One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 122

Seeing so much rubbish in front of him, Ye Tong couldn't bear it any longer.

Go straight up and start picking up trash.

"Ding, pick up the abandoned mast discarded by Tetea, get +3 Navigation. Get a pickup value of 20."

"Ding, pick up the discarded mast from Gaya Island Shipboard, gain +3 Navigation, gain 20 pickup value."


Ye Tong doesn't clean up everything either.

After all, Kulik is here to look for ocean currents, and Ye Tong here has a plan.

No one knows when this Kulik will come out!

Half an hour later.


Koulik and his two younger brothers also emerged from the water.

"Major General Ye Tong, the ocean current will come here soon. Moreover, the current is still huge this time."

"Enough to transport a ship Big ship, go in the sky."

Kulick shouted loudly.

"How long will it take?"

"Let the boat go to the current position first, Hina, go to the High Level boat first, Mr. Issho will help me."

"How long will it be?" p>

Ye Tong didn't stop picking up rubbish, he didn't even lift his head, he said directly.

"There are still more than ten minutes left, but our estimated time will have errors every time."

"However, the error will not exceed ten minutes. Inside."

Koulik said again.

Afterwards, they also drove their boat to the predetermined location.

At this point, six or seven minutes have passed.

"Sir, here we come!"

At this time, Ye Tong, who was still picking up trash, also floated up.

"Uh, it's here!?"

"It's a pity, I'll have to pick it up later."

Ye Tong looked reluctant Looking at the garbage on the ground, and then using Issho's ability, he rushed directly to the ship.

At this time, Kulik and the others had already disembarked. After all, he still felt that the Golden Land had sunk into the sea.

So, he will continue to stay and search.

After all, Kulik still doesn't believe what Ye Tong said.

“gu lu ...... bo......”


After landing on the boat, I can already feel the sea water and open up, countless Bubbles are gushing out.



As Ye Tong said a word, a strong current sent the whole ship down. directly into the air.

"Mr. Issho!"

Ye Tong also called out directly.

"Got it."


Mr. Issho also drew his own knife.

next moment, the whole ship also became extremely light.

The powerful impact directly brought the big ship into the air.

As the altitude increased, they soon disappeared into the clouds.

"Wow, it's fun!"

"Is this the sky, didn't expect to go out on a date with Ye Tong for the first time, and it went straight to the sky."


Gion also said excitedly.

Ye Tong was also embarrassed after hearing Gion's words.

That sounds weird.

"Hmm, I'm so happy to be able to follow Ye Tong to heaven!"

Hina also said slowly.

For a while, Ye Tong didn't know what to say.

"Kukuli, come here."

At this time, Ye Tong also remembered something.

"Major General Ye Tong, do you have any arrangements?"

Kukuli was also a little puzzled.

You know, they are in the sky now, and he doesn't seem to have anything to look out for.

So, for a while, I didn't know what happened to Ye Tong who called him here.

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