One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 84 - [75] Life At The Flower Capital

[2678 words]

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We were on the way to the shogun.

At the current time, it should be Oden's father, Kozuki Sukiyaki.

He is quite strict but fair as a ruler as he disowned Oden for his antics.

Though he was quite passive as he left Kuri as is, all broken and crime-filled, unlike Oden who will choose to overtake the region himself soon.


The old man was leading us through the area as the eyes of the people turned to respect, I suppose this geezer was quite revered.


Along the way, he says, "Young man, your strength is truly impressive for your age, I can tell just from that earlier strike, much more impressive than Hyogoro."


I just nod, "Yet you destroyed my attack with a simple slash of a sword, you're quite something, old man. Won't you give me your name?"

He just chuckled, "My name is Shimotsuki Raizen. I have honed my sword skills for a long, long time. Tell me, child, you are a foreigner, no?"


Wano is an isolated country. And it is extremely difficult to end up here by accident so such a conclusion would be quite absurd.


"What makes you say that?" I ask with a smirk.

He shook his head, "Your demeanour, your eyes, your confidence. Though it must be fate for you to end up with an Amatsuki Descendant."


[20 Minutes Later]


We reached the Shogun's office.

It was pretty large but simple at the same time.

Square-shaped room with yellow walls and carpeted floors, some painting and scrolls mounted on the walls.

The seating was naturally on the tatami or upon a large, fluffy pillow.


We are led further in and meet the Shogun of Wano.


The man waiting was tall with dark hair. He had a small beard growing out of his chin which split into three prongs and a long, thin mustache which pointed upward on each side.


"Greetings, I am Kozuki Sukiyaki, I hope our Flower Capital is to your liking." He said in a stoic voice.

[A/N: Kozuki Sukiyaki Image]


I just nodded while Toki gave a traditional greeting while bowing and introducing herself.

"It's an honour to meet you."


The man nodded while Raizen plopped on the ground by the side.


"May I have your names?" Sukiyaki asked with great respect towards us both.


"Einar D. Damien," to which he seemed stumped by, "I'm not from around here…"

"Please don't mind my partner, he means no disrespect. My name is Amatsuki Toki."

She was sitting to my right as some servants brought in some tea.


Sukiyaki had his eyes gleaming as he nodded at the crescent symbol on Toki's sword scabbard.

"Amatsuki-san, as the Shogun of Wano, I welcome you back to your home."


I hummed as I heard his words, I guess he knows quite a bit about her family.


"Kozuki-san, may I ask why you feel such respect for my name?" She asked.


"I personally did not know much but it was passed down to our family that many centuries ago, we owed a great debt to an ancient family of Wano, one that was quite powerful 800 years ago. We were to treat any descendants with great respect as we owe them our eternal gratitude." He said with a warm smile.

"Yet a disaster occurred and your family was assumed extinct. Yet we shall never forget our debt."

The last part was laced with remorse as the Shogun sighed.

He looked at Toki as if he was a father looking at her daughter, I guess it would make sense in a different timeline.

Toki then went on to explain her adventures with some twists, not telling him about jumping through centuries but rather that her family fled and lived in peace until she was eventually saved by me.


He then looked at me, "I have been told of your strength and valour, I must say if my foolish son was even half as capable as you then I wouldn't be so ashamed as a father…"


I raised an eyebrow at his words, "Your son?"

He nodded with a sigh, "Yes, he is nothing but a foolish and demonic boy, always acting like a child seeking adventure. Had he any sense then I would not have to disown him. He is my greatest shame."


I just nodded to his words, he wasn't wrong, Oden may be a great fight but an utter failure as a leader.

After all, his desire to seek adventure left his family, his children and his country to fall in the hands of Kaido.


I then ask, "Where is your son?"

"I exiled him from the capital, though I have been told that he is staying at Hakumi. Not remorseful at all."


He then looked up with a smile, "Damien-dono, I know not the relation between you two but I can tell that this young lady has great trust in you, and since you saved her from a terrible fate then our debt shall extend to you."

"If there is anything you need then please ask."


I smiled inwardly as it all seemed to work out, "Sukiyaki-san, I came to the great Country of Wano to learn the techniques of Ryou. I hope you can provide me with a guide," I asked.


He just laughed, "Haha, of course, Ryou is an advanced technique but with your strength, it should be quite simple to learn."

He then turned to the old man, "Raizen-san, I hope I can leave him to you."


The geezer got up as he stood 4 feet tall and nodded as he placed his teacup down.

"Very well. Young man, you can find me in the Capital tomorrow. I will train you myself, hopefully that brat Hyogoro can learn something as well."


I smiled, "Thank you for your teachings."


Raizen left as Sukiyaki ended to talk.

"Please follow these aides and they shall lead you to your rooms."


[At Night]


We were staying in the guest room of the estate, a nice and warm place.


They actually put us both in the same room for some reason. I was about to intervene but Toki just thanked the aide and shooed them away as she didn't want to impose too much.

Well, it was time to sleep as the green-haired girl unrolled sleeping mats side by side as she hummed an elegant tune with a small smile.

She had a simple green night yukata on as she continued to tidy the room.


I just eyed the girl, amused, "You know, Toki, most girls would find it quite uncomfortable to sleep with a boy they've known for only a handful of months."

She looked up and seemed confused, "Isn't it normal to sleep with the ones you trust? And I trust Damien-san." She ended with a wide smile.


I just smiled wryly, this girl is still so naive or maybe she can sense people's intent.


I pulled down the curtains as the room dimmed, only a lamp spreading light.

We laid onto our mats, around 1 foot of gap between our shoulders.


"What do you feel about your home, Toki? After all, you have wanted to come here desperately for over 800 years." I asked her.


She turned towards me and laid on her right side.


"Hmm… It is as... no, it is even more beautiful than what my mother told me it was so many centuries ago."

She then paused for a second.

"Though I wish others could also see the beauty of Wano. It has been locked away in the seas, isolated from the world for so, so long."

She sighed with some regret.


I look at her, "You wish to open these ever-closed borders?"

Her eyes lit up as if they were glowing orbs, "Mhm!"


But I had to remind her about something important.

"Wano has remained safe and clean from its isolation. Opening the borders may lead to disaster."

She didn't seem convinced.


"Don't forget, humans are led by their greed and arrogance, when they see something as beautiful and bright as Wano, they will surely vie for it. Only with proper strength can you protect the things you hold dear."

She thought over my words and nodded, perhaps her many jumps through time had given her many experiences.


"...Then Damien-san, will Wano have to hide in the shadow of the tides forever?"


I looked at the plain ceiling and grinned, "No need to worry, I have great plans for Wano…"


Most would think of me to be an evil villain if they heard my words, but Toki, she just giggled away and continued to talk about small things as we eventually drifted asleep.


[The Following Morning]



I let out a mountain-shaking yawn as I woke up from my slumber.

'These mats are surprisingly quite comfortable…' I thought.



What is this softness?

I turned to my right and saw a glob of green hair resting on the right of my chest.

I hear faint breaths as Toki continues her sleep.


She was nuzzling on my chest, wrapped up in my blanket.

I nudge her awake.


"...good morning, Damien-san…" She mutters as she gives her usual smile.


[Later That Day]


Toki had decided to stay in the library, going over the many history books documenting the special events of Wano.

She even learned of Oden, the one who slew the Mountain God just last year, before his exile from the Flower Capital.


I am now walking through the capital, the place is blooming with a joyful aura as I sense the emotions of the people, they all were happy.

Upon seeing me, I felt some strands of respect and even some reverence, I guess the samurai truly respect strength.

Many of the older folks even greeted me, some gave me fresh fruits, a few kids asked about my distinct hair colour and whatnot.


[30 Minutes Later]


I am now at the Yakuza side of town.

A large mansion with some swordsman at the gates.

I walk forth as they nod in greeting and lead me through the doors.

Inside, there were tens of men, some chatting, some eating, some training.


Going through a few doors, I am led into an open hall.

Hyogoro was practicing his sword skills as he seemed to wrap his blade with Haki, yet some strands of Ryou mixed in.


He turned to me with an apologetic expression, "Damien-dono, please forgive me for my actions the previous day."

I just waved my hand, "Hyogoro, don't think too much about it. If anything it made my journey quite faster."


He nodded with a smile, "Yes, Sensei told me that you are from beyond our island, can you tell me more about the outer world as we wait for Sensei?"

I nodded.


[10 Minutes Later]


I told him about the Outer Seas, the Grand Line, the New World, the Navy, the Pirates.

He listened quite intently, I found him quite admirable.

He is barely in his mid-twenties but quite strong and with an honourable character. Even with his strength and power as a Yakuza Boss, he still treats others fairly and with respect. A worthy ally.



The doors opened as the midget-geezer walked in with a tired expression.

"Hyo-brat, young Damien, let's begin your training."


He sent Hyogoro to continue his sword training as he stood before me.


"You wish to learn Ryou, hmm, your body is certainly ready and is bordering on the technique but lacking the idea."

He sat down and explained.

"Ryou requires one to transfer all your spirit energy from across their body to their hands, willing it to work with your attack. But you must never force it."


"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water and learn to make your strength flow."


He went on with some metaphors and examples.



He stood up and walked towards the corner of the room and brought out a tall, thick pole.


He slightly squatted his knees as he reeled back his right hand, a fist stance.

His right hand was clenched as I saw him maintain great calmness, as calm as the sea, a warm bubbling current flowed out of his body and travelled down his arm.

Red bubbling energy was wrapped around his right fist as he drove it forwards.



It was odd to see. You could hear an explosion, something breaking apart, yet his fist was still 2 inches away from the pole.

He then opened the pole from the side and showed me the inside.


There were cracks and tears all over the inner body as it was destroyed from the inside, no physical touch was required.


"This is Ryou." He said and went on to further explain.


[Evening Time]


The first session had concluded.

He asked me to first learn to make my Haki flow before trying it out.

This was actually pretty easy as I had done the same with my pulverization energy as it too originated from my heart.

Learning how to guide it, making it flow to where I wish it, is what I needed to do.


I started to grasp it but would require more time to fully learn it.


[Back at the Estate]


I return to the room and see Toki seated near the window, the sunlight streaming upon her body as her green hair shone in its embrace.


She put down her book and smiled, "Welcome back, Damien-san."


I nodded.

Toki then hummed for a bit, it seemed like she wanted to request something.


"What's up?"


She looked up and looked serious.

"Damien-san, I would like to be more useful. I don't want to be like some useless woman who has to stay home and wait. I want to do more."


I was quite impressed by her words, she had already started training with dedication as she exercised her body and fruit powers daily, but it seemed like she wanted more.

I thought for a second.


"Very well, Toki, have you ever thought of using your powers to heal others?" I asked.

She tilted her head to the side and tapped her chin.

"Healing with my powers… my powers can restore wounds by healing them extremely fast but won't that ruin the affected area?"


I nodded, "Yes, your powers age away injuries so a large gaping wound may be healed but will make it older than the rest of the body. Causing a huge imbalance of performance. Having an arm a few days older than your other arm can be problematic."


That was the original reason why I never told her this but things have changed.

"However, I have found a way which will ignore the side effects of your powers. So if you gain proper medical knowledge then it would be a lifesaver."


Her mouth opened wide as she thought over my words, "You have something that can fight time?" She asked in puzzlement.

She then smiled and clapped her hands in joy, "Since you disregard the problem with time then I will make sure to learn it and help out when needed!"


Her declaration was followed with her usual bright smile, causing me to chuckle at her enthusiasm.


(Narrator POV)


With plans aside, Damien continues his days learning under the experienced hands of a legendary swordsman, honing his powers, day in and day out.

Toki was seen by many as they start to refer to her as 'the most beautiful woman in Wano' as her gentle smile would send people gasping for breath.

As for Damien, her 'assumed partner', the people of Wano grow accustomed to his unique appearance and seem to grow appreciative of his existence as the words about a powerful foreigner spread across the country.


And eventually into the ears of an adventurous young man, far away from the Flower Capital.



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Wano will probably last another 4 chapters.

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