One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 93 - [84] Plans Nearing Completion!

[2062.9999999 words]

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(3rd POV)


Damien and Toki had spent a few days in Udon and Kiri as a date. Just enjoying one another's company as they grew closer and Toki, bolder.

And finally having bid farewell to the land of Samurai, they head back to Mortem Island.


The seas have not been calm either.

A huge change has been made and has been officially accepted as a newly implemented fact.


There has been an addition to the Supreme Grade Weapons!

The Saijō Ō Wazamono are now made up of 13 peerless blades.

The only thing remaining is to discover the wielder of the weapon and who was able to craft it.


Fulcrum has also been upping his name.

He has recently introduced a new medicine that has been making a storm of its own.

Many older nobles and royals and even Celestial Dragons have become dogs seeking for it.


The medicine is called, Sildenafil.

Also known as, Viagra!


[12 Days Later]

(Damien POV)


Wano wrapped up, I take out a [Fruit Dial] in which I had saved Aurora's Night-Night fruit in order to use the shadow travel instead of sailed to Wano all over again.


[Mortem Island]










Kuzan and Mihawk were standing around my clone as they were surrounded by all types of animals that were roaring in a frenzy.


An eerie wind blows as the clone's shadow starts to bubble in liquid night energy as our 2 bodies emerge from it.

I smell the mellow wind and feel the change of New World weather to Paradise Weather.


"Nii-san!" "Damien-san!"

The 2 looked at me and my clone.


It had been 2ish months since I left.

Naturally, there was a change.

"Oh~ you're so tall now. Arara, And almost as handsome as me!" Kuzan said as he nodded.

Mihawk just stood there with a sword at his hip.

Toki then emerged and took my hand.

Kuzan was baffled by her height.


"Toki-neechan… you grew a lot taller"

Toki giggled and patted the 2 boys' heads, "Hmm, Damien-san has been making me eat those powerful Sea Kings and my body kept growing." She explained.

"Now come and here, you two." She said as she pulled them into a hug.


My clone was connected to me so I never felt away from them but Toki hadn't seen them since then, plus, she sees them as her own younger brothers.

Mihawk seemed reserved as well as Kuzan was like a kid reuniting with his sister.


Mihawk then looked at me.

"Nii-san, a few weeks ago, I felt something very odd…" He said with difficulty and explained what he felt.

I nodded, "That was not only you, plus I'm sure you know what really happened from the news." I said as I ruffled his jet-black hair.

His piercing yellow eyes studied my expression with some excitement, "Is it true? Is there a 13th blade?"

Kuzan was also interested as he looked over.


I extended my left hand out before my chest.


A howling wind erupted as the air was compressed and destroyed as the ground beneath began to shake.


"He's a little shy around strangers so he tends to release his might whenever the chance comes," I explained.

The two instantly popped their eyes as they felt the pressure radiating off my weapon.


I scratched my chin, "It's not a Cursed Blade but indeed a lot more repulsive than Yoru."

Mihawk gulped as he nodded.

He tried to touch the blade, "Ouch!"

His fingers were cut as blood dripped down.


"Hmm, open your ears, Mihawk," I told him as he nodded.


(I feel another's presence from you!)

Ryushi's voice boomed in Mihawk and my ears.


The blade calmed down as I traced my finger off its blade.

{{Calm down, he is an ally.}}

I guess Yoru's presence is what he sensed and being a new addition to the series, naturally, he feels a bit defensive.

Kuzan had shining eyes,

"Oh! How cool, Damien-san!"


[Few Days Later]


Kuzan has turned 9 years of age around 2 weeks ago, Toki celebrated it as soon as we arrived.

His height has naturally increased, around 5'8 now.

Mihawk was now 3 years and 7 months old and stood at around 4'4. He has been eating my personal Leviathan-Class Sea King meal program and has been taking in some monstrous nutrients.

He should grow to around 9 feet.


I look at one of the boys before me and ask,

"Tell me, Mihawk, what is your plan? You wish to be the Greatest Swordsman, yes, but how will you get there?" I ask the little kid.


His eyes blinked for a few seconds as he thought it over, "Nii-san… my father told me to follow my heart and it will take me to the height I seek."

He paused, "I want to fight alongside you till I can duel you evenly!"

He was trying to sound serious but at a tender age of less than 4, well, it was quite cute.

I nodded, "Good, no one but the Strongest Swordsman is worthy of standing beside me."


The boy seemed content and he nodded with a small smile.

I grinned, "From now on, I will intensify your training to the level of hell. Don't die." I ruffled his hair.

I saw him take a gulp and he nodded furiously.



[Your Crew Template has been updated!]


[{Unnamed Crew}]

[Core Index] ⏬

1. Einar D. Damien // Captain

2. Kuzan // Lookout

3. Amethyst Aurora // Assassin

4. Amatsuki Toki // Doctor, Cook

5. Dracule Mihawk // Combatant




[Associate Index] ????


[Subordinate Index] ????


I was satisfied by his role.


[Dracule Mihawk has been granted the Core Member's blessings!]


I looked at him and saw him blink his eyes.

Mihawk had seemed to have felt it, after all, his talent in everything had just doubled!


I smiled, "I hope you can wield Yoru soon."

The boy was still bewildered as he felt his body rush with energy as he smiled.

Mihawk then ran away as it seemed like he wanted to train.


I then turn my attention to the other kid.

Kuzan was giving me a sly grin and he walked up close.

*Nudge* *Nudge*

He poked me with his elbow, "Ney, Damien-san… Toki-neechan seems happier than normal."


He was chuckling in between,

"Did you…, you know?"


I glared at the 9-year-old as he grinned like an idiot.


"Ow-OW!" He grabbed his head as he rolled around in pain.

"You're are too young to know about that stuff."


I saw him click his tongue, "If you are so violent with little kids then I want to see how you treat your future children!"

He stood up and went under a tree to take a nap, well, another nap.


Though his words did keep me thinking, 'kids huh?'

I shook my head, it wasn't time for such luxuries, I know Toki wants children but perhaps after I can properly protect them.


[1 Month Later]

[Fooljack Peaks]

(3rd POV)


A month had passed.

Currently, a meeting of the 4 Directors was being held in the News World Agency Headquarters.

Chad Bizárré, Newman Bradley, Vase Ah Liné, Markus Goji, the 4 Heads of the Agency were discussing something rather important.


For the past few months, the above 4 men were constantly having a thought at the back of their mind, telling them what they were doing was wrong.

Their guilt has been building up from a small stream to a creek to a lake and now a full-blown ocean.

The only dam holding it back was the hesitation of how the other Directors would say about it, naturally, neither of them knew that the others were in the same situation thanks to a certain black and red-haired youth.



Bizárré's large hand smashed on the round table as his words echoed through the room.

"I don't know why but I think it's time we stop the lies and the fabrications!" he exclaimed.


The man was unsure of how his words will be received but he said them anyway.

It was an unexpected response, they all nodded!


"Indeed, my youthful vigour as a reporter has been churning for a while now. It is time the world knows what truly happens," Bradley agreed.


"Yes! So many years and so many lies. I cannot stand it anymore!" Liné yelled out.


Goji nodded,

"Very well, my fellow brothers in News, I will now propose the World News Agency Withdrawl Act to exit the World Government's grasp!"


The burning heat of a reporter was blazing in his hearts, one shared between the other Directors present.

"Usually we need to wait for Cipher Pol to overlook our proposals but this is outside of their claim, we will now initiate a vote for the Withdrawal Act!" Bradley said.


"I Agree!"

"I Agree!"

"I Agree!"

"I Agree!"


Bizárré smiled.

"Very well! We have reached a unanimous decision to leave the hands of the Government! No longer shall we spread lies and deceit!"


The men nodded with enthusiasm as they felt their own heart and ambition work in unison to their decided result.

But an issue was raised.


"We mustn't be short-sighted, the CP-10 will not allow this to happen, we must be swift about it…" Goji said with some hesitation.



Yet the door suddenly opened as someone walked in.


"It's you! The brat who interrupted our meeting nearly 11 months ago!" Bizárré claimed.

He then beamed a smile, "You are also the one who said you wished to free our Agency!"


And it was true, the person who walked in was the youth who wanted the Agency to exit the WG and was kicked out for it, but now, he was received in joy.


"Y-Yes! My name is Jeff!" The boy said with happiness.

"Jeff, is it? Very good. Since you share our thoughts then perhaps you can help us out of our predicament." Liné offered.

Jeff nodded with slight hesitation and shock.


"Don't be afraid, young man. We have passed the Withdrawal Act, but Cipher Pol will act the moment the word goes out."

Goji nodded in agreement, "The Gorosei will not allow it."


Jeff nodded alongside them but then offered a thought, "Why not spread the news all over the world first, that way they will not be able to contain it within these barren mountains!"


His words brought renewed light into the Directors' eyes.

"Very good! This way, we should be able to gain the support of the people and cause the Government to halt in hesitation. This will give us enough time to fully leave this island." Goji laughed.

Bradley then spoke up, "I have always readied emergency evacuation ships along the shore, we can leave immediately."


"What of CP-10, they have eyes everywhere except within these walls," Liné asked.


The room was laced in Seastone and thick walls, you cannot spy inside.


Jeff shook his head, "Don't worry, Directors! There is a powerful snowstorm forecasted to hit these mountains very soon, we can leave then!"

The men nodded in satisfaction.



Bradley's palm slammed the table as the idea was finalized.


"Now we just need a reporter who can send out the words of the withdrawal in a well-written summary before we leave…" Goji muttered.

Bizárré scratched his chin and recalled something and offered,

"What about that child who has recently been exploding in View Ratings?"


Bradley raised an eyebrow, "Right, he is born and bred on Néa and his name has recently been quite popular in the Outer Seas and Paradise. I hear he has an absolute chain of information."


Liné agreed,

"Right, he rose from an 'Apprentice Reporter' to an 'Executive Reporter' very quick, I say he has the ability to even become a director!


Goji nodded, "His name, I believe it was… Morgans!"


Jeff, who was sitting by the side was currently grinning on the inside as he heard the words go back and forth through the discussion.


He then resumed his normal stutter.

"Directors-sama! Did you say Morgans?"


"You know him, Jeff?"


The young man nodded furiously, "Y-Yes! We interned together! I can get him any words without any eyes peeping in!"


The Directors all seemed relieved.

"Very well, Jeff, please share our thoughts and have the news ready to be sent out everywhere! The Withdrawal shall occur in exactly 2 days!"



[The following is excluded from word count]

Author's Corner:

After that month-long timeskip, it has been nearly 11 months since Damien started his plans with the News Agency. It's nearing fruition. ????

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