One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 114

By this time, Ye Tong and Garp had returned to the seamount train.

"In the future, please pay attention before doing things, don't often cause trouble to others, that's not good."

Garp said earnest and well-meant advised.

"I know about Sensei."

"I will think about it in the future, and I will do it if I have the blame."

Ye Tong also said with a smile.

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Garp also smiled meaningfully.

This guy has an innate talent for doing bad things!

"Okay, let's do my own thing."

"I'm tired and want to sleep."

Garp also drove Ye Tong directly. go out.

After hearing Garp's words, Ye Tong also left Garp's carriage.


"Kulik, you are so unpredictably appearing and disappearing! It's frightening!"

Ye Tong opened the door in embarrassment, I saw Kulik's big face.

Because Kulik was just waiting for Ye Tong here, he didn't show any malice or concern.

So Ye Tong didn't find him here either.

"Mr. Ye Tong, didn't you want to go to Gaya Island with me after you said it here?"

Kulik also said with some expectation.

Although he firmly believes that the Golden Land exists, but not finding it, it is always a knot in his heart.

Now that I met Ye Tong, who said he knew where the Golden Land was, how could Kulik not catch him?

"Well, after you go down, take me there."

Ye Tong also said slowly.


After receiving Ye Tong's approval, Kulik also ran away.

It is estimated that he is looking for some of his second-hand brothers.

"My lord, I've heard about the Golden Land here. It's just a legend, right?"

At this time, Issho also walked to Ye Tong's side and said with some doubts.

"Golden Country exists."

"Just in the direction of the upwelling current near Gaya Island, when the time comes, I still need Mr. Issho with me! "

Ye Tong also said directly.

"The direction the upwelling current points, the location that the adults said is it possible that is Skypiea?"

"However, the Golden Land was not said to be an island in the sea at first, but later Did it sink?"

Issho asked again.

"It didn't sink, but was carried into the air by a super huge upwelling current."

"Just met the passing Skypiea, so I stayed there Above."

"And this Skypiea is also unable to continue to float because of its weight, and has been stopped here."

Ye Tong also explained.

Issho is also nodded after hearing what Ye Tong said.

Although he doesn't know where Ye Tong got this information, he will choose to trust Ye Tong unconditionally.

Soon, the seamount train came down through the cloud track.

Stopped next to Ye Tong's Battleship.

"You brat to go to Gaya Island, and I will drive the Battleship back."

Garp also occupied Ye Tong's Battleship and left directly.

Ye Tong and the others were on Couric's boat.

Immediately, Ye Tong got on the ship and gave the ship a big cleaning.

Mosquitoes are small, but they also have meat!


A seagull fell, Ye Tong bought a newspaper.


"these two people have identified Shichibukai!"

Seeing that Doflamingo and Crocodile have been awarded the title of Shichibukai .

And Doflamingo, also successfully won Dressrosa.

Crocodile is also preparing for Alabasta.

That is to say, now Crocodile is in Alabasta!

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