One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 28 - [23] Dueling The Beast

[2541 words]

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[It's 1am and tomorrow's a school day, I edited it hastily so do tread with caution!]


(Damien POV)

"Thank was a good sleep!" I yawned as I stretching my body.

I jumped out of bed and went to fresh up.


I am now in the training room, it's not that big, just a 10x10x15 meters room laced with Blood Ore.

I had it made specifically for me since I need to train my fruit a lot and I don't want to break too many things.

'My fruit mastery is still Peak level of Basic stage... How can I improve my powers?' I started to brainstorm.

I held my left hand in front of me and gathered some Pulverizing Energy.

My palm glowed a warm red as my fruit power emerged.

I used my senses and listened to the air.

How it reacted.

The things I missed.


'The air... it's being crushed as it should, but my power feels so...raw.' I conclude, causing me to frown.

'The power to crush everything shouldn't be so simple. It originates from my heart but who said I have to only use my hands and legs to shoot it out?' I question myself.

"Fujitora's gravity, he can influence gravity by willing it so, I wonder if I can crush things without moving my body?" I say out loud.

I gather crushing energy all around my body and force it out from my pores.

Causing me to practically sweat red miasma.

The air around me was howling as a red glow covered my body.

I concentrated on the energy with my Observation's Haki, closing my eyes I felt it.

The energy was volatile, it wanted to burst out.

'Why not just let it?' I ask as I experiment.

'I was forcing it to stay in, forcing it to be controlled. But I was wrong. Why control it? Why not let it flow as it should. All I have to do is learn how to direct and guide the flow...'


upon my conclusion, a red wave of Pulverizing Energy was sent out from my body.

It was like my 'Grand Ripple.'


It was constant.

10 meters from all sides of me was a domain!

A field of crush, all the air within the dome was being pressured and pulverized.

'This feeling...!' My eyes opened up as I felt it.

It wasn't a bad feeling.

It didn't feel forced.

Heck, even the stamina consumption went down compared to trying to control it to do so.

"I was thinking too much like I had the Tremor Fruit. It's not as simple as smashing the air with a fist!" I end up yelling at myself.

"Trying to force such a volatile power will only produce counter-effective results. I just need to learn how to embrace its rage and simply direct it with my body." My eyes shined as I felt quite different from within.

Then I heard a beep.

[Fruit Mastery has reached Intermediate Stage. Quest Pending To be claimed.]

Upon the notification, I felt a new view of my powers.

I had finer control by simply letting go of it.

The crushing force, before it was simple and raw, it just broke things apart.

Now it was easier to flow. I could break things apart with more control.

I waved my hand as a piece of wood popped out of my inventory.




My hand glowed, and so did the log.



A small explosion sounded as the log was reduced to 2 inch thick cubes as they clattered on the floor.

'The degree of crushing has become more severe!'

I then felt a weird inkling as I saw the cubes of wood on the floor.

I felt a wisp of control over them.

I point my left hand out and did what felt right.




I sent out a stream of crushing powers as it enveloped the numerous pieces of wood.


The air radiated a bit as the cubes floated up and shot towards each other.



The log returned to its original form as it hit the floor as if nothing had happened!


My smile widened, "To crush and to restore... For one, Shakky won't scream at me for destroying her kitchen. And for another..."

My eyes squinted in curiosity, "I wonder if this works on living being..."


I couldn't try it now but if I could use it on humans, crush them, and put them back together... It would be quite interesting indeed.


I nodded over my new mastery level from the fruit section as I walked up to go to the eatery.


*Boom* *Boom* *Bam*

Explosions were resounding upstairs as I reached the top and saw an interesting sight.

A bruised and beaten Kaido on the ground and a laughing Whitebeard.


Kaido immediately got back up as his bruises healed away.

'What absurd healing speed he has...' I exclaimed as I saw him back in perfect shape.

Kaido looked at me and grinned.

"WORORO! Damien, fight me!" He roared as he slammed his Club on the ground for added effect.

I raised an eyebrow and couldn't think of anything better than an ogre to test my powers on.


"You're on," I said while grinning.


Kaido chuckled as he moved back and I walked in.

Whitebeard went to the side and sat down with a gourd of sake.

The dueling platform area was on top of the eatery, a flat surface with a solid Blood Ore ground to absorb all stress.

I and Kaido were standing 30 meters apart.


Whitebeard threw his empty gourd into the sky...


The gourd howled as the air whistled in its crevice.

*Cracking Sounds*

The gourd shattered as both of us dashes forwards.


Kaido, nearing 18 feet in height vs I who was a bit over 8 feet.

Though our sizes were vastly different, our power levels were quite close.


Kaido charged forwards while raising his club on his shoulders, grasping it with both hands.

I had both my arms flying free behind my back as I dashed forwards, Naruto style.

Though we ran at full speed, the ground had no sign of noise or shock as it was all absorbed and distributed.

'He seems taller when fighting.' I mutter in my head as I see him, 10 feet difference in height.


Knowing that I cannot fight from the ground I decide to leap into the air while coating my left hand in a blackened colour.

Kaido grinned and swung his club to meet the fist.


Shockwaves rippled in the air as the two forces clashed.

The attacks canceled out as I then popped the air with my feet and retreated a few meters back.




I gathered condensed air particles and wrapped them around my legs and shot 2 diagonal slashes towards the ogre.

Kaido just turned a bit to the side and took the hits with his left shoulder, unfazed.


"Hohoho." Kaido chuckled as he jumped into the air and swung his club diagonally downwards the floating me.

I covered both arms with mediocre haki and made an 'X' shape shield to take the hit.

The air howled in pain as the giant kanabo club descended with limitless momentum and slammed upon my make-shift shield.


'What power!' I exclaimed in my head as I felt a huge weight pushing me back.


I was shot back into the ground by the sheer momentum of his hit, rolling a few times till reaching a stop near the end of the platform.



Kaido landed on the ground as his club radiated a black aura of undying will.




Wasting no time Kaido swung his mighty club right at me.

Though I was sent back from the previous exchange, it didn't really do much damage. I jumped back up as I saw his next attack.

An 18-foot tall giant bringing down a huge club with enormous force...

'This is what he used against Luffy in Wano... though comparing that then and this now, is like comparing heaven and earth.'



My haki-clad arm radiated with another form of energy.

I sent out a river of Pulverizing Energy as I tried my best to allow it to flow freely, without letting it run too loose.

Before it was too much control causing it to weaken, now I need to make sure I can still direct it before it overflows out of the path I am trying to make it follow.


My fist glows red as it crushes the air around my arm.


"All Crush!"


My crimson fist bashed upon his black club of absurd momentum as a powerful shockwave was sent out.


Neither of us gave any space for the other to try and move.

Our power was equal.


The air blasted in a mini-explosion as both of us were sent 10 meters back from the clash.

I dug my foot into the floor to regain balance as Kaido used his club for the same reason.


"WORORORO! That's more like it!"

Kaido ran forwards again.

I saw him racing forth and raise my left palm out.


"Raging Stream."


I sent out a 10-foot wide stream of Pulverizing Energy as it raged on to meet the ogre, the epicenter aimed at his chest.


He laughed as swung his club to block the flow of energy.


He was knocked 10 or so feet back as he canceled out my attack.

I saw him stagger for a second and 'Soru-ed' forwards, not missing the open chance.

'Let it flow. Let it run. Let it loose.' I recited in my head as I let all my control go over the fruit and a wave of crushing domain burst out from me.


"Field of Kings."


I said as a crimson-colored field, 10 meters in radius was sent out.

It started suppressing, slowing, and weakening all those within its range.

Even the air particles started vibrated hard, as it caused small explosions due to the increase in Kinetic Energy.

Kaido who had regained footing felt the effect.

'What is this weight?' He wondered as he saw his 'rival' release a domain of his fruit as his eyes shined red.

"WORORORO! I don't know what this is but it is quite interesting."

Kaido, seeing the change in my strength output also went up another level.

He dug his feet into the ground and leaped up into the sky, albeit not as much as he has done before due to my domain.

He held the club in both hands as thunder sparks shot out as he brought the weapon down with unending momentum.

A streak of lighting followed his movement from the clouds above.




I squinted my eyes and sent out 2 currents of Pulverizing Energy.

1 was focused on gathering in my left fist.

The other was wrapped around my left shoulder.

The main idea was to have the energy on my shoulder act like a spring and further propel the energy within my fist, this would greatly increase the damage output.

My arm was now denser, thicker, and more condensed. It was bubbling in power as it wanted to burst out and destroy everything in its wake!

The density and the huge amounts of energy in my arms caused the air to go ablaze!

Dark red flames that formed the shape of an inferno-serpent coiled around my arm as it raged forward to meet Kaido's attack.


"Great Vanquish!"


My left fist collided with his club.


This was practically the stronger version of our earlier clash, though the amount of strength in our hits was at least 60% more!

The ground shook slightly, a large tide of water was sent out from the sea around us from the shockwave of our attack.

We kept fueling our attacks as ripples of energy echoed in the wailing wind.


Finally, the attacks ended as both of us were sent 20 meters back, trying our best to keep our footing.

The moment one of us loses balance is the moment that one would lose.

The battle seemed long but only 2 minutes have passed since the start.


Our momentum stopped as we stood tall once more.

Kaido had red marks over his thick right arm as his club shook from the earlier impact.

My left fist was shaking, the absurd brute strength of the Beast still remained in memory.

My knuckles were torn and my fingers were quite stressed, yet still in good shape.

'Time to end this!'

I raised both arms, palms out.

The Pulverizing Energy flowed once more as it steamed down both my arms and gathered in my palms.

A top layer of thick energy kept in the energy like a balloon about to explode from being overfilled.


"Utter Decimation!"


I said slowly as a huge river of energy flooded out from my palms, covering 50 feet in diameter!

Crushing, shredding, and pulverizing everything in its way!

*Boom* *BAAM*

The air was destroyed as Kaido saw a wide attack nearing him.

What did he do in the face of such power?

He laughed of course.

"WORORORO! That's it, that's what I wanted!"

He then raised his club over his right shoulder, tightening his grip.

Thunder roared as his club started boiling with a black miasma. It wasn't a fruit power or anything.

It was just sheer battle-lust and inner aura that caused his club to spark up, causing lightning to form by the electricity in the air.




He roared out as he swung his club straight at the crimson river...


A powerful shockwave was sent out in all directions, causing huge tides to form in the sea around the ship.

The air shook endlessly as the 2 forces continued to push each other back.

Neither giving way to the other.

I kept supplying fruit energy as the attack kept flowing out yet Kaido's brute power too was endless!

The attack was surely impressive for our power levels... even Whitebeard had his glorious blond hair flying violently in the wind.

The attack finally ended.


As for the result...





Staggered breathing was heard as another sound followed.



Kaido's club was cracked, his arm was bruised and purple marks were all over his right arm up to his chest.

I too was in rather pained condition, my already bruised arm was aching even more so as I had sent out too much pulverizing energy, my arms had yet to be strong enough to hold all that power.

The new move, alongside the constant field of crush that I had on depleted my stamina quite a bit.

We are in our original positions now, 30 meters in between as we ended our fight.

2 minutes have passed since the end of the duel and our bodies have healed quite a bit, we could keep going for more but chose to end it.

"I'll put you on the ground soon enough, Kaido," I said as I pat the dust off my clothes.

"WORORO, we'll see about that." Kaido put down his club.

All was cool as a seagull flew down to us with a newspaper.

I tossed a coin as it left behind the daily news.

I scanned the contents and a smile appeared on my face.


"OYY! COME LOOK AT THIS!" I shouted as I saw the title of the newspaper.





[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

That was my first true fight scene for MC.

I think it was pretty good.

I know Yonko can fight for like 10 days and whatnot yet that doesn't mean they are always using super-powerful moves.

The simple duel, keeping the other on their toes lasts the majority of the battle as the 'big moves' come in every here and there.

MC's and Kaido's duel was around Doflamingo vs Gear 4 level. Just like that fight only lasted a bit, this too was a constant duel of strength rather than stamina.

I hope you liked the fight!


Random Trivia:

Would you rather want the ability to change the past or see into the future?

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