One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 92 - [83] Resolution To Wano

[2651 words]

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Damn, someone turn off the sun…


I open my eyes as I feel the heat from the annoying star.

'Hmm, it's around 2 pm,' I conclude based on the height of the sun.

I look to my right as I see Toki sleeping. Her arm was slung over my body as her face rested on my right chest.

It suffices to say, we had a nice session last night.

7ish hours of constant sex, if not for her Time powers refuelling her stamina, she would have been long out.


Is this how it feels like to have someone to rely on? It feels different from how I saw my mother but fulfilling all the same.

I was playing with her long silky hair as I see her scrunch up her eyebrows.

"Mmmm, Damien-san, good morning…" She mutters as she slowly blinks awake.


I smile at the green-haired girl as I kissed her forehead as she recalled our little duel last night.

"You're awake. It's already past noon," I said as she nodded.

"Hmph, it is not my fault that you seem to have endless stamina, I did my best…!" She puffed her cheeks.

I chuckled at her reaction as I squeezed her pout with my hand.


I brought her face near mine and kissed her as she was slowly lost in passion.


[An Hour Later]


After a long, warm shower, the 2 of us leave the estate to go eat, walking to the capital's food zone.

Toki was holding my right hand as she waved the many people who came up to greet us.

Wano was a country of joy as I could sense the emotions swarming around me.



A bird lands on my shoulder and gives a quick report.

(Great One, the fat purple boy alongside his associates was captured by the Hedgehog man and executed soon.)

I nod at the words.

Orochi was just a useless scum. Without the help of the clone-user, he would be what he should be, trash. He has no strength and is just a pathetic rag that Kaido used to take over Wano and threw away.


"Toki-sama is smiling brighter today!"

"Mhm, maybe something good happened?"

"How beautiful!"


"Damien-sama looks even more handsome now!"

"You fool, did you forget that you're a man?"


"Oh, that looks delicious!" Toki's eyes gleamed as she looked to the far stall.

She pulled me along as we enjoyed a sumptuous brunch.


[Later That Day]


"Damien-dono, the word is spreading, the birth of a new Supreme Grade Sword has reached the ends of Wano! Many of our people see you and the late Katsuyoshi-sama as heroes." Hyogoro claimed.


I smirked, "Hero? I haven't done much."

He shook his head, "They say you possess the Divine Sense and weeded out the evil family, Yasuei-san also said that you helped Oden come to the right path. You are also the partner of the Amatsuki descendant."

"Wano will surely remember your name!" He exclaimed with admiration.


I smiled in response, 'I guess my off-handed actions yielded better results than expected. The Samurai revere strength and have a deep loyalty to the one they are indebted to. Quite nice indeed.'


We were chatting while Toki left for her training.


A shadow flashed in front of me, a ninja.

"Damien-sama, the Shogun is ready to meet you."


I nodded and returned to the estate.


[Shogun's Estate]


"Damien-dono, what do I owe this pleasure?" Sukiyaki asked with a small smile.

I nodded, "I hope to start a trade with Wano."


I didn't mince any words as the Shogun thought for a second.

"Damien-dono, Wano respects you but we also have a long history of isolation from the world." He explained.

I nodded, "Yes, but I only wish for a trade and no one else needs to know of it. I will of course offer proper resources in return."


He thought once more and slowly nodded, "What do you desire?"

"Wano has a very large reserve of a metal I desire. It is called Seastone."


I then release some of my fruit powers.

"It can effectively nullify these powers. I wish for the Wano craftsmen to start creating weapons made of this ore. Swords, bullets, knives, daggers, and even just pure sheets of the ore." I explained.

He let me continue.

"As for the price, I have noticed that Wano lacks quite a few things that I can trade you. I can also offer hundreds of different types of weapons and defences to help you fend off any invaders." I concluded.

His eyebrow raised, "These defences of yours? Please elaborate."


"Swords can only work in close ranges, Wano lacks proper ranged weapons, excluding simple bow and arrows."

I smiled and took out a few sheets of paper.


"This is a ballista."

"These are what we call miniguns."

"And this one is a tank."

"Mounted cannons that can be built all over Wano."

"These bad boys can reach tens of kilometers."



The talks went on as we reached a decision.


Wano will use the plentiful Seastone they have to craft things for me.

This includes weapons, ships, projectiles, cages, shields and some more.

I will bring in some luxuries and give them manuals from the {Shop} to build better defences to protect their land from any invaders.

Wano is built on a flat mountain, the high ground is their ally.

I will use my Fulcrum persona to deal with this and ensure everything checks out when the time is right.


However, Seastone crafting is time-consuming and will take a while to get started to the trade will properly commence in a few years.

This will also cement the relationship between me and the Samurai.


[Later On]


"So, you intend to leave soon, child?" Raizen, my Ryou tutor asked.

I looked at his wrinkly face and nodded, "Yes. Toki and I will leave for Udon tomorrow morning and then go to Kibi. After a few days, we will leave Wano."

The geezer nodded, "I only knew you for a month and a half but you have blossomed so much, I am proud to have taught you the little that I did."

I just smiled, "Sensei, I'll open these borders soon enough. Just don't die before then."


He grinned, "You brat, I am still quite young!"


"Hyogoro, I don't know how much time will pass but I'm sure that Wano will be safe with your help."

The blazing blue-haired man nodded, "Damien-dono, I hope to fight by your side one day."

We traded a few words as I left.


Oden had called me out to the wasteland far away from the Capital for something. Well, I knew he would be impatient so I'll teach him a lesson.


"Gun Modoki!"


Oden crossed his swords and charged forward, slicing everything in his path as his Ryou-enhanced neared me.

I was annoyed by his useless attempts.


My Haki-clad fist of Advanced mastery clashed with the stubborn fool as his attack was rendered useless and he was shot back forth.


"I came here to say goodbye and you attack me, again." I sighed.

The rubble cleared.


"WAHAHAHA! This is a farewell but I want to see just how far away I am from you right now!" He declared as he wiped the blood from his mouth.


[Kozuki Oden]

[Age: 20]

[Height: 12'6]

[Devil Fruit: None]

[Fruit Rating: ---]

[Haki: Observation Haki (Low-Basic Mastery), Armament Haki (Low-Advanced Mastery), Conqueror's Haki (Dormant Stage)]

[Strength: Mid-Tier Yonko Commander]



He exhaled a deep breath as I saw him enter a concentrated phase.


Both his arms glistened with a black coat as they reach all the way to his swords. The katanas patterns were further beautified under the hardening.

Oden then injected a thick bubble of Ryou as his body glowed red.


"Take my strongest attack!"

He roared out as his entire body erupted with a huge amount of energy, channelling all the reserves he had at his level as the ground crumbled away in his wake.


Oden leaped into the air as his swords brought down a crimson dawn, a final attack of great proportions.

He suddenly resembled a shooting star as he rushed forth at me, gliding and chipping through the air.


I saw the attack, 'this attack is rather powerful.'

Oden was currently using an attack enough to wound a High-Tier Yonko Commander!


I grinned as I saw him raging towards me.

"Very well, Oden! I will disdain you no longer!"

I raised one hand and extended out to the side.



The wind was ripped apart as my Ryushi was retrieved out from my {Inventory}.

Oden's sword skills suddenly burst into a higher level as I could hear the screeching of the blades, they were furious at the constant defeat.




'This is what he used to injure Kaido!' I exclaimed as I recalled the attack.

I raised my weapon into the air as its mighty blades shined a devastating red as it boiled with my touch as the fruit powers rushed out.


A red coat of bubbling Ryou was added as the 10-foot long Ryushi was held in the air with both my hands.



The ground was ripped apart as I leaped from my position into the air as I raised the weapon above my shoulder, ready to execute a diagonal arc, cutting the atmosphere in the process.


"Elysium Descent."


My Ryusi exploded in cataclysmic power as the terrain was ravaged by the raging tornadoes that were generated from this attack.

Oden's cross-attack smashed directly upon the tip of my blade.



An explosion loud enough to wake up all of the Flower Capital resounded as our attack persisted, the clouds were shaking and the nearby landmasses were reduced to their simplest physical forms.

"AHH!" Oden groaned as his swords were instantly thrown out of his hold as my attack raged on and met him dead on his chest, nailing it with my Haki.

"PUAH!" I saw him vomit out a great amount of blood as he bore the brunt of my attack, his body being destroyed from within as he was launched out.


Just like how he attacked, he became a shooting star as he was sent into the sky hundreds of meters as he took on the trajectory of a wide parabola.


I felt a loud rumble of the ground as I saw a distant mountain crack apart as Oden was nailed into its core, digging his way through, making a tunnel that reaches at least 80 meters deep.


'Hmm, that was like a third of my full power, I guess I overdid it eh?' I thought as I used {Zoom} to see his condition.

I observed around 103 broken bones, ripped muscles and torn tendons, let's not forget the gallons of blood leaking out.


"He'll be fine," I waved it off.

The guy tanked an earthquake to the face, he'll make it out alive from this. Though his chest ought to have a deep scar from that hit.


That aside, Oden's attack level jumped 2 sub-levels from that ability, quite scary indeed. No wonder he was able to cut Kaido and leave his only scar.

I mean, not even Whitebeard or Shanks left a scar on him so it is a huge feat indeed.


Walking back to the capital, I was quite satisfied with my gains in Wano and overall from my little vacation.

'Sibyl, bring up my stats. It's been like 21 chapters since I've seen it.' I commanded.

[Roger Roger.]


[Einar D. Damien]

[Age: 16 years, 7 months]

[Height: 10'1]

[Status: Extremely Healthy]

[Bloodline: Fishman-Human Hybrid]

[Physique: Black Bones]

[Strength: Peak of Low-Tier Yonko]

[Devil Fruit: Pulverize Pulverize Fruit (High-Advanced Mastery*)]

[Seastone Resistance: IMMUNE]

[Skills: ????]

[Haki ⏬]

[Observation Haki Mastery: Mid-Advanced --> High-Advanced]

[Armament Haki Mastery: Low-Advanced --> Mid-Advanced]

[Conqueror's Haki Mastery: Mid-Advanced --> High-Advanced Level]


[Points Balance: 58631 SP]

< Quests Available to be Claimed >


So all my Haki masteries went up in the past 20 days by a decent margin, not bad.

My strength is currently at the very peak of Low-Tier Yonko, with just a little push to level up.


[Later That Night]


I was in bed with Toki nuzzling in my embrace.

She had a constant smile blooming every time she was with me.

"Mmm, Damien-san," She whispered as she looked at me with her big green eyes.



She looked to the side a bit then back towards me, "Have you thought about Aurora-san?"

I raised an eyebrow as I remembered the purple-haired girl.


I nodded in deep thought.

"She loves you very much. You shouldn't keep her waiting so long…" Toki whispered into my ear.

I stared into her eyes and asked, "Don't you feel anything as I think of another girl?"


Toki tilted her head and giggled.

"Hehe, Damien-san, I come from a powerful family of Daimyos that existed centuries ago, it was practically a tradion to marry multiple women, if anything, it would be odd if you didn't have other lovers." She explained.

I was a bit stumped by her open-mindedness.

I squeezed her nose, "Then why did you seem jealous when I first introduced her to you?"


Toki puffed out her cheeks and glared at me, "Hmph, that was only because you hadn't claimed me that time and I felt dangered by her presence as I thought that I would be forgotten."

She teared up a bit, "You hinted that we may part ways after Wano so I couldn't help but feel sad."


I saw her hurt expression as I pressed my hand to her warm cheek and gave her a deep kiss.

"Well, since I have already accepted you then you will be with me forever."

I then smiled, "As for Aurora, I'll talk to her the next time I see her."

Toki just smiled and laid back down and buried her head into my chest as I stroked her hair.

She drifted asleep as her mind was clear of all thoughts as I heard a notification.



[Your Crew Template has been updated!]


[{Unnamed Crew}]

[Core Index] ⏬

1. Einar D. Damien // Captain

2. Kuzan // Lookout

3. Amethyst Aurora // Assassin

4. Amatsuki Toki // Cook, Doctor





[Associate Index] ????


[Subordinate Index] ????


Toki has been studying human anatomy from a few books I bought from the {Shop} and had greatly improved in her study.

Her fruit mastery had greatly increased as it could selectively 'heal' large, gaping wounds to regenerating the smallest of blood vessels.

The only thing missing was Pure Gold to counteract the ageing problem.


Nodding at the list, I think of the other positions.

The open slots in my mind for the positions would be:

1. Combatant

2. Vice Captain / First Mate

3. Head of Intelligence


Mihawk would for sure take the first slot. I will ask him about it soon as with the buffs of a core member, he can greatly improve at a faster pace.

As for number two, I need someone who can lead in my absence or my laziness. Someone who can hold together a powerful network of powerhouses, someone reliable. I have some thoughts about the person but it is a work in progress.


The third one, well, let's just say having to hear reports from hundreds of birds and Sea Kings and sorting it out is rather annoying so I do want someone to take that position. Of course, they will need to be capable of fighting off armies and not just sit back and relax.


There are no passive members under my banner.

I am close to the medium range.

Aurora & Mihawk are close range.

Kuzan is versatile.

Toki is special, her Time powers can do so much that I can't really scale her ability just yet.


All my members can reach the Yonko Level, the world will shake soon enough!


[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

Wano has made seastone bullets and so Damien has set up that trade as only the Wano craftsman seems to be able to do so.

Oden jumped some stages with that attack but was Bellamied into a terrible state, much like Kaido and Luffy first duel.

He will return to Mortem Island next chapter, sort out some side things and finally return to the New World as Xebec nears his reemergence.

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