One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 27 - [22] The Water-7 Incident

[2328 words]

[This chapter was heavily edited so all paragraph comments were erased. RIP] ​​


Shakky pulled the trigger as her hand recoiled back.


The bullet flew out and touched the mountain.




Damien: "The mountain... Where'd it go?"


Shakky just looked at my face and laughed,

"Ara~ I can't just sit around while all of you guys fight." She asked.

I just shook my head, still wondering where a block of earth, 500 meters high and 200 meters across went.

"Ufufufu, well I did tell you that you still don't know much about me."

"But if you are curious, my gun ate the 'Roulette Roulette Fruit', I can use 6 different types of bullets."

"Each does something different:

one can heal any injury,

one can disintegrate anything,

one can pierce through anything,

one can explode on contact,

one can change the gravity of anything,

and the last can warp anything to anywhere I have marked once before."

She explained.


She kissed her pistol while winking and said,

"I can also combine each bullet power."

"So I used the explosive round to first break the mountain apart, the disintegration round to further destroy it and then I teleport the rest away of the mountain, around 200x100 meters chuck somewhere else."

Hearing her explanation I asked the obvious question, "Where did you send a mini mountain to, Shakky-nee?"




She smiled, "To Marineford of course~"


She walked up to me and rubbed my head and went back to the helm.

Leaving me behind with a wry smile.

'She sent a damn mountain to Kong's backyard, this chick is crazy...! No wonder Rayleigh fell for her.'


I just shook my head and informed the others, "I'm gonna go take a nap..."


Xebec and Whitebeard were also somewhat tired, they fought for 5 days constantly so they too went to their quarters for a snooze.

Kaido was hurt as well, his arm was bruised and his club was cracked.

'His physique... right, the 'Immortal Kaido', the man who can't be killed, not even by himself.'

I did recall the chapters after 1000, Kaido just tanked all the hits from Luffy's crew without even using any armament Haki!

----- A While Later -----

I had showered, my body was quite sweaty and bloody.

'A nice warm shower always hits the spot.' I sighed as I was in my room, it was quite big.

Around 12x20 meters in size.

A nice bed, a dresser, and the other things fixed to the ground.

I walked to my very long bed, after all, I am quite tall, so yeah.

I plopped on the bed, my arms were no longer broken but still bruised and ached quite a bit.

My (Rapid Regeneration) was at max level, so all broken bones were fixed after a battle almost right away, but the pain stayed as it radiated in warm bursts of electricity in my nerves.

I recalled something and went into my {Inventory} and brought out a vial of red liquid.


[Healing Solution]

[Description: Greatly increases the process of healing trauma. Also acts like a pain-nullifier.]

[Warning: Drinking more than 3 vials a day can cause erectile dysfunction.]


Nodding at the description and committing the 'warning' to memory, I popped the cork open and gulped down the solution.


It was a warm flow of heat that went in all directions of my body as it released any stress built up on my arms.

The healing rate increased, my slightly red arms were back to their original health light-bronze colour.

The aching nerves calmed down as they recovered.

'Nice.' I exclaimed in my head.

"Sibyl, can you draw up the stats of the others I fought?" I asked her.

[Coming right up Damien...] She said.


[Rocks D. Xebec]

[Age: 42]

[Height: 14'7]

[Devil Fruit: Death Death Fruit [P]

[Fruit Rating: 7 Stars]

[Fruit Remark: An Ultimate-Class Fruit, can tap into a Major World-Law. Yet to reach full prowess]

[Haki: Tri-Coloured]

[Haki Remark: High-Advanced Mastery for [O] & [A], Peak-Advanced Mastery for [C]

**(A/N: Remember each mastery tier ranges from L/M/H)

[Strength: BEYOND YONKO]


[Monkey D. Garp]

[Age: 36]

[Height: 9'5]

[Devil Fruit: N/a]

[Haki: Bi-Coloured]

[Haki Remark: Low Adv. for [O], Peak Adv. for [A]

[Strength: Top Tier Yonko]

[A/N: 36 is not PRIME age, so I kept him at this]



[Age: 45]

[Height: 9'8]

[Devil Fruit: Mountain Mountain Fruit [P]

[Fruit Rating: 6.5 Stars]

[Fruit Remark: Powerful fruit, one of the greatest for fighting large amounts of enemies]

[Haki: Dual-Coloured]

[Haki Remark: Mid Adv. [O] & High Adv. [A]

[Strength: High Tier Yonko]


[Edward Newgate]

[Age: 32]

[Height: 21'10]

[Devil Fruit: Tremor Tremor Fruit [P]

[Fruit Rating: 6.5 Stars]

[Fruit Remark: Has the ability to destroy the world]

[Haki: Tri-Coloured]

[Haki Remark: Low Adv. [O], [C] & [A]

[Strength: Mid Tier Yonko]



[Age: 22]

[Height: 6'1]

[Devil Fruit: Roulette Roulette Fruit [P]

[Fruit Rating: 6 Stars]

[Fruit Remark: Can be very powerful when combining different bullet types. Very versatile fruit]

[Haki: TBD]

[Strength: >Top Tier Yonko Commander]



[Age: 15]

[Height: 17'8]

[Devil Fruit: N/a]

[Haki: Tri-Coloured]

[Haki Remark: Low Intermediate [A], [O] & [C]

[Strength: Low Tier Yonko Commander*]

[A/N: The * represents that he is at the peak of this level]


"So I can see their strength levels now... I guess factoring the scale of the destruction capabilities probably gives it away..."

I shake my head looking at these numbers.

"Beyond Yonko! Xebec is holding back eh? Whitebeard is still young, he doesn't even have his 'beard' yet!" I exclaim.

"Garp is not at his prime yet and he is already so powerful... Basara is quite strong too."

"Shakky, for the role as a cook she can beat quite a few people up..." I sigh as I see her power level.

"I haven't seen my stats for a few chapters now, display them please." I request.

[Here they are...] She says.


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 14]

[Height: 8'4]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength: Low Tier Yonko Commander]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (Low-Intermediate Mastery)]

[Seastone Resistance: 41%]

[Skills: ... Observation Haki (Low-Intermediate Mastery), Armament Haki (Low-Intermediate Mastery), Conqueror's Haki (Controlled Stage - Peak-Basic Level)]

[Points Balance: 10100 SP]

< Rewards Pending from Completed Quests >


I spent a few minutes going over my gains.

It's only been a week since I left the island.

In that view, going from 'Quasi YC' to 'Low Tier YC' is pretty good.

"Show me the quests please Sibyl."

[As you wish Damien.]


[Quest Log]

[Reach Yonko Commander - Rewards: 7000 SP (COMPLETED)]

[Reach Yonko Commander Phase - Rewards: Fishmen Bloodline (Grow gills to breathe underwater, fruit users may survive underwater but will not be able to move)]


I nodded at the SP from the first quest, as for the second...

"SWEET! Grow gills, it won't let me move in the sea or anything, BUT I can still breathe underwater. The worst way to die as a Supreme King is by drowning... Now I am in the same boat as Jack in Zou."

"I can 'live' under the sea but cannot move, however with my {Ancient Voice}, I can easily ask some Sea Kings for support," I concluded with a joyful tone.

"Receive the rewards, Sibyl," I told her.


[2 Quests Complete - Rewards: 7000 SP, Fishman Bloodline]


At that moment I felt odd...

'Geez, this feels weird. It was an itch on my neck that I couldn't scratch.'

I walked over to the mirror on the dresser and saw my handsome visage.

I checked my neck and didn't see anything.

[Try to imagine yourself underwater, drowning.] Sibyl suggested.

Upon her words, I tried to imagine myself sinking in the deep sea.

Gasping for air, flailing my arms in the struggle.

My body demanding oxygen as I clench my throat...


I opened my eyes and saw them.

A thin flap on both sides of my throat, a filament of tissue that could fold on command.

[A/N: Idk how gills look like on a human...]

Though I couldn't breathe on the surface so I did seal them back.

It was easy now, all I had to do was think of it and they would open whenever.


I then felt a wave of exhaustion from the early battle and now from this change in the body. It seems my cells need to work overdrive to assimilate my new organ.

'Time for a nap.'

I plop onto the bed and fall into a deep sleep, unaware of the storm elsewhere.

----- Marineford ---------------------------

7 people were seated upon a wide, round table.

Each had a marine uniform, 6 men and 1 woman.

The room was white with blue accents, each side had an open widow apart from the one that was connected to the walkway into the room.

A nice breeze entered the room as the men sat in solemn silence.


"Garp. Basara. One of you tell me why the hell is there a damn mountain in my office."


Kong, the current Fleet Admiral, said with some annoyance.


Basara sat in silence... as for the other.



"Kong-san! Don't think too much about it, it happens sometimes!" Garp laughed as he munched on some rice crackers.

A black-haired man with an afro and a mustache yelled out, "Garp! Show some respect to the Gensui!"

Garp just kept eating as Sengoku scolded him.

[A/N: Admiral Sengoku Image]


Another man sitting spoke up, "These Rocks Pirates... They are very dangerous, Kong-san."


The one who spoke looked younger than most, the second youngest on the table.

He had purple hair that was cropped back and wore a marine cap on top.

His muscular body was brimming with strength as he sat with a solemn expression.

His name, Zephyr. Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

[A/N: Vice Admiral Zephyr Image]


Kong sat with his arms crossed, "What is your input, Tsuru?"

The Fleet Admiral looked at the woman to his side, she was a beautiful woman with turquoise hair tied in a ponytail.

She held the title of Vice Admiral yet she was known not for skills as a fighter, but her brains as a tactician.

[A/N: Vice Admiral Tsuru Image - She didn't age well btw...]

The woman squinted her eyes, "We have tried to hide their emergence... but with the incident at Water-7, the word is bound to get out. Especially now that they have a ship of that size and power, let alone a very powerful crew."

She shook her head slightly and offered, "Bounties must be sent out. Especially for the 2 young ones. If they are allowed to grow, it will be inviting disaster."

All the men nodded at her words as she continued.

"Considering their strength and fruit capabilities, we will need to send at least 3 Admiral level marines. Not only is their strength impressive but they are all Supreme Kings, minus the cook."

"They are a new crew with 4 Conquerors. But our intelligence has shown that the captain, Rocks D. Xebec has come in contact with other notorious pirates and left on somewhat friendly terms..."

"Charlotte Linlin,"

"Golden Lion Shiki,"

"Silver Axe,"

"Each of them may or may not be on friendly terms. If so many high level and high potential pirates come together..."

her voice became heavier and heavier as she went on.



"Then I'm afraid we will have a crew that may rival the World itself!"


Her words echoed through the room as the men squinted their eyes.

Even Garp slowed down his chewing speed so he didn't end up missing her input.


"We must purge them as soon as possible!" She concluded.


They sat in silence for a few minutes as Kong spoke up as he looked at the final person in the room who had yet to talk.

"Boy, why is it that I heard you let that pirate walk away?"


The 'boy' in question was none other than the son of 'The Fist', Dragon.

The youth looked down for a minute and spoke, "I have nothing to say in my defense."


Kong gritted his teeth, "NANDATO?!"


He smashed his fist onto the marble table as it shatters and was reduced to dust.

Kong stood up and eyed the youth.

"Boy, I promoted you to Rear Admiral because of Garp and Sengoku's insistence! Do not take your position lightly!" He roared out.


Garp stopped eating and saw his frustrated son's face and squinted his eyes.


Sengoku too saw the tension and intervened, "Kong-san, what shall we decide their bounties to be?"

Kong snorted and looked at the afro-Admiral and gave his thoughts.


After half an hour or so the pages were drafted.

"These bounties... they cannot be too high. After all, they starting bounties for each of them."

"They are indeed not enough for their strength, but any more and it will backfire on us."

Kong commented.

"I agree, any more than these figures and the people may start questioning our ability to restrain such a crew. We can instead use this event as their first real act of piracy and bend the news to accommodate these bounties." Tsuru nodded.

The others too gave their input as Kong gave the order,

"Call CP-1! I want these bounties posted at every island in the seas!"


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:


Bounties... annoying to please you all with numbers.

Again these are STARTING bounties in the eyes of the world. You can't just slap on 5 Billion right away. So keep that in mind.

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