, the mast was no longer there, it was creaking in pain as countless cracks spread out through it as it finally gave up.

*Sinking Sounds*

A ship that carried a small portion of the Rocks Crew has sunk!


On another battlefield...




Shakky stood at the helm of the new ship, her left hand was casually pulling the trigger of her gun as the other was holding her lit cigar.

Every bullet she fired killed 3-5 marines.


I looked at Kaido who seemed like he wanted to jump in.

"Nay, Kaido. Want to join the old geezers?" I asked him.

Kaido looked at me with a wide grin, "WORORORO! I was just about to do that!"




Both of us jumped off the deck and started our attacks.


So far 4 warships and 6 standard ships still afloat.


Constant shockwaves were going off both sides' as the powerhouses fought each other.

The poor marines had nowhere to go while their leaders' continued their duel.

All they could do was try and shoot at Xebec and Whitebeard, hoping for a lucky shot.

We didn't have time to fight otherwise another Admiral might come.

There are already many Vice Admiral deployed to nearby islands that are probably on their way here.

With Xebec and Whitebeard, we can surely hold them off, but we will eventually fall apart.

After all these guys have been fighting Garp for the past 5 days.

'As long as I destroy their ships, they won't have any way to pursue us. The new ship is fast for its size, so it should be easy to retreat afterward.'


I landed on one of the standard ship's deck.

The marines pointed their weapons at me while I just smiled.

I looked at the recruits manning the cannons.

{{All of you, aim at your allies please.}}

Upon hearing my 'request' they robotically did as told.

They slowly turned to the cannons and shifted their trajectory to the other side.

The other marines pointed their rifles at their comrades.

They stood ready to attack at my command.







Hundreds of bullets and tens of cannonballs rained down at the other marine ship.

The unanticipated attack caused the other side to freeze as they turned around, unfortunately, the sheer amount of firepower was enough to sink the ship in mere seconds.


I nodded in satisfaction and slammed my right foot on the deck.

Crushing energy gathering at my feet.




A wave of Pulverizing Energy went out of my foot, but instead of crushing things, it instead just bounced back and forth between the supports of the ship.

The shockwave rippled through the ship, constantly weakening the integrity as it started to fall apart.



The wood blew apart as yet another ship fell apart.


Not wasting another minute I once again jump up to the air and looked at the other marine ship still afloat.

I squinted my eyes as I concentrated my fruit power on my palm.


"Raging Stream."


A red wave of utter destruction raged out from my left palm, blasting through the air as it made contact with the ship.


The ship cracked and started to break apart, the mast fell, the deck cracked apart and the sails ripped.

As the marines onboard...




Groans and shouts of pain howled out as they each were crushed apart from my attack.

Blood rained upon the sinking mess of a ship as it fell into the endless water below.


I then heard a loud yet young voice from afar.



(Thunderclap Eight Trigrams || Thunder Bagua)


I turned my gaze to the far right as I saw a giant ogre landing an attack.

Kaido raised his mighty Kanabo Club into the air as it radiated with a black aura and smashed it upon the ship, destroying and instantly sinking it into the sea.

The people on board had no chance, their feeble weapons just could not penetrate his skin, let alone could their ship hold together from his attack.

He then grinned in satisfaction and jumped up and into the air, to the direction of a warship nearby.

He grasped the large club with both hands on the handles and raised it over his head.

A thick, black aura of pure strength gathered within his club as sparks of lightning flashed all around.


"Crashing Thunder!"


An 18-foot tall ogre bringing down a giant spiked club from 50 meters in the sky with monstrous force... yeah, it wasn't a pretty sight.


The ship was literally wrecked, heck it was even sent down to the sea right away as bits and pieces of it were blown out to the nearby waters.

The marines on board... well, let's just hope their families get proper compensation since they will be listed KIA...

"WORORORO! Too weak!" He laughed on as he casually swung his club across, insta-killing any unfortunate survivors in his wake.

[A/N: The black aura and the lightning that he uses is NOT a fruit power nor a typo, it's like Zoro's Ashura as an extension of his fighting spirit and whatnot. Kaido just adds a bit of his Haoshoku into it for a far greater damage output.]


Basara, who was a few hundred meters away fighting Whitebeard saw the destruction from the corner of his eye.

He gritted his teeth and spat out, "Damn Pirates! 2 little brats, yet so powerful? All of you scum should die."

Whitebeard laughed as he waved his Naginata around, shattering the air at every swing, and spoke, "Gurarara! Your opponent is me, Basara, let the kids have their fun."

Basara frowned as he waved his hands upwards.

As his hands went up the... ground did the same.

Large spikes of earth were raised from the ground as they encircled everything within a 200-meter diameter.


"Pit of Despair."





All around the battlefield was a tall mountain range, keeping everyone stuck within.

Parts of the circular wall even merged with Water-7, yet the Admiral couldn't be worried for such little things.

Xebec who was fighting Garp squinted his eyes.

He looked at Garp who was scuffed up with some bruises, though he wasn't any better.

"Xahaha..." He laughed as his eyes glowed a menacing red.

"The kid is right... I should end this soon..."

His savage grin widened as his tongue hung out, his eyes shifted as an absurd aura burst out of him.


All the ships nearby were broken apart and pushed back as a calamitous wave of Conqueror's Haki was bursting out.

"Gurara..." Whitebeard saw Xebec and did so as well.


Another overwhelming 'Aura of Kings' radiated out, this time from Whitebeard as he too used his Haki.

Unlike Xebec, whose haki focused on despair and death, Whitebeard's Haki focused on his strength, shattering away any resistance, a suffocating experience.

Xebec's control was surely higher, his haki denser, but Whitebeard too had an absurd presence.

The remaining thousand or so marines were instantly knocked out as they were pushed back into the sea, most sinking to their death.

The clouds above were blown apart as black and white sparks flashes throughout the wailing sea.

The people in Water-7 weren't any better... most were knocked out cold while Dragon tended to the waves upon waves of water from the constant clash that were raging out towards the island.

----- Back to Damien -----

I was destroying another ship as I felt Xebec release his Haki.

'This is far stronger than the time in Freedom Isles... Before it was just raw and despairing, this time... the overall pressure is at least twice as much. The range is greater, the haki, a lot denser.'

Whitebeard too released his, not as powerful as Xebec's, but overwhelming all the same.

2 bubbles of haki, one, a creeping black with red sparks, while the other was a shocking white with green sparks.

I did notice what they were going for... by knocking out the marines, the only one left was Basara and Garp.

'They can no longer pursue us.'

'Even with 2 Admiral-level figures, they will have to let us retreat.'

I then looked to the side and saw the next move...



The unnamed ship was sailing north, nearing the mountain field as 4 men stood on board while another 2 marines floated in the sky, 80 meters away.

"XAHAHAHA! You guys... give these bastards all you got." Xebec grinned.

Garp's and Basara's eyes gleamed red as they used their 'future sight' and saw our actions...


Whitebeard clenched his right fist, his muscles popped out as he pulled his arm back to his left shoulder as a white bubble appeared around it.

Kaido raised his Kanabo Club as it filled up with a black aura of pure strength and will, grasping it with both hands.

I coated both my arms with my haki as I sent out Pulverizing Energy to them.

They glowed a crushing red as I pointed them, palm out, facing the 2 marines. This attack was far stronger than that when I used a single palm-directed attack.

Xebec's left hand released a withering purple-black miasma as the air around his fist died and void filled in.


Garp hardened his right arm to the shoulder.

His arms were now shining a pristine purple as he flexed his muscles once more.

Veins bulged out as a powerful aura radiated out as something quite absurd happened...


He yelled out with a grin as another coat of haki formed upon his arms!

A weird flowing coat of intimidating red wrapped around his arm.

A double coat!

[A/N: Garp's Armament]


Basara was like Magneto, he pulled out huge spikes of earth instead of metal from the ground, and had them pointing at us.

The weight of an entire mountain was circling around the Admiral as he began his attack.


Whitebeard: "HAAAAA!"


Damien: "Utter Decimation!"

Xebec: "River of Death."


Garp: "Fist of Pain!"

Basara: "Dreaded Devastation."


The air shattered.

The seas were blown apart.

The atmosphere was completely crushed.

The rest withered away.


Whitebeard sent out a 10.0 Tremor.

Kaido 'threw' his attack with an absurd amount of brute strength.

I sent out a stream of pure crushing force from both hands which combined together and ended up destroying everything in a 50 feet diameter, 5 times larger than that of my 'Raging Stream' and thrice as powerful!

Xebec just blasted his left arm forwards as a 'river' of death energy flowed out, as space itself withered away in its wake.

Garp just smashed his right fist onto all the attacks together, his crimson fist bent and broke space itself!

Basara shot his giant spikes of earth horizontally, the weight of a mountain releasing forth.






The sky above was ripped apart as space cracked away from the convergence of so many cataclysmic forces.

The sea below was no more.

Just a crater spanning 300 meters across as endless water flooded in.

The air too was no more, it was temporarily a void in space.

The contents were shattered, smashed, crushed, and were withered away.

A ginormous tsunami, 300 feet in height was sent out to all directions as it slammed onto the walls of Water-7.

Dragon was there, trying to push it back as much as he could.

The walls cracked and quite a lot of water flooded in, destroying thousands of homes, yet the overall damage was not too bad.

If not for Basara's wall surrounded the area and the workings of Dragon, Water-7 might have become Water-700.

As for the outcome of the fight...






4 distinct waves of laughter were heard as the Rocks Crew laughed off the enormous explosion.

Garp was launched back into the mountain on the other end of the sea, making a huge crater on the wall, nearly going through it.

As for Basara... he crashed into his own warship which naturally was blown apart and currently in the process of sinking.

Both of their attacks were simple yet were absurdly powerful.

However, even they cannot hold against a Quake and a Death Human going all out.

And then there was my and Kaido's attack, it was impressive for our age.... though they could easily tank it.

Garp, though was blown away, will most likely be fine, same with Basara.

After all, these guys have some terrifying endurance.


The 4 of us landed on our ship as we sailed near the mountain before us.

'I put all my power into that last attack... if it weren't for Xebec and Whitebeard stopping most of the oncoming force, well I would certainly have died. No doubt.'

I looked at my arm... it was a mix of blue and red, the capillaries beneath had completely been crushed by the impulse of the attack I sent out.

The skin was ripped apart, all my bones in my arm were shredded.

My body couldn't handle it.

My body is also tired, very, very tired.


I then looked ahead and saw a tall structure in our ship's path.

Basara's mountain still stood, a 500-meter tall obstruction with some cracks.

I couldn't help but ask,

"Uhhh, Taichou, perhaps we forgot something?"



Xebec just grinned as he pulled out a gourd of sake, "Xahaha kid, perhaps you forgot about our other crewmate."

I fell onto the seating around the mast as I turned my attention to our lovely cook.

"No way..." I uttered as Shakky walked up to the front.


She pulled out her pistol and pointed at the mountain.


She pulled the trigger.


Her hand recoiled back as a single bullet left the barrel.

My eyes traced the bullet as it came into contact with the mountain.






My jaw fell down at the sight before me.

"The mountain..."






"Where'd it go?"


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Well damn.

A combination attack of utter destruction.

I mean combining Tremors, Pure Strength, Pulverization, Death into one attack... Even Garp and Basara wont be able to hold against that.

Shakky does have a custom fruit, though she doesn't at the same time...

As for MC's strength, their will be some timeskips coming soon, after all Rocks' Crew still must sail up to 1486, 3.5 years away.

He will get stronger quite fast, after all 2 monsters will be 'guiding' him.

Stick around!


Random Trivia:

Would you rather have celebrity parents or a celebrity lover?

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