One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 112

"Here, I prepared something for you."

"I'll accompany your Sensei first. Come over when you're ready."< /p>

Robbies took Ye Tong to a warehouse outside, and after opening it, he also left directly.

Seeing Robbies leaving, Ye Tong also entered the warehouse directly.

"These should be the trash thrown by the cp0 members, right?"

"Ding, pick up the manuscript discarded by Goth, and get +2 navigation."

After picking up an abandoned manuscript, System's prompt sounded.

"hehe, not bad, new ability."

Ye Tong quickly started picking up trash after hearing this.

Back to Garp and Robbies.

“Garp, your Disciple behaves just like you. It seems that you will be a master regardless of the law and of natural morality in the future.”

“However, this child You have a different aura on you!"

Robbie said slowly after pouring himself a cup of black tea.

"It's different from me!"

"Maybe he will change this world. However, I can't control this!"

< p>Garp said directly.

Robbies felt helpless after hearing Garp's irresponsible remarks.

This guy really picked these up in an instant.

"By the way, Garp, do you know what your son said in Ohara?"

Robbies also remembered this and said to Garp.

After all, if such an idea is used against Garp by someone with a heart, it would be very unfavorable.

"How do I know this?"

"But brat, where did you hear such a theory?"

Garp is also a little puzzled .

After all, things like that here can't be said casually!

"You have a big heart too."

"Okay, don't let your Disciple become a dragon again."

Robbies said Yes, and continue to drink tea.

After a while, Ye Tong also cleaned up the rubbish here.

Marine Rokushiki here, all picked up.

There are also some Haki, basic attributes, nautical stuff, etc.

The pickup value has soared by 30,000 points.

Sure enough, the stronger the pickup, the more pickup value you get!

"Robbies also got this one here, what does this thing do?"

Ye Tong took out a small sword and said slowly.

When I was in West Blue before, I also got this from Celestial Dragon - the Sword of Navigation.

Looks like Robbies knows something.

Ye Tong also left the warehouse when he thought of this.

But after leaving, Ye Tong found himself lost.

The houses here all look similar, and Ye Tong had been observing Robbies when he came here before, so he really didn't pay attention to the way he came here!

"It's this guy, arrest me!"

At this time, a familiar voice came from the side.

It was previously buried by Ye Tong, St. Bandyamik.

"Ugh, a trifling Marine, how dare to disrespect World Nobles!"

"Go, come back with us!"

Several guards also extend the hand, grab it towards Ye Tong.


At this time, a cold light flashed, and

several guards broke their wrists.

"trifling Marine?"

"If it weren't for us trifling Marines, you might not be able to sit here safely!"

"Shoot me again! , it won't be a hand next time."

Ye Tong's face also flashed a chill.

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