One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 139

After arranging things here, Ye Tong also took Gion and Hina to the island.

Soon, they came to a rental site.

A feature of Alabasta is that the vehicles here are all animals.

Also, the animals at these rental sites are domesticated.

Ye Tong didn't think about it, just grab one by himself.

"Boss, is there any creature that is suitable for the three of us?"

Ye Tong also asked directly after reaching the rental point.

"If the three of them are separated, they can take this sand ostrich, which is comfortable and fast."

"If the three of them are together, they can take the car scorpion here. Six people can ride at the same time. , it is convenient for you to put some purchased items when the time comes."

Boss also recommended two.

"Which one do you want?"

Ye Tong is not picky, as long as he can ride.

"This scorpion is better, but it's a little ugly."

"Hina also thinks that this scorpion is fine."

The two were unexpectedly surprised. Scorpion was chosen.

As expected, she is a woman in Marine, and she is simply not afraid of such a creature!

"The rental fee is 10,000 Berry a day, and a deposit of 500,000 is required."

Boss also said directly.

"Okay, no problem."

Ye Tong said, also paid the rent and deposit here, and then sat on Scorpion's body.

entire group, so they went into the city.

Watching Ye Tong and the others leave, the rental boss also took out a Den Den Mushi.

As the rental boss put down the Den Den Mushi in his hand, a man in the distance also had a smile on his lips.

Soon, Ye Tong and the others started shopping.

Because Gion and Hina are both often on missions, or at Marine Headquarters.

Hina was at the training ground before coming out with Ye Tong.

So, after the two entered the street, their nature was liberated directly.

Started to buy a lot.

Ye Tong has become a porter, and it is very easy to have a carry-on space.

With the ebbing of time, it was soon afternoon.

"Let's go get something to eat?"

Although the body can take it, Ye Tong's spirit can't take it.

Women's shopping instincts, men may never understand for a lifetime!

"Okay, I want to eat from the restaurant we just saw."

"It's called MR Restaurant."

Gion is also designated place to eat.

“Hina wants to go there too.”

Hina agrees too.

"Okay, you said to go there, let's go there."

Ye Tong heard this name and knew that this was Old Sand's force.

However, this time I came here for a purpose, just to find him.

Soon, they came to MR· Restaurant.

"No, at noon, there were still so many people!"

"Why are there so many people in the afternoon?"

Ye Tong was a little puzzled.

"That's good!"

"We don't have to wait in line."

Gion also dragged Hina into it.

After ordering the dishes, the three of them also waited.

"Hello, your dishes are ready. If you need anything, please call me at any time."

The waiter also left after putting down the last dish.

Half an hour later.

"Mr·5, Jem!"

Ye Tong shouted loudly.

Mr·5 was also surprised when he heard Ye Tong's voice.


"Now that I know my identity, I dare to sit here."

Mr.5 also smiled and said I tore off the waiter clothes on my body and put on my clothes with the number 5 printed in black.

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