One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 123

“Do you want to be stronger?”

Ye Tong also said directly.

"Get stronger?"


Kukuli was a little confused.

After all, as a lookout, all he needs to do is observe the situation around the ship.

It is not a combatant, and it is enough to have a certain self-protection ability.

But here Ye Tong asked him, there must be some way to make him stronger.

There is no man who goes to sea without the dream of a powerhouse.

"Major General Ye Tong, I want to become stronger!"

"I also want to have my own reputation in this sea!"

"I also want to be able to better help Major General Ye Tong to pick up more treasures!"

Kukuli also said directly.

After hearing Kukuli's words, Ye Tong was also taken aback.

“Hahaha, I just pick up garbage, just speak frankly.”

“I have a Devil Fruit here, do you want it?”

Ye Tong also took out the Devil Fruit that Zephyr had given him before and handed it to Kukuli.

“Devil Fruit?”

Kukuli was stunned when he saw what Ye Tong was holding.

This thing is a scarce resource that must be fought for in the entire sea.

Even, the price of an ordinary Devil Fruit on the black market is sky-high.

Now, Ye Tong directly took out a Devil Fruit for him, and Kukuli couldn't be less excited.

But Kukuli hesitated, why would he give such a thing to himself?

Let's not talk about the relationship between Major General Gion and Ye Tong, even other combatants are more suitable for this Devil Fruit than him!

Why, Ye Tong would give it to himself?

"Major General Ye Tong, although I don't know why you have entrusted me with a heavy responsibility, I will definitely not let down this Devil Fruit!"

Kukuli didn't ask, just directly Received the Devil Fruit from Ye Tong's hand, and prepared to swallow the Devil Fruit directly.

"Wait blah blah..."

"Just take a small bite and throw the rest on the ground."

< p>Ye Tong also said quickly.

"Got it."

Kukuli was startled and thought Ye Tong had changed his mind.

Or, what other intentions.

Furthermore, this thing is recognized by the sea as the most unpalatable thing, and I wouldn't eat it in one bite.

Kukuli took a light bite and then threw the rest on the deck.

"Ding, pick up the Wangwang fruit residue, get pupil power +100, get the ability to often fruit, get vision value 100."

Pick up the Devil Fruit residue on the ground After that, Ye Tong was also stunned.

This thing is actually the fruit of Paramecia.

This is also a super effective fruit for Kukuli!

Moreover, because of this, he actually obtained 100 vision value and 100 pupil power.

"Major General Ye Tong, the fruit here can improve my eyesight, I can see far."

Kukuli said excitedly.

Although it cannot directly improve his ability, such ability is a super effective ability for him!

In the future, enemies can be better detected.

"So, you have to get in touch with your gun skills."

"Remember, my number one sniper, but you!"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also patted Kukuli's shoulder, and then took out a long skewer from his personal space.

"This is..."

Looking at the iron in Ye Tong's hand, Kukuli was a little stunned.

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