One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 190


"I'll go take a look first."

Ye Tong said and rushed out with red eyes .

I finally touched the ice, which was left by myself.

So, not far ahead, it should be where the previous battle was.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Ye Tong also saw the wreckage of the Battleship that was still solid ice.

Also, a frozen Battleship.

"Lieutenant General Duoduo, you are..."

Ye Tong quickly rushed to Duoduo's boat and asked worriedly.

"Major General Ye Tong, we were attacked."

"You are also an ice Ability User, can you melt the ice here?"


"Also... Major General Ye Tong, will you listen to me first and then go pick up the trash?"

Dodoro was a little speechless.

This guy is still like that.

In any case, pick up the trash first.


"Oh, I have a good hearing, Dodolo. Just tell you what I can hear."

Ye Tong There is no lifting of the head, so I continue to clean up the garbage.

After hearing what Ye Tong said, Duoduo was also very helpless!

But, this guy is that character, and he knows it.

So, keep talking about this.

After finishing speaking, Dodolo also stepped aside and stopped talking.

Ye Tong also cleaned up the boat at this time.

Then, it's time to clean up the Battleship wreckage on the ice.

It took more than an hour to finally pick up everything on the ice.

"Major General Ye Tong, I remember that your eyes are very special, and it seems that they can have a special effect."

"Here, look at Zuo Wuzhong. Let's do it!"

Seeing that Ye Tong finally cleaned up the garbage, Dodolo said again.

"I saw it, it's the damage caused by ghost eyes."

"It directly attacks the brain, although I have red eyes, but compared with ghost eyes, it's too bad There are more."

Ye Tong also opened his own writing wheel in an instant, said slowly.

At this point all Dodolo's suspicions about Ye Tong disappeared.

Let's tell him Ye Tong is on board.

It's this kind of coercion.

"Ghost eyes?"

"What special ability, or race?"

Dodoro asked again.

"Hey, where's the person?"

Just as Duoduo thought about it, Ye Tong lifted his head and disappeared.

"Lieutenant General Duoduo, Young Master Ye Tong will go to the island."

At this time, a Marine also came to Duoduo's side, said slowly.

Dodoro was speechless after hearing what Marine said.

This guy really can't stop until he cleans up the rubbish!

"Forget it, let everyone help clean up the garbage on the island."

"Then, send the civilians back and help them rebuild their homes by the way."

"Forget it. p>

Dodoro said somewhat helplessly.

If you want to get information from Ye Tong, it seems that you have to wait a while.

Meanwhile, in Marineford, a report was presented to Steel Bone Kong.

The entire Conference Hall is also full of high floors.

"You should know about the appearance of Akatsuki."

"This may be an organization that will turmoil this world city, and its strength has surpassed our lieutenant general. ."

"This is someone we know, and there's more that we don't know."

"Who knows, information about this organization?"

Steel Bone Kong also asked directly.

However, no one responded for a long time.

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