One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 198

After hearing Ye Tong's words, Usopp happily took him to Keya's mansion.

After all, I have such a powerful friend, but it is worth boasting about!

Soon, they came to Keya's house.

"Usopp, are you here?"

"Today, what story of the sea are you going to tell me?"

Koya heard the sound outside the window. After the movement, he also opened the window and said expectantly.

"It's really rude to have friends here."

"I'm Keya."

At this point, I might have seen one side. Ye Tong, greetings.

"Hello Young Lady Ya, I'm proud of Grote Ye Tong, a Marine Major General."

Ye Tong also said hello.

"Major General Marine?"

"You're amazing, you don't look too big, are you so powerful?"

Keya too said directly.

If Ye Tong came by herself, Ke Ya would never be so rude.

I just came with Usopp, so I'm already regarded as a friend by Koya.

"Usopp will also become a strong man in the future."

"By the way, let's play a game."

"You and Usopp Responsible for messing up the yard and dirtying the house."

"Let's compare, my cleaning time must be shorter than yours."

Ye Tong also said with a smile .

I don't know why, but staying with Usopp and Keya actually feels cured.

So, Ye Tong is also childish and thought of such a game.

Keya, who has never been rebellious, became interested after hearing such words.

Usopp was originally a guy who liked doing these things.

So, respond immediately.

Next, the two of them started making garbage.

Ye Tong jumped from the tree and came to the yard.

At this point, Kuro is standing here, watching what's going on.

“Captain Kuro, are you free to chat?”

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

"Major General Ye Tong, I'm happy to be able to help you."

Kuro also made a gentle gesture of invitation, and pushed him with his wrist behind him. Push your own glasses.

The two soon came to a separate pavilion in the courtyard.

Kuro also prepared black tea for Ye Tong.

"Are you very confident?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will arrest you?"

Ye Tong asked playfully.

"If General Ye Tong wants to arrest me, it doesn't seem to matter how much I worry about it!"

"Since you choose to talk to me, you probably don't want to. Arresting me is so easy, right?"

Kuro also said directly.

"As expected of a hundred Kuro."

"I really didn't come to arrest you, although you are conspiring against Koya's property."

" But it's also for you, it's very stable here."

"So, be mine."

"I'll give you an identity to live well, and no longer go to the sea to float Yes."

Ye Tong said directly.

The existence of an IQ second only to this Beckman, Ye Tong has no plans to let him stay in prison.

"Give me an identity?"

"Can I ask why?"

Kuro asked with some confusion.

"The reason, you shouldn't ask."

"Okay, you can also make garbage."

Ye Tong's painting style changed , slowly said.


Kuro was completely stunned at this time.

The original sentence you shouldn't have asked made Kuro feel that the person in front of him was a deeply hidden person.

But what the hell is this after this! ?

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