One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 188

"Xiao, you are Grote Ye Tong, right?"

"Really, the abilities are so similar, and they came with their own guards and also Do you really think you can't recognize you if you cover your face?"

Zuo Wu also said slowly.

"Grot Ye Tong?"

"You mean the Marine Captain who likes to pick up trash from the newspaper?"

hoarse The voice came out again.


"This guy should also have the idea of bringing light to this world, when the time comes, you can invite Hit him."

"As for you, since you've said it, if you don't give face, just fight!"

"Where, so much to say?"

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he immediately attacked.

The ice blade in his hand fell in front of Zuo Wu's eyes just for a moment.


"Ka ka ka ka..."

Zuo Wu also pulled out his own long sword and blocked Ye Tong's attack .

At the same time, Ye Tong's ice blade shattered instantly.

Zuo Wu was also frozen by the cold air that escaped after being broken by the ice blade.


Two seconds later, Zuo Wu also broke free from the ice and quickly opened the distance from Ye Tong.

"che, this Ice Attribute is really troublesome."

"Kuzan has ice, Ye Tong has ice, how come you have ice too?"

Zuo Wu is a little depressed.

I was very sure that the person in front of me was Ye Tong's, but after the fight, Zuo Wu knew he was wrong.

This guy's ice is much stronger than Ye Tong's ice in the information.

Also, Ye Tong's use of ice is some powerful style.

The person in front of him was using ice completely.

"As expected of a lieutenant general of Marine Headquarters, this strength is not bad, but it can still be killed!"

"Look at me..."

"Look at me..."


Ye Tong lifted his hat and opened his eyes, which had been closed all the time.


A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in Zuo Wu's sight.


"What is this place?"

Zuo Wu looked at himself being tied to a cross with a handle The ice blade kept leaving traces on him.

"This is my space."

"Welcome to 24 hours of hell... By the way, your senses will be enhanced 10 times here, enjoy it. "

After Ye Tong finished speaking, the ice blade also fell again.

The screams of Zuo Wu also sounded throughout the monthly reading space.

"ka ka ka... bang!"

In just a moment, Ye Tong also lifted the arena and walked out slowly.

Leaving Zuo Wu, who was kneeling on the ground and trembling constantly.

"Dodoro, I didn't kill him, I gave you enough face to Marine."

"If you still want to do something to me, I'll go back to your Marineford."

Ye Tong walked in front of Dodoro, and after saying a word, he was ruthless, and also turned around and walked towards Brudo Island.

Issho saw Ye Tong walking over and followed along.

"ka ka ka..."

With the disappearance of Ye Tong, Brudo Island, which was originally full of flames, also turned into an Iceland full of ice edges.


Dodoro took out Den Den Mushi and made a call.

"Hey, Lieutenant General Dodolo, do you have any requests?"

A voice came from Den Den Mushi.

"Where are Grote Ye Tong and his guards now?"

Dodoro also said directly.

"They were playing chess and drinking tea at the deck."

Den Den Mushi also heard the voice again.

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