One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 113

"hehehehe hey..."

"If you don't take action, give it to me. Whoever wins will be rewarded with 10 million Beli!"< /p>

The expression on the face of Saint Bandyamik also became excited and crazy.

What he wants is Ye Tong's shot.

As long as Ye Tong takes action, he has just and honorable grounds to arrest him.

And, as long as he is arrested, the ownership right here belongs to him.

Such a special Ability User can be used not only as a slave, but also as an escort in the future.

Thinking of being able to get such a good slave, Saint Bandjamik's expression became even more BT.

"I remember there's a rule in Marine that you can't kill Celestial Dragon."

"So as long as you don't die, you're fine, right?"

Ye Tong said here, a chill burst out from his body instantly.

"Saint Bandyamik, the aura on this guy..."

At this time, before one of the guards could say anything, a cold current hit him, turning him into a Made ice sculpture.

"Really, why are you all weak, but you like to die so much?"

"And you guards, your job is to protect them from injury, Not to be their thugs."


After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also left slowly.

Just after Ye Tong turned on the ice god mode, Murasame in his hand had the urge to drink blood.

If it weren't for Ye Tong's strong spirit, it is estimated that at this time, the ice sculptures behind him would all be corpses.

Ye Tong just used the devil's quintessence Hammedok Frozen.

The most basic ability, can freeze people.

The average person will only be frozen for more than three hours.

As for the guards like cp or Celestial Dragon, it is estimated that they will be lifted soon.

However, St. Bandyamik, it's not that simple.

"It's here."

Sage Bandyamik's guard, standing in front of Ye Tong, said tremblingly.

"Go back, that guy won't die, just don't let him fall."

Looking at the familiar yard in front of him, Ye Tong said something , is also directly in.

"Sensei, I'm back."

Ye Tong also shouted loudly.

Hearing Ye Tong's voice, Garp and Robbies also came out.

"Isn't it a good harvest this time?"

Garp said with a smile.

"It's not bad, but when I came back, I beat St. Bandyamik."

"It is estimated that he is still frozen now."< /p>

Ye Tong also said indifferently.

"Saint Bandyamik?"


At this point, Robbies didn't know what to say.

These two masters and disciples are simply two big pits!

If Garp doesn't talk about it, no one's face will be given.

This guy Ye Tong is also a pit. I just stood in front of my door and shouted Sensei, it seems that I can't get it out.

"Okay, isn't it just a Celestial Dragon?"

"It's better not to die, let's go first."

Garp said He was also lifting his feet and ran away.

Seeing Garp slipped away, Ye Tong also followed along quickly.

In just a few breaths, the two disappeared here.


A flock of crows flew by.

Sure enough, there are two masters and disciples...

Ta Ta Ta Ta...

Without waiting for Robbie's reaction, countless cp members also appeared here.

"There's nothing to do, right, get out of here!"

Robbies doesn't have the mood to say anything to them now. After saying a word, he returned to his own yard.

For a while, the members of cp were also about to cry without tears.

It's all big guys, can't afford to offend!

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