One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 83 - [74] Surname

[2240 words]

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[Somewhere in Paradise Sea]

[Few Days Ago]


In a dim room were two large couches facing one another.

On the couch on the right sat 4 people.

1 man surrounded by 3 beautiful girls while he had his arms around their shoulders.

Surrounded said couch were another 30 or so men, some smoking, some drinking, all casually waiting.


Across from them, on the opposite couch, was a single man.

The man was wearing a crimson cloak radiating with red mist as he sat comfortably in the presence of the rest.

He had a silver mask with a red and gold pattern, the only thing visible was the eerie crimson glow of his eyes that seemed to stare into the very soul.


"So you are this 'Fulcrum' that has appeared recently, eh?" The man smiling with a cigar asked.


[A/N: Fulcrum Image]


"That is correct." He said in a deep voice with a slight automation tune to it.


"My men tell me you have something I'd want, bring it out, won't cha?"

The one talking was the Underworld Emperor, Black Fish Barro.


Barro was a middle-aged man. He wore an orange shirt with a green coat draped over his shoulders. He had a grey fedora with a rose.

[A/N: Black Fish Barro Image]


Fulcrum didn't move as he said in a casual voice, "I want your Underworld Empire."


Barro just blinked as he, together with his goon, erupted in grand laughter.

"BARORORORO! I didn't think you would be a comedian!" Barro said as he wiped a tear.


Fulcrum just raised his head.

The masked man's eyes moved to the general audience as some gulped as they felt those eyes could peer into their souls.

Yet, none were afraid, just on guard.


"Remove the nuisances." He said.


A quick sound of air filled the room as small purple portals opened up around the men.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Each man fell one by one as their heads were liberated from their necks, spraying the regal carpet with blood.


The only ones left alive were 5 people.

Barro, the 3 girls around him and another young man nearby with a clipboard.

Yet each was now shaking in fear.


"D-Do you know who you're messing with?!" Barro roared as his cigar dropped to the floor.


Suddenly purple energy accumulated around Fulcrum and materialized into a girl.

The girl was wearing a full-body assassin's attire with weapons all over her body. Her face was covered with a scarf and her head was dawning on a hood.


"This is Talon, my right hand." Fulcrum introduced to the 5.

[A/N: Talon Image]


Fulcrum then hummed and zoomed in on the Underworld Emperor and then the younger man nearby.

"You, you were the only one who didn't laugh at my sentence. Speak, who are you?" Fulcrum asked.

The youngster gulped and answered with a shaking tone, "S-S-Sir, I am N-Nate, I manage all of Barro-sama's assets…"

Fulcrum squinted at the boy and nodded, "Perfect," he then nodded to the girl.

Talon just turned her attention to the ones on the couch,

**Voosh** **Voosh**

4 thin blades of purple energy shot out of her hands as they executed all but the younger man.


"From now on, you work for me," Fulcrum said in an authoritative tone.


Nate furiously nodded, "C-Can I do anything for you?"

The masked man hummed once more and said, "I want you to invite all the other Underworld Emperors and invite them to a single occasion, under Barro's name of course."


Nate just nodded as he wrote down his new boss's words to the tee.


(Narrator POV)


And a few days passed, the government and the major powers heard of a banquet hosted in the Paradise Sea, one that shall gather the powerhouses that dwell in the shadows.

A grand event for sure.


[Flower Capital, Wano]

[Present Time]


Toki was currently mesmerized by the scene as she continued to stare at it with a nostalgic expression.

All the while I span my Observation and pick up a few strong presences.


"Shall we enter?" I asked the green-haired girl as she woke up from her reverie.

She beamed a big smile and nodded, "Umu!"


Walking through the streets of the Flower Capital, stalls lined up selling fresh foods, people chatting about, some samurai watching from a distance.

The lack of dirt surprised me.


Toki was eyeing some oden at a nearby stall with hunger.

I chuckled at her expression, "let's get something to eat."


The currency at Wano obviously was not berries so I did trade some loose gold. I had to get the proper cash in return.

Silver, gold and platinum are what they used, simple enough.


Toki and I were now sitting by the side as she munched away at some oden in an elegant manner.

I had also noticed quite a few stares from the side, not from enemies but men and women.

Hiyori was considered the most beautiful woman in Wano so naturally, her mother Toki also was quite stunning.

Toki had a certain charm, one that built upon the many centuries she had witnessed, it was quite magnetic, not necessarily pulling in one's lust but one's trust.


As for the ladies, I suppose I am quite striking as my face continues to mature as I near my adulthood.

Plus, I was quite tall and Toki had a certain charm.

The average citizens of Wano were around 6 feet, compared to me nearing 10 feet and Toki in the upper 7-foot range, it was quite noteworthy.


We continued the meal as Toki continued to comment on every little thing in her home country, fascinated by everything.


But then I sensed a presence coming towards me.

It was decently powerful, probably in the middle of the Yonko Commanders Stage.


It was a giant man with light blue hair that seemed to be blazing in the air. He also had a matching coloured goatee and sideburns with glasses mounted upon his nose.

A large build with a blue tattoo and pink petals printed on his shoulders.

He had a sword sheathed to his waist.


The man walked forth with a few of his men as he walked towards the two of us.


Against his appearance, he was actually quite soft-spoken.

"Welcome to the Flower Capital, strangers. This is my first time seeing you here." He said.

I nodded as Toki looked at him with curiosity, "Indeed, I am not from here but my companion's family hailed from the Flower Capital."


The man nodded, "My name is Hyogoro, it is nice to meet you."

[A/N: Hyogoro the Flower Image.]


I just nodded while the green-haired girl spoke up and gave a Japanese greeting while slightly lowering her head, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Hyogoro-san. My name is Amatsuki Toki."


The blue-haired man was caught off guard as he blinked his eyes.


His tone then shifted to visible anger, "You! I greet you with respect but you use that name, how audacious!"


He then unsheathed his katana as his blue hair started to rage as a powerful aura burst out of him, pushing back all things nearby.

Going from the kind host to a powerful and vengeful presence.


I was unsure about his reaction but I suppose Toki's surname has more meaning to it.

I looked at him and squinted my eyes, "I am sure there is a misunderstanding here, Hyogoro-san, let's not cause a scene."


I could beat him but I am here to train. The last thing I need is all of Wano looking for me in rage, after all, Hyogoro was a deeply respected figure and a Yakuza Boss connected to the Shogun.


"Misunderstanding? Using that name is as if one was mocking both I and all of Wano!"

The people nearby had no clue what was going on but seemed to get angry as Hyogoro went on.


Hyogoro's men and samurai surround us as I feel hundreds of presences coupled with sharp slices of unsheathed katanas.


Toki was shaking, seeing her own people pull out blades before herself seemed to hurt her quite a lot.

I had planned for her to join my crew so naturally, I wouldn't allow this to persist.


"I-I don't speak any lies, Hyogoro-san, my surname really is Amatsuki!" Toki said as she stood behind me.

The man didn't budge, "I don't like directing weapons upon the unarmed, I suggest you defend yourselves!"


I just shook my head with a sigh, I tried to be civil.


[Vanquisher Configuration]


A glaive-like weapon with an odd-shaped body materializing into my left hand as the blood-red blades shine in the morning sun.

The people were caught off-guard by my fruit powers as they blinked in wonder.


"Very well, Hyogoro, right? If you can block my strike then I will surrender my head. Should you fail then you will answer me a question. Fair?" I said as I tilted my head with a smile.


I didn't need a weapon to fight him but I felt he would not agree without it.


Hyogoro just squinted his eyes in seriousness, "I do not know how you pulled out such a striking weapon but I shall accept your duel."


The air rustled as the nearby samurai and Yakuza thugs vanished and appeared to the side, clearing the area so that only the open field was left.

Toki was solemn, "I'm sorry, Damien-san, because of me your plans have been ruined."


She was looking at the ground with an apologetic face.

I just smirked and flicked her forehead.



She looks up while puffing her cheeks.

"Stop acting so down, plus, I feel like it isn't as bad as you think."

I then gesture to the side, "Go now, I'll be done in a second."


Hyogoro waited patiently as his hair blazed in the sky as his weapon shined while reflecting light, the sharp blade cutting apart the gentle breeze.


I raised my vanquisher as I twirled it around in circles, generating a small vortex as it blasted the air around.

I then halt and bring it down in a casual stance.


"Prepare yourself."

I warned my opponent as he raised his katana in a fighting stance.


I raised my weapon vertically in the sky and slash it down.



A huge slash of raging-red energy rages out as if a dam had broken, letting loose an ocean of raging water.

The audience was gawking at the blade energy as it created a ravine below, cutting and shredding its way to the shocked Hyogoro.


"T-This is…" He uttered while gritting his teeth, his blade crossed before his chest in hopes to survive the attack.

Yet in his mind he already accepted defeat, the oncoming attack was leagues above what he could contain.


Hyogoro was an honourable man and he would stand by them even if death was approaching him.

"OUGH!" He roared as he willed every ounce of his strength and prepared for his demise.



A ground-shaking explosion filled the region as sakura leaves rained down from the nearby trees as the people nearby were blown away by the impact.

Dust swirled the air as most were blinded, but not me.


I was shocked, someone blocked my strike?


The dust settles as the people stand back up once more, fearing the outcome of their dead leader.

They suddenly broke apart into a relieved smile.


I saw it as soon as it happened.

My strike which was enough to cut a mountain in half was about to blitz upon The Flower but a shadow flashed in front and took the attack.

His sword seemed to cut my blade energy slash and fully counter it.


It was only a third of my strength but it was easily blocked.


I hum out loud as I try to guess who it was but no name comes to mind.

It was a small old man, barely 4 feet tall.

He had a rather sharp yet beautiful katana that he used to slice my attack as he stood before the shaking Hyogoro.


"Sensei!" Hyogoro cried out as he fell to the ground, exhausted.


I raise an eyebrow at how he addressed him as I wait for him to speak.


"Young man, I apologize on behalf of my foolish student and his aides, it seems we have offended you." He said as he lowered his head towards us.

Both Toki and I were unsure of what he meant as he looked back up, this time at Toki.


"Young lady, that katana of yours, may I see it?" He asked with respect.

Toki looked at me for approval, to which I nodded.


She unsheathed her weapon as it cuts the air, a Great Grade Sword in every way.


The man inspected the blade, especially the crescent moon symbol printed near the grip of the sword.

He nods with a sigh.


"I did not expect a descendant of that family to still be alive..."

Hyogoro was astonished to see his cold teacher bow in apology but was even more so astonished by the truth of her words and her family name.

The people nearby were still unsure of what exactly went down but according to tradition, they too apologized with Hyogoro the Flower.


The old man spoke up once more.


"Young lady, young man, would you follow me? The shogun would certainly wish to see you."



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

The old man is Hyogoro's sensei and is an OC. Hyogoro does know some Ryou right now but he is only ~25 so I didn't see him being teacher-worthy for Damien.

Amatsuki Family was a powerful family of Wano a long, long time ago and the rest is original content as well.

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