One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 189

After learning about it, Dodoro also hung up the phone.

Here, Ye Tong and the others have been playing chess for two days.

Also, these two people would have done it a lot, no surprise.

Then, this powerhouse that suddenly appeared is not Ye Tong anymore. How come such an organization suddenly emerged in this world?


Although Dodoro was very puzzled, he quickly sorted out the report here and passed it back.

As for Zuowu, now Duoduo has forgotten him.

And other people dare not approach Zuo Wu, after all, his current appearance is a bit terrifying.

Meanwhile, Ye Tong and Issho also hurried to their ship.

"Mr. Issho, can you hurry up!?"

Ye Tong doesn't know how many times he has urged Issho.

"This is the fastest speed. If it is faster, it will not be able to hide."

Issho also said helplessly.

Ye Tong was very anxious at this time.

The mutilation of a Marine Battleship here, countless garbage after the island was bombed.

These, Ye Tong really wanted to pick them up!

But in order not to be exposed, at this time, you must be patient!

But, it's so hard!

So, now Ye Tong wants to hurry back. ,

Then quickly drive their ship over, pretend to meet by chance, and then they can pick up the trash.

Seven hours later, the two also returned to the boat.

At this time, it is already the afternoon of the next day.


At this time, Ye Tong's Issho who was originally on the bow also disappeared instantly, and then appeared on the mast of the ship.

"Major General Ye Tong, Mr. Issho, you..."

The sudden appearance of the two shocked Kukuli.

He was originally doing his own lookout work, but when two people suddenly appeared by his side, everyone would be startled.

"Kukuli, how far are we from the next island?"

Ye Tong also asked directly.

"This, I'm going to ask Hina Commander, I don't know."

Kukuli was stunned by the question. How long does it take for an island?

"At the current speed, there are still three hours to pass through Brudo Island."

Hina also said directly.

Ye Tong appeared on the mast, and Hina also saw it.

Also, Ye Tong's voice was not too small just now, so Hina heard it too.

"Ye Tong, Brudo Island was attacked."

At this time, Gion also came out and said anxiously.


"Quick, full speed ahead!"

Ye Tong gave the order directly.

Following Ye Tong's order, the ship moved quickly.

Meanwhile, Ye Tong also returned to the cabin.

"Gion, who told you about the attack on Brudo Island here."

"Also, how is the situation now."

Ye Tong said with a concerned look.

"It was Lieutenant General Dodoro who called, and he met Akatsuki."

Gion also said slowly.

"Xiao?" Ye Tong's face was full of doubts, "Yes, what powerful Pirates?"

"No, it's an organization that just appeared."

"Monkey D. Dragon is also a member."

"Let's hurry up, I don't know the specifics."

Gion shook the head , said he didn't know much.

More than an hour later, they were also exposed to ice.

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