One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 196

Looking at Den Den Mushi in front of him, there was no sound, and Doflamingo's face was also one after another.

I finally found out that the Ope Ope no Mi that Corazon took away was eaten by Luo.

Also, Doflamingo thought that Luo didn't know he killed Corazon.

Now that Ye Tong has said this, it is estimated that even if he refuses to let others go, Luo will not stay with him.

For a while, the anger in my heart also reached its extreme.

"Young Master, do you want to arrange someone to go and get rid of him?"

"Now his strength is not strong, as long as he leaves the Marine's side, there is a chance to remove him. Kill."

Trebol also stood up and said directly.


"I don't know where it will appear next time."

"If those guys got it, even less There's a solution."

"Damn it, damn it!"

Doflamingo was a little depressed.

Now I can't take action, I can't beat others!

The information was sold, and he was not reconciled. This Ope Ope no Mi's final ability, he also very much wants.

"Just protect the sugar and ask Dellinger to escort the garbage to the location designated by Ye Tong."

"It's really..."

Doflamingo is a bit Angry to the extreme.

So, he didn't continue talking, and turned around and left.

Back to Ye Tong's side.

At this time, Luo can no longer use surprise to describe his current mood.

I just doubt life!

Doflamingo was threatened.

And, there is no response.

According to Luo's understanding of Doflamingo, this guy is not such a person!

Unless, when facing Ye Tong, he has no chance of winning at all.

Is this Marine, who looks harmless to humans and animals, so strong?

"Okay, let's go."

"Go and make your Ope Ope no Mi stronger and I'll come to you."

< p>"By the way, give me one of your Den Den Mushi, and I will call you when I need you."

After Ye Tong finished speaking, he also disappeared with Geppo. here.

Such a coquettish operation made Luo Kan stunned.

This guy called Brother Ming to ask for someone, and then said he wanted to give himself a good cultivation environment.

Now, he just left.

Moreover, the reason is that his own fruit ability is not strong enough.

"No, how does he know that mine is Ope Ope no Mi?!"

Luo only remembered at this time.

Ye Tong seems to know what kind of fruit he is at first.

But Ye Tong had already left at this time, and it was impossible to ask him.

But this incident shocked Luo a little, that is, Marine knew his abilities.

Then, will anyone else know about it!

Thinking of this, Luo also returned to his boat.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Luo, who had just returned to the boat, saw Ye Tong sweeping the floor with a broom.

The huge contrast prevented Luo from dying on the spot.

"I'm sweeping the floor, by the way, I like your boat very much, keep it up!"

Ye Tong said, and each minding their own business went to sweep the floor .

Three hours later, Ye Tong also left immediately after forcing Luo to contribute a wave of pickup points.

The current Luo wear will indeed affect his growth.

Also, what I just said should have played a role.

Probably will make Luo's strength improve faster.

Looking at his panel, Ye Tong was very satisfied!

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