One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 197

Three days later, the entire group also arrived]][

Three days later, they also arrived at the island where Syrup Village is located.

This small island is relatively peaceful.

After all, with Kuro here, ordinary Pirates wouldn't dare come here to make trouble.

After landing on the island, Ye Tong discovered that there are only a few people here, and it is estimated that there are more than 100 families.

"Gion, don't we follow?"

Hina stood beside Gion and said slowly.

"Ye Tong said he will come out soon, just let us wait for him."

"Such a small island will not be spared."


Gion also said helplessly.

Soon, Ye Tong found Usopp.

At this time, he was practicing slingshots.

"Yo, Usopp."

"xiū xiū xiū..."

Ye Tong just said hello when three stones shot over instantly .

Moreover, it is shot in an irregular triangle arrangement.


Ye Tong also lifted his hands directly and grabbed the stones.

"That's right, innate talent is really important!"

Ye Tong threw the stone in his hand and shot it directly.

Break down the target that Usopp had prepared.

“who you are?”

Usopp saw the target on the side and knew that this person was someone who could not afford to offend.

So, just ask.

"Ding, pick up Usopp's shooting practice target, get spear skill 2, pick up value 50."

Just when Usopp asked this question, Ye Tong came quickly When I got to the target that was just broken, I picked it up.

"I'm a Marine, and I drank with your father."

Ye Tong also sat on the stone and said calmly.

"Liar, you said, you are Marine, how could you have had a drink with my father?"

Usopp obviously didn't believe it.

After all, he knew the identity of his father.

This man who went to sea when he was very young, but Pirate!

"I was twelve years old, four years ago."

"Drinking at East Blue, Foosha Village in Goa Kingdom, with the Red Hair Pirates. "

"Your father is the crew of this ship."

"Do you hate your father?"

Ye Tong said, Also asked directly.

After all, Yasopp didn't come back when Usopp mother Bankina died.

And let Usopp live alone.

"Do not hate."

"Everyone should have their own dreams, my mother told me so."

"He is a Brave heroes of the sea, should not be resented by me."

Usopp also said directly.

Hearing this, Ye Tong was also a little stunned.

"Work hard, you will be a good sea boy in the future."

"Take me to your house."

Ye Tong is also said with a smile.

This kind of mentality, it is estimated that Usopp has.

To be another person, in such a childhood, it is easy to embark on a dark path.

It is estimated that Keya also played a very important role in it.

Two hours later.

"It's amazing, how can I clean up my house so nicely."

Usopp looked at his brand new 'kennel' and said with a star-filled eye.

"Take me to Keya's house, and by the way, I'll clean him too."

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

After all, there is another object in Keya's place that can pick up garbage!

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