One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 214

After hearing Gion's voice, Ye Tong was relieved.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with them.

Instead, something went wrong.

After all, the one who brought himself out was the Sea King class. This guy is probably a road idiot like Zoro, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Tong felt a little helpless.

"Gion, are you still in your original position?"

Ye Tong also asked again.

"Yeah, didn't you tell us to wait for you here?"

Gion was a little puzzled, not knowing why Ye Tong asked such a question.

"I'm off the bottom of the ocean now, but I'm lost."

"You go back first, I'll be back soon."

" I..."

Ye Tong also informed Gion of the situation here.

After hanging up, Ye Tong had a headache.

Although my Navigation Rank is relatively high, this does not mean that my swimming is very strong!

Furthermore, Ye Tong was a little confused about where he was.


At this time, there was a crash-bang sound of water behind me.

"This is..."


Before Ye Tong could turn around, someone had already cut him off.

"Boa · Hancock?"

Ye Tong easily avoided Boa · Marigold's attack, but also saw who was coming.

"I know my concubine, but don't give way?"

"Perfume Femur!"

Hancock also kicked Ye Tong directly.

"This temper is really..."

"Sure enough, is there a gentle side only in front of Luffy?"

"Tzzzzzzz ..."

As Hancock's Perfume Femur fell, Ye Tong made an elemental transformation ahead of time, making Hancock's Perfume Femur simply fail to achieve any effect.

"Ability User?"

"This ability, you are Marine Major General Grote Ye Tong?"

Meet Ye Tong's ability Later, Hancock also knew Ye Tong's identity immediately.

One that can control ice and then turn into lightning.

Just him.

"Hancock, are you going to Marine Headquarters?"

Ye Tong said with some doubts.

"Shut up!"

"My concubine is going to Marineford, what does it have to do with you?"


Hancock said, also stunned.

Because at this time, Ye Tong had appeared on her boat and started sweeping the floor.

“elder sister, do you want to…”

At this time, Boa Sandersonia also said slowly.

"No, I can't beat him."

Hancock said solemnly.

Although empress her arrogant, it does not mean that she is the kind of arrogant and ignorant.

Ye Tong just showed the strength, it is estimated that everyone will be defeated together.

If Hancock was the only one alone, maybe she would make a move.

His younger sister and the public are here, Hancock is very calm.

A sea woman who can be called an empress and has Haoshoku Haki is not a fool!

"Let's go, he won't shoot at us."

Hancock ignored Ye Tong after thinking about it.

After spending a day cleaning up Hancock's boat.

Ye Tong also made an ice boat out of ice, then sat on it and followed behind Hancock and the others.

Seven days later.

"Marineford is here?"

Looking at the Gate of Justice in front of him, Ye Tong also left the ice ship, then turned into a lightning and rushed towards Marineford.

On the shore, Ye Tong also went to Gion immediately.

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