One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 138

Hearing Garp's words, Crane and Sengoku were both speechless.

What time is this, this guy is still showing off his Disciple.

"Garp, have you told Ye Tong about the identity of Shanks?"

He also asked directly.

"Tsuru, your heart is in chaos!"

"Garp probably didn't tell Ye Tong, or Ye Tong wouldn't call you."

"Because Ye Tong himself knew, Garp wouldn't tell him even if he knew."

Sengoku slowly said.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

First, Shanks told Ye Tong his identity, and Ye Tong just called just to confirm.

Second, Ye Tong found something wrong.

No matter what the reason is, it is not good news for them.

"Well, the speed of my discipline's improvement will soon reach the strength of a general."

"When the time comes, he will always know this news. "

"It's not a bad thing to let him check it out in advance."

"I brought new tea leaves, Sengoku, take your senbei out."< /p>

Garp said, also took out a bag of tea.

For a moment, Crane and Sengoku were speechless.

This guy,......

Back to Ye Tong's side, Ye Tong at this time has thrown the Shanks thing to beyond the topmost clouds.

He can be whatever he is, as long as he doesn't interfere with picking up rubbish.

I haven't brushed the pickup value of the ship for a month, and today is the day of the once-a-month cleaning!

At this time, Yax was constantly making various things, and the Marines were lining up to make garbage.

Ye Tong is standing in front of Yax, constantly picking up.

If the cranes and the others saw this scene, they would probably be bigger than they are now!

They guessed that they were not worried. One of the master and disciple was drinking tea and the other was picking up trash.


With the ebbing of time, Ye Tong and the others also arrived in Alabasta.

"Ye Tong, we've arrived in Alabasta."

"Are you..."

Hina also didn't know what to say.

"Go to the island, I will accompany you to go shopping."

"Today, I will not pick up trash."

Wait for Hina to finish, Ye Tong also said directly.

My boyfriend is indeed a bit incompetent.

Anyway, if you want to stay here for a while, it's okay to give a day.


"Hina...Hina is so funny, Hina will tell Gion."

Hina said and ran away quickly .

Seeing Hina happy, Ye Tong felt a burst of joy.

In addition to picking up trash, Ye Tong also found a new target.

And the Revolutionary Army, was pushed back a step further.

It is estimated that Long will cry and faint in the toilet after knowing it.

"Mr. Issho, there is a casino on this island, you should go and relax too."

"Kukuli, Yax, you two, take everyone out to play. ."

"How much does it cost?"

Ye Tong said in a big voice.

"It will only take a million berries."

Issho slowly said.

Although giving him 10,000 and 1 million will have the same effect, if Issho asks for too low, the other Marines don't know how to speak.

"Okay, Mr. Issho, this is your one million."

"Others, you budget for one person and one hundred thousand, here is 26.1 million."

Ye Tong said, also took out a big bag.

One for Issho and one for Yax and the others.

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