One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 195

"You're looking for me, just want to say that I'm not strong enough?"

Luo was a little depressed.

As soon as this guy came up, he said he was not strong enough.

Although he knows it, it's still a little uncomfortable to be told this directly.

"I'm strong enough."

"So, do you want to be my little brother?"

Ye Tong said directly.

Luo was stunned when he heard Ye Tong's words.

I was actually rushed up by a Marine to accept my younger brother? !

You know, now his identity is still under the Doflamingo banner.

"I'll be your little brother, will you help me defeat Doflamingo?"

Luo said with some doubts.

After all, according to the information he got, the reason why Doflamingo became Shichibukai was because of Ye Tong in front of him.

Why, now Ye Tong wants to engage Brother Ming again?

"Help you defeat Brother Ming?"

"You need to do things like this yourself, otherwise it's meaningless."

"I can The help it brings to you is that you can get away from the enemy's subordinates, and then have a good cultivation environment."

Ye Tong slowly said.

"You won't restrict me, and Brother Ming will give you this face?"

Luo still didn't believe it.

The first Luo was an injured wild beast.

No one could get him to open up.

His heart died when Corazon died.

Even now that he has Ope Ope no Mi, there is still no way to heal himself.

"He will give me this face."

"You have him Den Den Mushi, right?"

Ye Tong said with a smile.


Luo probably knew what it meant, so he took out Den Den Mushi and called Doflamingo.

"Luo, what are you calling me for?"

Soon, the voice of Doflamingo came out of Den Den Mushi's mouth.

"Yo, long time no see Brother Ming."

"Did you forget something?"

Ye Tong looked relaxed said.

"Ye Tong!"

Hearing this voice, the lazily and arrogant Doflamingo couldn't help but call out Ye Tong's name.

"When you became Shichibukai, did you promise me something?"

"How long has it been?"

"It seems that , are you going to let me come to you?"

Ye Tong said again.

"Ye Tong, I..."

"Okay, if I hadn't seen Luo come over to deliver me something, I would really have to find you."

"I won't tell you any more, I like Luo's ability very much. It's suitable for me to carry garbage. I want this person."

Ye Tong also interrupted Doflamingo's words, said directly.

For a while, Brother Ming was a little stunned.

When did you ask Luo to send garbage to Ye Tong?

Also, this guy is Ope Ope no Mi's Ability User, how could he let it go,

But now Ye Tong wants someone.

Doflamingo didn't know what to say for a while.

"We will arrange for someone to send garbage here, and I hope Ye Tong will not embarrass my family."

After thinking of this, Doflamingo also said slowly.

"Uh, what are you pretending to be?"

"You killed Corazon, family members, how can they be so important?"

"By the way, give me what should be given to me!"

"Otherwise, next time, I will not just ask for a Luo."

"You There seems to be a subordinate named Xia Tang."

"Next time I owe my trash, I will take her away. Don't doubt my strength."

Ye Tong finished Then directly hung up the phone.

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